英语人>词典>汉英 : 好比说 的英文翻译,例句
好比说 的英文翻译、例句


so to say
更多网络例句与好比说相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I just say I'm a Chicano, for example, because my parents are from Mexico.


It's like sayingthe blue whale is in an evolutional cul-de-sac because it lives in theocean.


This is the risk that someone will behave immorally because insurance, the law or some other agency protects them against any loss that his behaviour might cause: if I am insured against fire, for example, I might take fewer fire precautions (or even burn down my premises if they are losing me money).


Like, I'm playing a chord and I can give the part to an oboe or clarinet or any other instruments.


Yesterday I learnt that this polarizing city state can create many architectural wonders. For instance: the average temperature of this place is 47 Celsius degree, but it has the world largest indoor ski run.


To say this universe was created by a Big Bang or an accident is to say,"Okay, I want you to take a car engine and we are going to take each piece apart and we are going to put it in a bath tub, and I want you to shake it up."


"We'll do better than that," said my grandfather, we'll go and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square.

"( "我们会做的更好比说,"我的祖父,"我们去喂鸽子的特拉法加广场。

For instance, some people eat with chopsticks, some with knifes and forks, and some people use their hands.


The enormous forests also were insufficiently utilized, and the wastefulness of the natives was such that, for instance, camphor oil was treated as waste by the native refiners, who extracted camphor from the wood.


Yet the dark images evoked by these events - and the damning conclusion of Todd Boyd, author of Young, Black, Rich and Famous: The Rise of the NBA, the Hip Hop Invasion and the Transformation of American Culture, that "saying Kobe has street cred is like saying Dick Cheney has street cred"- are difficult to reconcile with the urbane personality he demonstrated when he wrote a first-person story for Dime, the hoops fanzine.


更多网络解释与好比说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


所以,问我什么问题,对没有经历的,我不能一一回答. 回答也是白说,好比对一个从未有过爱情经历的孩子,谈爱情. 至于质疑说,我在声称(allege)些什么,那么只好请便.


九:谈恋爱有时就好比打麻将,不认真没乐趣(amusement),太认真易伤心,适当培养点游戏精神. 但别过了. 十:中年女人,实力比你雄厚,还是要选择说不. 因为你付出的一定比得到的会多. 十一:曾经背叛过你的女人想回头,对其说不.


大卫.卡恩(David Kahn)说过:"密码术(cryptology)就是保护. 通信对于现代人来说,就好比甲壳对于海龟、墨汁对于乌贼、伪装对于变色龙一样重要. "[13]金融业用以规避金融风险的质押担保等类形式,是票号的重中之重. 以稳健经营著称的山西票商,


又好比Cournot的双头竞争(duopoly)理论,一般学者早就认为过了时,不中用. 一九六九年我推出公海渔业的租值消散理论,同事们无不哗然,说天才了得,可惜赞声未了,自己却发现该理论是Cournot的双头竞争的另一个版本(见>,


比起但以理.罗兰斯(Daniel Rowland)和怀特腓(George Whitefield)所作的都更大,也许我说的不够高明,但我要这样比喻一下:清教徒们就如亚尔卑斯山脉(Alps),马丁路德(Martin Luther)和加尔文(John Calvin),就好比那喜马拉雅山脉;(Himalayas),而爱德华滋就如珠

Like masturbate:好比说自慰

things you would never want your boyfriend to see you do.|那些你绝不希望被男友看见 正在做的事 | Like masturbate?|-好比说自慰? | My S.S.B., my Secret Single Behavior.|-我的SSB 我私密、独特的行为

Nuclear Power:原子力

在早期环保运动中,摩尔曾一度认为,所有原子力(nuclear power)是魔鬼,对人类只有破坏作用,而现在他表示要纠正这个"错误". 他说不要因为原子能可能会被坏人利用,就放弃对它的开发与掌握. 这就好比火可能会烧掉整个村庄,


"人物的意图所遭到的障碍"与中国评点家所说的"间"是一致的. 就好比>中的李瓶儿欲嫁西门庆的意图遭到障碍一样,它是违背人物意愿的. 高乃依谈到的"动作" (action)与"情节"(plot)一致,而"情节"又与"障碍"(obstacle)一致,或者说情节就等同障


"人物的意图所遭到的障碍"与中国评点家所说的"间"是一致的. 就好比>中的李瓶儿欲嫁西门庆的意图遭到障碍一样,它是违背人物意愿的. 高乃依谈到的"动作" (action)与"情节"(plot)一致,而"情节"又与"障碍"(obstacle)一致,或者说情节就等同障


自从网络让电脑的对外联系变得频繁后,"端口"(Port)这个词也经常出现在电脑领域里. 通俗地说,端口就是计算机系统向网络开放的信息出入通道,任何网络信息的传输仅仅知道目标的IP 地址是不够的,IP 地址好比是我们的家庭住址,