英语人>词典>汉英 : 女性继承人 的英文翻译,例句
女性继承人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与女性继承人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This happens less than you might think, however, for whenever I am a houseguest of a married friend I usually make it a point to bring along a girl. These girls are from all walks of life—models, show girls, starlets, actresses, tennis professionals, singers, heiresses and the daughters of the diplomats of most of the nations of the free world.


II. THE second offense, more immediately affecting the personal security of individuals, relates to the female part of his majesty's subjects; being that of their forcible abduction and marriage; which is vulgarly called stealing an heiress.

II。 第二种更直接的影响到对个人人身保障的侵犯,与国王臣民的女性部分有关;以暴力相威胁的诱骗和婚姻;这通常的被称为"偷女继承人"。

It made me realize: if young women can read Hilton's book and become heiresses, they can likewise read my book and become anxiety-ridden bedwetters.


While hotel heiress Paris Hilton hit the headlines for spending time in jail and making a sex video with a boyfriend, Forbes.com said the women on its list were "proving themselves every bit as tenacious and ambitious as their namesakes."


While hotel heiress Paris Hilton hit the headlines for spending time in jail and making a sex video with a boyfriend, Forbes.com said the women on its list were "proving themselves every bit as tenacious and ambitious as their namesakes."


更多网络解释与女性继承人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ancestress:女祖先, 女性被继承人

ancestral | 祖先的, 祖传的 | ancestress | 女祖先, 女性被继承人 | ancestry | 祖先(集合称), 家系, 血统


co-heiress 女性共同继承人 | anchoress女隐士,女修道者 | authoress 女作家


cohabitation 同居 | coheir 共同继承人 | coheiress 女性共同继承人

coheir:共同继承人 (名)

cohabitation 同居 (名) | coheir 共同继承人 (名) | coheiress 女性共同继承人 (名)


coheir 共同继承人 | coheiress 女性共同继承人 | cohere with 符合

coheiress:女性共同继承人 (名)

coheir 共同继承人 (名) | coheiress 女性共同继承人 (名) | cohere 粘着; 紧凑; 凝结 (动)

cohere with:符合

coheiress 女性共同继承人 | cohere with 符合 | cohere 粘着


heir 继乘人 | heiress 女性继承人 | heirinherit 胤

heirship n.1:继承 2.继承权

heiress n.女性继承人 | heirship n.1.继承 2.继承权 | coheir n.共同继承人

lawful successor:合法继承人

"合法继承"(lawful succession)指有遗嘱继承或无遗嘱继承或按照在新界施行的中国习惯法而作出的继承,并包括继承之下的继承;"合法继承人"(lawful successor)指在某原居村民死亡后藉合法继承而有权或成为有权享有该死者遗产权益的任何人(不论是男性或是女性),