英语人>词典>汉英 : 女王地位 的英文翻译,例句
女王地位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与女王地位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Despite her position as Queen of Castile, Joanna spent much of her reign locked away, unable to rule.


The sword refers to his service to his country, the globe to his circumnavigation of the world, and his coat of arms and the Drake Jewel - a gift from Queen Elizabeth I (now held on loan by the Victoria and Albert Museum)- both reveal his prominent social and economic status.


He succeeds afterwards Mary Queen for further establishes the English king's in church leadingpositions, the setting up saint trade union in the domestic religious dominant position.


He succeeds afterward Mary Queen to further establish the British king's in church leading positions, sets up the protestant episcopal church in the domestic religious dominant position, has slaughtered wantonly including many aristocrat's Catholic and by the residential merchant young clergy's protestant primarily, therefore nickname BLOODY MARY.

他之后继任的玛丽女王为进一步确立英国国王在教会内的领导地位,树立圣公会在国内宗教的主导地位,大肆屠杀了包括许多贵族在内的天主教徒和以市民商人小僧侣为主的新教徒,因此外号BLOODY MARY。

Jenny needs to choose between Eric and her new role as Queen Bee.


Time of Beijing of dispatch of sina science and technology on November 23 message, according to British media coverage, yalianna Hefen pauses will be in future consolidates he regards congress hill queenly as the position inside a few days.


The sword refers to his service to his country, the globe to his circumnavigation of the world, and his coat of arms and the Drake Jewel - a gift from Queen Elizabeth I (now held on loan by the Victoria and Albert Museum)- both reveal his prominent social and economic status.


更多网络解释与女王地位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

royal highness:殿下

地位仅次于享有"殿下"(Royal Highness)尊称的英国王室成员. 同日,爱德华七世宣布其女,路易丝公主(Princess Louise)为"长公主". 乔治五世在1919年2月25日的王室许可证中允许维多利亚女王的孙女康诺特的帕特丽霞公主(Princess Patricia of Connaught)在与英国海军司令官,


queenhood /女王身分/女王地位/ | queening /苹果之一种/ | queenlike /象女王的/女王般的/俨然女王的/

queensberry rules:拳击规则

queenly 女王的 | queensberry rules 拳击规则 | queenship 女王的地位


queensberry rules 拳击规则 | queenship 女王的地位 | queer 同性恋者

drawbeam:起重梁, 起重臂杆

queenhood 女王身份, 女王地位 | drawbeam 起重梁, 起重臂杆 | not budge an inch 一动也不动 毫不改变主意[意见]

queenhood:女王身份, 女王地位

effective sieve aperture size 有效筛眼孔径 | queenhood 女王身份, 女王地位 | drawbeam 起重梁, 起重臂杆


queenhood 女王地位 | queenhood 女王身分 | queenlike 女王般的


queendom 女王国 | queenhood 女王地位 | queenhood 女王身分

King of Pentacles:(钱币国王):知性、有身份地位的中年男性

ACE of Pentacles(钱币ACE):幸福洋溢的乐园/过着富裕的生活 | King of Pentacles(钱币国王):知性、有身份地位的中年男性 | Queen of Pentacles(钱币女王):知性、自主与成熟的女性

Queen of Pentacles:(钱币女王):知性、自主与成熟的女性

King of Pentacles(钱币国王):知性、有身份地位的中年男性 | Queen of Pentacles(钱币女王):知性、自主与成熟的女性 | Knight of Pentacles(钱币骑士):前途光明的有为青年