英语人>词典>汉英 : 天文单位 的英文翻译,例句
天文单位 的英文翻译、例句


astronomical unit
更多网络例句与天文单位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But now, the crystalloid has been detected two astronomical unit distances away from earth, and it is flying to the earth accurately with its precipitous unnatural orbit.


An astronomical unit is the length of the semimajor axis of the orbit of a hypothetical planet of mass 1/354710sm and period 365.2563835 msd in elliptic motion about the Sun; that is


In 1976, the International Astronomical Union revised the definition of the AU for greater precision, defining it as that length for which the Gaussian gravitational constant takes the value 0.01720209895 when the units of measurement are the astronomical units of length, mass and time.


Such a mission would probably need to surpass 200AU from the Sun in a hyperbolic escape orbit.

这样的一个探测器可能需要沿双曲逃逸轨道在距太阳 200天文单位处越过。

The crafts destination is Tridesa, a Jovian class planet approximately 18 AUs from Delta.

此次飞行的目的是 Tridesa,一颗离德尔萨大约18个天文单位距离的木星群行星。

One astronomical unit equals the distance from the earth to the sun .


Weighing in at nearly 10 Jupiter masses, the planet circles at a distance of .04 Astronomical Units from its host star, TW Hydrae, in the constellation Hydra.

该行星质量相当于近10颗木星,在0.04天文单位处围绕其主恒星旋转。这颗主恒星叫做& TW 海德里&,位于长蛇座。

The dotted lines show the angular displacement from the Sun. Units are in A.U.


Know astronomical unit and light year are used for expressing the distance between celestial bodies.


The inner asteroid belt looks identical to ours in terms of material, and it orbits at 3 astronomical units from Epsilon Eridani — the same distance between the sun and the rocky asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. An astronomical unit equals the average Earth-sun distance of 93 million miles, or about 150 million km.

内围小行星带中的物质看起来跟我们太阳系的小行星带一模一样,在3天文单位的距离上环绕着恒星& E 波江&——这个距离跟火星和木星之间的小行星带到太阳的距离也一样。1天文单位等于地球跟太阳之间的平均距离,相当于9,300万英里,或者15,000万公里。

更多网络解释与天文单位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

astronomical unit:天文单位

对于相对较小的距离,天文学中用天文单位(Astronomical Unit)来衡量,它是以地球与太阳的平均距离而定,即1.495亿公里为一个天文单位. 而更大些的距离,譬如测量星系与星系间的距离时,则使用光年(light yea......

astronomical unit:天文单位(用太阳与地球的平均距离为单位

astronomical twilight 天文晨昏蒙影 | astronomical unit 天文单位(用太阳与地球的平均距离为单位 | astronomical unit 天文单位天文单位

astronomical unit:天文单位天文单位天文单位

astronomical unit 天文单位天文单位 | astronomical unit 天文单位天文单位天文单位 | astronomical year 天文年

astronomical unit:天文单位天文单位

astronomical unit 天文单位(用太阳与地球的平均距离为单位 | astronomical unit 天文单位天文单位 | astronomical unit 天文单位天文单位天文单位


三种距离单位的关系是: 1秒差距(pc)=206265天文单位(AU)=3.26光年=3.09×1013千米 1光年(1y)=0.307秒差距(pc)=63240天文单位(Au)=0.95×1013千米. (2)分光视差法 对于距离更遥远的恒星,比如距离超过110pc的恒星,由于周年视差非常小,


siriasis /日射病/中暑/ | siriometer /兆天文单位/ | siritch /胡麻油/

astronautical unit:天文单位

"astrometeorology","天文气象学" | "astronautical unit","天文单位" | "astronautics","宇宙航行学"

astronomical unit;AU:天文单位

"像散性;像散现象","astigmatism" | "天文单位","astronomical unit;AU" | "不对称电池","asymmetric cell"

au,Astronomical Unit:天文单位

psi,pound per square inch: 磅每平方英寸(压强) | au,Astronomical Unit: 天文单位 | mod,modulo 取余

astronomical unit distance:天文单位距离

中星仪 astronomical transit | 天文单位距离 astronomical unit distance | 天文年 astronomical year