英语人>词典>汉英 : 太白 的英文翻译,例句
太白 的英文翻译、例句


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High salinity fluid inclusionscontaining daughter minerals have been found in quartz and ankerite of main mineralizingstages, Taibai and Baguamiao gold deposits of Shaanxi province, located in South Qinling.Both deposits occur in Devonian low-grade metamorphic rocks. Daughter minerals weredetected as pyrite, ankerite, halite and arsenopyrite by SEM/EDS and EPMA.


Confucianism, Taoism and the ideas of three Chivalric, has reflected in his possession.


She thought she was gawky, that her hair was too frizzy, her skin too pale.


The influences of ultrahigh pressure processing on the physicochemical characteristics of Taibai Kudzu starch were studied.


A method of determination of mannite in taibai ginseng by gas chromatography is introduced.


Bracts not cirrose at apex; tepals with dense, irregular, purple spots often merging to form larger mottling

苞片而不是有卷须的在先端;花被片具紧密的,不规则,紫色斑点经常合并形成更大的呈杂色 5 FRITILLARIA taipaiensis 太白贝母

Sand fly, confused, I just read down and suddenly I found someone to say hello, that's not right Taibai?


Furthermore, he was trapped in an unresolvable Black and White American racial conflict that White disapproved of him as Black and Black accused him of being too White.


Objective To study the effects of Aralia chinesis on the proliferation and viability of fibroblasts and on the production of the hyaluronic acid in the cultured supernatant, and to explore its anti-hepatofibrosis mechanism.

目的 探讨太白楤木对成纤维细胞增殖、活力及对培养上清中透明质酸产生的影响,研究太白楤木抗肝纤维化机制。

The study result indicates that the most suitable subzone for ecotourism exploitation distributes from the east of Nantianmen to Xiheizui in Zhouzhi county, from the north of Fangyangsi to Dacha and from the north of Dadian to Xiangshuishi in Mei county, which is 17.298 percent of Taibai Mountain Nature Preserve; the moderately suitable subzone(16.64%) distributes in north slope of Taibai Mountain in west of Taibailiang; the suitable subzone(27.68%) distributes from Taibailiang, Laomiaozi to Longdonggou, and disperses in north slope of Taibai Mountain; the marginal suitable and unsuitable subzone(16.64%) distributes from east Taibai Mountain, Baxiantai to Paomaliang, and from Aoshan Mountian to the north and east of Yaowang temple.


更多网络解释与太白相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acer ginnala:{茶条槭}{茶毛槭}{红茶条}{茶条槭 }

Acer gennala {茶条槭}{槭树} | Acer ginnala {茶条槭}{茶毛槭}{红茶条}{茶条槭 } | Acer giraldii {太白槭}

Angelica dahurica:白芷

cyminum)、黄素 馨(Jasminum giraldii)、太白冷杉(Abies fargesii)、鬼灯擎(Rodgersia aesculifolia)等19种植物提取物至少对1种病原菌菌丝的抑制率在80%以上;在孢子萌发试验中,至少对1种病原菌孢子萌发抑制效果较好的有鬼灯擎、白芷(Angelica dahurica)、狮子七(Rhod

te bek:(汰掰)平原

?? gem gang(耿罡)太白: | ?? te bek(汰掰)平原: | ?? peng wen(乒雯)十进:

te bek:太白

金刚: gem gang | 太白: te bek | 平原: peng wen

Dark Green And Whitest Of Lingqiu:灵丘太白青

恒山青 Dark Green And Green Of Heng Mountain | 灵丘太白青 Dark Green And Whitest Of Lingqiu | 大洋青 Dark Green Ocean

Dark Green And Whitest Of Lingqiu:山西灵丘太白青

Dark Green and green of heng Mountain 山西恒山青 | Dark Green and Whitest of Lingqiu 山西灵丘太白青 | Dark Green Ocean 福建大洋青

Larix chinensis:太白红杉

太白红杉(Larix chinensis)是仅分布于我国陕西秦岭境内的国家二级保护植物,研究其生殖规律将有助于加深对其濒危原因的认识.该文用单因素方差分析的方法研究了太白红杉种实数量特征,并用Pearson相关系数检验了不同环境条件下的变化及其与环境因子和植株生长状况的关系,

Larix chinensis:松科 太白红杉

松科 柔毛油杉 Keteleeria pubescens 2 | 松科 太白红杉 Larix chinensis 2 | 松科 四川红杉 Larix mastersiana 2

Ascendi la negxblankan monton:登太白峰

Drinki cxe Longshan-monto 九日龙山饮 | Ascendi la negxblankan monton 登太白峰 | Ascendi Xinping-turon 登新平楼

Sorbus alnifolia:{水榆}{水榆花楸}{单叶花楸}{大果水榆}{大型水榆}{太白山花楸}

Sorbus alnifoeia {水榆花楸} | Sorbus alnifolia {水榆}{水榆花楸}{单叶花楸}{大果水榆}{大型水榆}{太白山花楸} | Sorbus amdlancher {花楸}