英语人>词典>汉英 : 天才人物 的英文翻译,例句
天才人物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Thomas Alva Edison was a man of wonderful ability who had the good luck to be born at a good time.


Milan is the Italy's second big city, the Lombardy district capital, Milan province provincial capital, the national most important economic center, has "the economical capital" the name, is also the artistic cradle and many talent character's hometown, is also one kind Italy unique way of working, and life's hometown, and is therefore considered to be Italy's most important cities.


I cannot believe that a system is good, or even reasonable, which thrusts upon reluctant and uncomprehending multitudes of treasures which can only be appreciated by the privileged and gifted few.


The experiences of Jean-Christophe are those of every genius who turns from the past to serve the future.


The experiences of Jean-Christophe are those of every genius who turns from the past to serve the future.


"I was already very familiar with that world and his films -- it has always fascinated me," Harrison said of a genius who excelled at the art of the put-on.


The man has bankrolled everything from restaurants to movies and is lauded by many as some kind of free-market genius.


Many prodigies in the newspaper have to be looked at from a scientific viewpoint.


But such paragons are few and far between.


Hence, comparing the first day of infantile life to the shortest day of the year, it would naturally be expected that they would have placed the anniversary of the Nativity exactly at the Winter solstice; but, having conceived the idea that the sun stood still for the space of three days at each of the cardinal points, and making it represent the figurative death of the genius of that luminary, they fixed the date for its observance three days later, or on the 25th of December.


更多网络解释与天才人物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Howard Ashman:美国 词曲作家,天才制片人、剧作家,迪斯尼音乐传奇人物 推荐

36.Willem Arondeus:荷兰 艺术家、作家 推荐★ | 37.Howard Ashman:美国 词曲作家,天才制片人、剧作家,迪斯尼音乐传奇人物 推荐★★★ | 38.Rob Astbury:澳大利亚 前著名电视体育记者、主持人





genial a.1:友好的,和蔼可亲的 2.有益于生命生长的,宜人的

genius n.1.天才,天赋 2.天才人物 | genial a.1.友好的,和蔼可亲的 2.有益于生命生长的,宜人的 | gentle n.1.和蔼的,温和的 2.文雅的,有教养的 3.缓和的,轻柔的

genius n.1:天才,天赋 2.天才人物

genetic a.遗传(学)的 | genius n.1.天才,天赋 2.天才人物 | genial a.和蔼的,亲切的,友好的

genius n.1:天赋;才华 2.天才人物

▲genius n. 1.天赋;才华 2.天才人物 | wing n. 1.舞台的两侧 2.翅膀 | float vi. 1.漂流;飘浮 2.浮于水面


>> 碰到大便(Shit)了, 至於地點就不多說...查爾斯舒爾茨(Charles Schulz)美國漫畫家,代表作為>,創造出史奴比、查理布朗、露西等卡通人物. 美國數字大師諾貝特維納(Norbert Wiener),為天才兒童,10歲時即入哈佛就讀.


俱乐部很机灵地用了"天才"这个字,非常吸引小孩的家长,尤其是在传统教育观念深入人心的东南亚.一开始,俱乐部将精力专注在周末促销,零售 渠道和幼儿园,小学的营养教育课程上.还设计出两个卡通人物,一个是苏西(susy),另一个是吉诺(Gens),

Giambattista Vico:维科

隆布罗索说:"事实是,不要说有众多的天才人物在他们一生的某个时期,都是妄想幻觉的人或者精神错乱的人,或者像(意大利哲学家)维科(Giambattista Vico)那样伟大的一生都是在发狂的人,还有多少的大思想家,他们的一生都表明他们是偏执狂或妄想狂.

Vittorio Alfieri:阿尔菲耶里

他不但说到亚里士多德、柏拉图有关天才与疯狂的论述,说到"天才与疯癫直接邻近的事实可由天才人物如卢梭、拜伦、(18世纪意大利诗人)阿尔菲耶里(Vittorio Alfieri)的传记得到证明";他还以自己的亲身见闻为例,说:"在参观疯人院时,