英语人>词典>汉英 : 天蚕蛾 的英文翻译,例句
天蚕蛾 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The larvae mainly feed on Fraxinus species, Leucophyllum frutescens, Sapium biloculare and Fouquieria splendens.


An Asian silkworm,the larva of a large saturniid mothAntheraea paphia,that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk.


An Asian silk worm,the larva of a large saturniid mothAntheraea paphia,that produces a coarse brownish or yellowish silk .


Tussah (Antherea PernyiGuerin-Meneville) is the breed aquatics with northeast peculiar area silkworm is planted, belong to scale wing eye, saturniid division, tussah is belonged to.

梗概: 柞蚕(Antherea pernyiGuerin-Meneville)是东北地区特有的养殖蚕种,属鳞翅目,天蚕蛾科,柞蚕属。

Ultrasonic and sonic warning signals in caterpillars of the great peacock moth Saturnia pyri


They are a member of the Saturniidae family, or giant silk moths.


The Calleta Silkmoth is a moth of the Saturniidae family. Found in Mexico, Guatemala and the southernmost part of the United States, it's the only species in the Eupackardia genus.

白带天蚕蛾学名&Eupackardia calleta&是天蚕蛾家族成员,同时也是唯一的Eupackardia蛾,主要生活在墨西哥、危地马拉和美国最南部地区。

We report on a novel form of sound production— chirping—in caterpillars of the common European Great Peacock moth.

作者在常见的欧洲大孔雀眼天蚕蛾(European Great Peacock moth, Saturnia pyr i)幼虫上发现一新型态的声音产生—唧唧声。

更多网络解释与天蚕蛾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

luna moth:月形天蚕蛾

dragonfly 蜻蜓 | luna moth 月形天蚕蛾 | cockroach 蟑螂

luna moth:天蚕蛾科

Luna 月亮 | Luna moth 天蚕蛾科 | Luna program 月球计划


柞蚕蛹为完全变态的昆虫蛹(pupa). 柞蚕(tussh pernyi silkworm)学名(Antheraea pernyi),属鳞翅目天蚕蛾科昆虫,幼虫绿黄或天蓝色,体有毛瘤,刚毛直立,以山毛榉科、栎属树叶为主要饲料,多室外放养.


saturnic 铅毒的 | saturniid 天蚕蛾 | saturnine 阴郁


saturniid 天蚕蛾 | saturnism 铅毒 | saturnotherapy 铅疗法

giant sequoia:巨杉,巨杉

giant rolls 大型对辊破碎机 | giant sequoia 巨杉,巨杉 | giant silkworm 天蚕蛾


<正>二、野蚕染色体研究的历史、现状与进展所谓野蚕(wild silkworm)即指家蚕以外的绢丝昆虫(田中,1943),多属于天蚕蛾科(saturniidae)和家蚕蛾科(Bombycidae).主要包括柞蚕、天蚕、蓖麻蚕、樗蚕、枫蚕、栗蚕、柳天蚕、姆咖蚕、惜古比天蚕、琥珀蚕、大乌柏蚕、野桑蚕及桑蟥等,

hache f:斧头,斧形

3084 habituer vt. 使习惯于,使养成...的习惯 habitue s'~习惯于,养成...的习惯 | 3085 hache f.* 斧头,斧形 hache NULL | 3086 hachette f.* 小斧,锈斑天蚕蛾 NULL NULL


鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)天蚕蛾科(Saturniidae)近800种昆虫的统称. 世界性分布. 茧厚,其丝有时作商品. 成蛾体粗壮,被毛,翅宽,色泽鲜明,翅中央常有一眼斑. 玉米尺蚕蛾(Automeris io)的雄性黄色,雌性红褐色,后翅上均有一黑色眼斑.

luna moth:天蚕蛾科

Luna ==> 月亮 | Luna moth ==> 天蚕蛾科 | Luna program ==> 月球计划