英语人>词典>汉英 : 如兽的 的英文翻译,例句
如兽的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beastly  ·  beastlier

更多网络例句与如兽的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A few years ago, he recognized the Tibetan mastiff, who bully the kind of moment of momentum to attract his attention, such as the kind of fierce beasts and the Lion King's style, in other breeds who can not find the absolute, it is so , Yue Yao-min have a fate with Tibetan.


As time goes by, Jierjiadan realizes that the plan being able to bear oersted of ancestor goes into battle in order to beast people make over Cheng being addicted to in compliance with your instructions troops.


In marsupials, such as opossum and kangaroo, the life span of the corpus luteum is similar in pregnant and nonpregnant females


In marsupials, such as opossum and kangaroo , the life span of the corpus luteum is similiar in pregnant and nonpregnant females.


In marsupials, such as opossum and kangaroo, the life span of the corpus luteum is similar in pregnant and non pregnant females


These early explorers found an icy world - where temperatures plummeted to 50 degrees below freezing and the snow clad plains were home to huge beasts, the like of which humans had never encountered before: elephant-sized Ground Slots with great claws, armoured Glyptodonts, Sabre-toothed cats, and massive Short-faced bears.


Prevented from ascending the hillside by rows of Invid soldiers and vulnerable below to the Inorganics' unchecked advance, the vulpine XTs were being slaughtered.


Shamans, for instance, have numerous magic spells, some of which are borrowed from the abilities of Warcraft III's orc units, like the orc farseer, troll shadowhunter, and orc shaman units. These include healing wave, chain lightning, farsight, purge, and various totemic spells, which summon static objects that radiate magical effects within a certain radius.


A saclike structure,such as the cheek pockets of the gopher or the external abdominal pocket in which marsupials carry their young.


Blocky, cartoon'ish graphic elements like big, over-sized fire braziers in dungeons, heavily influenced by the World of Warcraft art style, over-sized and cartoon'ish scenario decorations like smiling statues, Warcraft styled architecture and decorations.


更多网络解释与如兽的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beastliness:兽性 (名)

Beastie Boys 贝斯堤男孩, 著名美国摇滚乐队 | beastliness 兽性 (名) | beastly 如兽的, 令人不愉快的, 残忍的 (形)


翻看此书最有趣之处是其对外国名词的翻译,既不失其本音观之又如意译,试看几条:将"人兽交"(bestiality)译为"皮撕血滴的";把黑人男子和黑人妇女(Negro Negress)译为"泥哥"和"泥干事";将非女同性爱的女性之特异交情"火焰"......


brutality兽性,残忍,暴行 | brutalize 使如禽兽,使残忍 | brutish 兽的,如禽兽的,残忍的


brutalize 使如禽兽,使残忍 | brutish 兽的,如禽兽的,残忍的 | brute 禽兽,畜生,残忍的人


5,腐蚀兽(Corruptor)的攻击力上调,现在的伤害输出很可靠. 被腐蚀兽打死的空军单位,不会立刻死亡,它会变成友军,把炮火转向敌人. 腐蚀化的单位不能移动,只允许用对空攻击. 如果打死的是一只不会对空的单位(如巨像,女妖),腐蚀化后只是一个肉靶...


照我来看,绿巨人的本性是最原始的怪兽,蛇头人身.片头出现的棘皮类动物(echinoderm)如"刺海胆"(echinus)是最早的生物,后来演化为水母. 此乃动物的基本形态. 再经衍化分支,分别发展,一族停我们拍电影,是因为对生活有所感触、心里积压丁很多事情.

in place of:代替

敌基督(antichrist)anti 这个介词,可以译为敌对(against)或代表,代替(in place of)基督,而启13、17都同样讲一个有七头十角的兽,会在灾难中出现,如从兽的特质、形容、工作,13与17章所描述的兽应是指同一个人物(or 一件事),彼此都是七头、十角,


多瘤齿兽目为异兽亚纲(Allotheria)中仅有的一类哺乳动物(见). 其形态特征与习性和啮齿类相近,主要生活在中生代,故素有"中生代啮齿类"之称(其后代可延续到新生代早期). 早期多瘤齿兽体小如家鼠,后期则有逐渐增大的趋势.


更新 世也有一种奇怪的哺乳动物,如称作俾路支兽(Baluchitherium)的巨大无 角犀类,它是一种所有各时期中最大的陆生哺乳动物,体长9 米,肩高5.5 米. 俾路支兽类最早出现于渐新世,中新世灭绝. 这些巨大的四足兽应当说 只限于亚洲有,


最大的陆生哺乳动物--王雷兽(Brontotherium)的化石已在北美找到,体大如象,肩高2.4米,有一个巨大的角状物从头盖骨上突起并且顶端分叉. 中新世哺乳动物发生了更大的变化而且数量多,这或许因为中新世时牧草在平原和大草原扩展起了作用.