英语人>词典>汉英 : 好运 的英文翻译,例句
好运 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fortune  ·  luck  ·  luckiness  ·  fortuned  ·  fortunes  ·  fortuning  ·  lucked  ·  lucking  ·  lucks

good job
更多网络例句与好运相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fortunes of the others mark a sharp rebound since the turn of the year.


An acorn should be carried to bring luck and ensure a long life .


By what ruse , what unsuspected good luck, could Actaeon manage from that point to penetrate the " cruel principle of her virginity"?


Everything fell into the place for them after the Korver trade, as I've written about ad nauseam....


Best of luck to you, Adi!


"We now head north to aid Albion against the forces of Chaos. Good luck to you."


Mr Trelawney, being a very open-handed gentleman, as we all know, has just asked me a word or two, and as I was able to tell him that every man on board had done his duty, alow and aloft, as I never ask to see it done better, why, he and I and the doctor are going below to the cabin to drink your health and luck, and you'll have grog served out for you to drink our health and luck.


He has been pursued, day by day and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness .


"Why, if you want a reason," she answered mischievously ,"say that I want to bring good luck to your premiere , as you brought it to mine."


Decorative Elephant Bookends - Long considered a symbol of good luck, these twin elephant bookends should bring twice the good fortune!


更多网络解释与好运相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Break a leg: good luck:祝好运,祝演出成功

strut one's stuff: 大显身手 | Break a leg: good luck 祝好运,祝演出成功 | Take the bait 上钩,中圈套

Good luck all year round:(祝你全年好运)

Wish you a good health. (祝你身体健康) | Good luck all year round. (祝你全年好运) | Always love you. (永远爱你)

At this rate-- - wish me luck:照这样下去-- - 祝我好运

house,that's four vicodin in 40 seconds.|House 你四十秒钟内服下4颗维可丁 | - At this rate-- - wish me luck.|- 照这样下去-- - 祝我好运 | I'm going in...rambo style.|我现在是...兰博状态了

Bon voyage, gals:祝好运,女孩们

"the rest of the evening should be smooth sailing.|"接下来的夜晚就一... | "Bon voyage, gals."|"祝好运,女孩们" | I can't believe you got that whole page. I only read it once.|真不敢相信你把整页都背诵出来...

It's for luck:这能带给你好运

561. Good luck. 祝你好运. | 562. It's for luck. 这能带给你好运. | 563. Have a nice day. 祝你度过愉快的一天.

Good luck, Son:祝你好运

and keep your eye out for the old bill.|注意那个老家伙 | Good luck, son!|祝你好运 | Luck? Don't need it, bruv!|好运?我不需要

I have a test tomorrow:我明天要测验了. Good luck. 祝你好运

Good luck! 祝你好运! | I have a test tomorrow. 我明天要测验了. Good luck. 祝你好运. | I promise. 我保证.

luck up:交好运; 获得成功

luck in a bag [废]罕有的好运, 意外的好运 | luck out 运气特好; 侥幸成功; 逢凶化吉 倒透了霉, 遭到不幸 | luck up 交好运; 获得成功

fingers crossed:祈祷我能有好运吧

Good luck.|好运 | Fingers crossed.|祈祷我能有好运吧 | Well,I-- I'd have to check with my manager.|那我得去问下经理

Touch the wood:祝你好运

11.I can't see looking for. 找不到我的东西 | 12.Touch the wood 祝你好运 | 13. Fingers crossed at sb. 祝. . . 好运