英语人>词典>汉英 : 大西洋彼岸的 的英文翻译,例句
大西洋彼岸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与大西洋彼岸的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the Expo of 1888, Gaudi was charged by the Marquis of Comillas the design of the Pavilion of the Transatlantic Company in the Maritime section. That same year, Gaudi was flooded with a wide variety of projects. Of these the Episcopal Palace of Astorga was the only one censored by the Royal Academy of the Bellas Artes of San Fernando. Because it was a public work charged by the then Ministry of Justice and Grace, that his plans were so minutely refined that the project began in 1893, two years after it had been proposed. By this time, the Bishop had passed away and Gaudi had antagonized the clergy, leaving the project.

在1888年的万国博览会,高第受Comillas侯爵之邀,负责设计大西洋彼岸的海运部门的摊位棚帐,之后在同一年,高第受到大量的计画邀约,而其中一件Astorga主教广场的计画被San Fernando艺术皇家学院审核不过关,因为这是一件由教会的正义、恩典部门教士们所授与的公共建筑计画,所以计画不断地、精密地被审核,直到1893年---计画提出的第二年才开始动工,此时主教已过世,高第也因此对这些神职人员不满而放弃了这个计画。

It has been rigorous in the development of antitrust theory and an energetic enforcer of the law.


It should surprise no one if one or more similar incidents soon erupt on this side of the Atlantic.


I think part of the reason, not only the race and racism question, there's also the question that many of the former Rhodesian have kith and kin on the side of the Atlantic.


Nichol suggested that "transatlantic humour...is the rare efflorescence of a people habitually grave, whose insight is more clear than deep."


Nichol suggested that "transatlantic humouris the rare efflorescence of a people habitually grave, whose insight is more clear than deep."


It was the first transatlantic demonstration of television.


They are our transatlantic friends.


To Mr. Pontes, of Providence, R.I., the story shows 'the kind of optimism you need to pick yourself up from a field somewhere tending cattle' to cross the Atlantic, fueled solely by hope.


He said,"The Count de Buffon believes that nature belittles her productions on this side of the Atlantic ."

德 。 布冯认为大自然在创造时贬低了大西洋彼岸的风景。

更多网络解释与大西洋彼岸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


简言之,这种田野等级的概念的实质是将田野还原为一种地理意义上的概念,田野意味着某个地点(site),即"那里"(there)与"这里"(here). 而且,"那里"似乎总是优于"这里",更适合展开人类学的研究. 在大西洋彼岸,

on the other side:在对面, 反对方面的 (原系美语)大西洋彼岸

on the low side (价格)偏高[低] | on the other side 在对面, 反对方面的 (原系美语)大西洋彼岸 | on the right side of the account [商]在贷方


cisatlantic 大西洋此岸的 | transatlantic 大西洋彼岸的 | band 一帮


transatlantic大西洋彼岸的 | transatlantic大西洋彼岸的横渡大西洋的横渡大西洋的轮船 | transatlantic横渡大西洋

transatlantic voyage:横越大西洋航行

transatlantic telegraph cable 横渡大西洋海底电报缆 | transatlantic voyage 横越大西洋航行 | transatlantic 大西洋彼岸的


Atlantic 大西洋的 | cisatlantic 大西洋此岸的 | transatlantic 大西洋彼岸的


Atlantic 大西洋的zQm中国英语学习网 | cisatlantic 大西洋此岸的zQm中国英语学习网 | transatlantic 大西洋彼岸的


大西洋彼岸的加拿大安大略省也有一座同名的斯特拉特福德市(Stratford),位于安省西南部坡斯郡的埃文河(Avon River)上,是早期的欧洲移民在1832年仿照莎士比亚的英国故乡"埃文河畔斯特拉特福"(Stratford upon Avon)而命名的.