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- 更多网络例句与天主教徒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This feature does not seem to occur in any of the negotiations of earlier date which touched upon religion, eg those connected with the proposed d'Alencon marriage in Elizabeth's reign, while in Acts of Parliament, proclamations, etc., before the Spanish match, Catholics are simply described as Papists or Recusants, and their religion as popish, Romanish, or Romanist.
此功能似乎并没有出现在任何谈判的日期较早,其中涉及宗教,例如,那些与建议-a lencon婚姻在黄钱其濂的统治地位,而在国会法令,宣告等,前西班牙比赛中,天主教徒,只是形容为papists或recusants ,和他们的宗教作为popish , romanish ,或
Finally, I believe in an America where religious intolerance will someday end, where all men and all churches are treated as equals, where every man has the same right to attend or not to attend the church of his choice, where there is no Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic vote, no bloc voting of any kind, and where Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, at both the lay and the pastoral levels, will refrain from those attitudes of disdain and division which have so often marred their works in the past, and promote instead the American ideal of brotherhood.
To Catholics, believing as they do fully in the Divinity of Christ and inerrancy of Holy Writ, New Testament citations render Pss.
You see, the Ku Klux Klan hates blacks, Jews, and Catholics, in that order.
Roman Catholicism, papism romanist
n。 天主教徒,罗马法学者
Catholics, working class Protestants and Secularists combined to establish unionism and to create the Australian Labor Party.
In the Decree on Ecumenism the council recognized that both sides were at fault in the rupture of the church at the Reformation, and it sought the restoration of Christian unity rather than a return of non - Catholics to "the true Church." For the church is greater than the Roman Catholic Church: other churches are valid Christian communities since they share the same Scriptures, life of grace, faith, hope, charity, gifts of the Spirit, and baptism.
Catholics, Fundamentalists, Charismatics, Anti-Charismatics, gays, anti-gays, hawks, doves, Messianic Jews, Neo-Nazis, Universalists, narrow-minded bigots, witchdoctors, and the robed guys at the airport have all claimed similar experiences.
All nonpartisan surveys on the subject have found that Christians (Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, and others) and Jews, as well as members of many other religious traditions, are far more likely than secularists to say they're happy.
- 更多网络解释与天主教徒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
communalist 地方自治主义者 | papalist 天主教徒,教皇之信徒 | 222.liberalist自由主义者
242.escapist 逃避现实者,逍遥者 | papist 天主教徒 | rapist 强奸犯
campanologist 鸣钟术专家 铸钟专家 | fisheater <美俚>天主教徒 | beam-ends 船梁末端
Papengracht:Papen, paap:之复数,天主教徒. 教徒运河路
46、 Doelenstg:Dolen,doel之复数,有一个意思是烟头. 烟头路. | 47、 Papengracht:Papen, paap之复数,天主教徒. 教徒运河路. | 48、 Schoolsteeg:学府路. 很中国的名字.
fisheater 天主教徒 | beam-ends 船梁末端 | micrometer spindle 微米轴
breast drill:胸压式手摇钻
breast cut | 胸肉小块, 胸排 | breast drill | 胸压式手摇钻 | breast fleet | 天主教徒
campanologist:鸣钟术专家 铸钟专家
xanthic 黄色的, 带黄色的,[化]黄嘌呤的 | campanologist 鸣钟术专家 铸钟专家 | fisheater 天主教徒
在其中,他探索了新教徒(Protestant)和天主教徒(Catholic)不同的自杀率,将此解释为天主教徒中更强的社会控制导致了更低的自杀率. 依照杜尔凯姆的说法,人具有依赖其群体的特定水平,他称之为社会整合(social integration).
Roman Catholic:天主教徒
尽管和天主教徒(Roman Catholic)一样都信奉三一神(The Trinity),不过被天主教徒奉为圣母的玛丽亚,在新教徒看来只是童女玛丽亚,完全一个普通妇女,和约瑟一起怀了上帝的儿子,同时也是上帝变成的血肉,成为人,加上其圣灵(Holy Spirit),
catholic 天主教徒 | catholically 普遍地 | Catholicism 天主教