英语人>词典>汉英 : 奶油 的英文翻译,例句
奶油 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
butter  ·  cream  ·  shortbread  ·  buttered  ·  butters  ·  creamed  ·  creams  ·  beurre

更多网络例句与奶油相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Butter: 25Kg Angaur butter, Angaur 5kg butter, Angaur 227g butter, Angaur were butter, Tower of butter, butter Tower volumes, shepherd boy butter, butter cream pastry song text: Tower light cream, light cream Oldenburg , Diamond cream, sweet butter, listen to the Prevention of Cruelty to paper, spray butter love, love coffee milk cheese: Cheddar Angaur, 88 Angaur cheese, Angaur cream cheese, cheese Angaur Matsu lire, Australia Matsu lire cheese, Kraft cheese, Tower cheese, laughing cow cheese, red wave cheese, red wave cheese, Gouda cheese, blue cheese wave, France Macroporous cheese, Switzerland Macroporous cheese, cheese is also the oldest, Kim Savimbi cheese, Pakistan Collinson cheese, Kraft Philadelphia Cheese


Although some bartenders add a dash of cream to the recipe, this is mistaken: it is an attempt to give the same creamy color and texture to a Pina Colada made with coconut syrup (very popular in bars due to its low cost and long shelflife) as opposed to the recipe made with coconut cream, quite unpopular in bars due to its higher cost and shorter shelflife.


Bake Land Egypt produces for confectioneries: instant mixes for whipped topping, custard cream, filling cream, cakes muffins, donuts, glazing jellies, fondant, ice cream, meringue, marzipan, baking powder, and cake improvers.


Theestablished French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé.Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: purées arevegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from puréed shellfish or vegetables thickened with cream ; creamsoups may be thickened with béchamelsauce ; and veloutés are thickened with eggs , butter andcream.


Special margarines are prepared in response to medical research, which implies a possible superiority for these types of margarines, especially for persons prone to atherosclerotic conditions.


Special margarines are prepared in response to medical research, which implies a possible superiority for these types of margarines, especially for persons prone to atherosclerotic conditions.


Special margarines are prepared in response tomedical research, which implies a possible superiority for these typesof margarines, especially for persons prone to atheroscleroticconditions.


Ecial margarines are prepared in re o e to medical research, which implies a po ible superiority for these types of margarines, e ecially for perso prone to atherosclerotic conditio .


Besides the cream cheese and mascarpone, this frosting also contains whipped cream so you end up with a flavorful, soft and creamy frosting.

除了奶油芝士和mascarpone ,这结霜也包含奶油,让您最终与美味,软和奶油糖霜。

Tortellini ai funghi Italian Dumplings with mushroom and cream.

菜单: 意大利面疙瘩配橄榄油,罗勒叶和意大利奶酪意大利面疙瘩配番茄汁,奶油酱汁和意大利奶酪意式馄饨配奶油蘑菇酱汁宽扁面配奶油酱汁,蘑菇,青豆和培根宽扁面配奶油酱汁,帕尔马火腿和奶酪长扁面配橄榄油,罗勒叶,蒜茸,意大利奶酪和奶油酱汁细面配橄榄油,白葡萄酒,蒜茸,香菜,番茄酱和大明虾细面配蘑菇,鲜虾和番茄酱细管面配奶油酱汁和意大利奶酪细纹通心粉配番茄酱,辣椒,和洋葱意大利酱面长扁面配奶油酱,野生蘑菇,白蘑菇和黑胡椒

更多网络解释与奶油相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

creamy candy:奶油糖

creamy 含奶油的;奶油状的;奶油色的 | creamy candy 奶油糖 | creamy chocolate 奶油巧克力

Devonshire cream:凝制稀奶油;得文郡稀奶油

deep-frozen cream深冷稀奶油 | Devonshire cream凝制稀奶油;得文郡稀奶油 | double cream高脂稀奶油


(b) 人造奶油(Margarine)是指利用动、植物油脂依照天然奶油之特性经冷冻捏合制作而成之物美价廉,用途普遍的天然奶油代用品,俗称玛珈琳. 人造奶油之含脂量、水份、含盐量及香味与天然奶油相同,难分轩轾,而其溶点可经调配以配合各种操作温度,


2.奶油可以植物奶油(margarine)替代,因奶油已含盐份,所以我并未加太多盐. 3.若喜欢奶味重一点的,鲜奶的量可以液态鲜奶油(Cream) 替代或是鲜奶与鲜奶油各占一半. 面粉可以低筋面粉替代

Whipped Cream:奶油

动物奶油:(Whipped Cream)即常说的淡奶油. 高温杀菌处理后的牛乳,不含糖,含脂肪量在35%-40%,因厂家不同含脂量也稍有不同,多用于制作慕斯和西餐料理,风味香醇口感佳. 动物奶油需冷藏保存,开封后应尽快用完. 我用的雀巢淡奶油,不太容易打发,

Whipped Butter:搅打奶油;发泡奶油

whip v搅打发泡;打擦 | whipped butter搅打奶油;发泡奶油 | whipped cream发泡稀奶油;掼奶油

buttered crumbs:加奶油搅匀的面包屑 涂奶油的面包心

buttercup | 毛茛科 | buttered crumbs | 加奶油搅匀的面包屑 涂奶油的面包心 | buttered toast | 奶油土司

buttermaking machine:奶油制造机;连续式奶油制造机

buttermaking奶油制造 | buttermaking machine奶油制造机;连续式奶油制造机 | buttermaking process奶油制造过程

cream for buttermaking:制造奶油用稀奶油;用于做奶油的稀奶油

continuous cheesemaking连续式干酪制造 | cream for buttermaking制造奶油用稀奶油;用于做奶油的稀奶油 | curd-making凝乳制造

creaming agent:奶油分层剂;乳状液澄清剂

creaming 乳状液分层;奶油化;分出奶油 | creaming agent 奶油分层剂;乳状液澄清剂 | creaming machine 奶油搅拌机;甩奶油