英语人>词典>汉英 : 失败的计划 的英文翻译,例句
失败的计划 的英文翻译、例句


bad egg
更多网络例句与失败的计划相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What if your mission's aborted...


The announcement was in a sense of anticlimax , since it implicitly recognized the failure of their plan.


No, I can't possibly blow up his plan .


I can't possibly blow up his plan.


If you do not have the success of the plan, you are in the failure of the scheme.


But if that flops, he may not need one—until he gets into office.


I always made a new plan ,but all the new plan I arranged overconfidence will be failed in the end .


A sage once said,"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."


Yesterday, be called by media all the time " the tagger of PPG " dress sells brand BONO to announce in Shanghai its transition plans continuously -- the rational management phase that acclaims level to return to a product to give priority to from the mode of overheat, face 25-40 year old in high-end male consumer, no matter be to popularizing the strategy or value strategy to go up, this is founded only half an year, at present the 2nd big dress of domestic sells the shadow that begins to try to cast off forerunner PPG it seems that continuously, but also analytic personage points out, the transition of BONO also meant overall to cancel the plan of its early days, admit the failure of the operation.


A sage once said,"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."


更多网络解释与失败的计划相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cakes and ale:欢宴, 狂欢畅饮; 悠闲的岁月; 人生中的乐趣

one's cake is dough.[废]打算错误, 计划失败. | take the cake得一等奖; 超人一等, 获胜 | cakes and ale欢宴, 狂欢畅饮; 悠闲的岁月; 人生中的乐趣

The scheme has come to nothing:这项计划已告失败

4.come to nothing没有结果;终成泡影;失败 | The scheme has come to nothing.这项计划已告失败. | All his hopes and plans had come to nothing.他的一切希望和计划都成泡影.

All his hopes and plans had come to nothing:他的一切希望和计划都成泡影

The scheme has come to nothing.这项计划已告失败. | All his hopes and plans had come to nothing.他的一切希望和计划都成泡影. | 5.for nothing白白地;徒然;无缘无故地

coup d'etat:政变

虽然在麦克马洪总统领导的保皇党突然发起的5月16日危機失败之后,只有极少数的保皇党员还期待王室复辟,但是由极右势力保皇党员挑起的持续骚动,以及对政变(coup d etat)的恐慌,导致了激进分子代表提出变卖王冠珠宝的计划.

a dead duck:被放弃或将失败的事物

Their hints about his behaviour were like water off a duck's back. 他们示意他举止不当,如同对牛... | 2、 a dead duck 被放弃或将失败的事物. | The plan is a dead duck: there is no money. 计划告吹了,因为没有...

enable...to do:罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车服务

16她们花了两个小时时间非常详细具体的制定了计划. in detail | 17罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车服务. enable to do | 18我对目前的收入一点也不满意. by no means

frail excuse:没有说服力的借口

没有仁的坚果,无用之物,注定要失败的计划/deaf nut | 没有说服力的借口/frail excuse | 没有秩序地/every which way


10月,五十艘阿尤布单层甲板大帆船(galley)突破十字军的海上封锁,给阿克里送去救命的增援物资. 两个月后,从埃及赶来的舰队打败十字军舰队. 十字军丧失制海权,想把阿克里困成死城的计划失败. 医院骑士团大团长卡尼尔(GarnierdeNablus)急得团团转,

jonah trip:约拿的旅程;不幸的航程;失败的计划

Job's comforter 约伯的慰问者;增加对方痛苦的安慰者. | Jonah trip 约拿的旅程;不幸的航程;失败的计划. | Judas kiss 犹大之吻;背叛;笑里藏刀

The defeat frustrates him:失败让他很沮丧

1.The defeat frustrates him.失败让他很沮丧. | 2.The bad weather frustrated our plan to go out.坏天气破坏了我们外出的计划... | 3.From your smile,i can infer that you are pleased.从你的笑容可知你心情很好...