英语人>词典>汉英 : 大英帝国 的英文翻译,例句
大英帝国 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

british empire
更多网络例句与大英帝国相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is what every hyperpower in history has done – from Achaemenid Persia to the Great Mongol Empire to the British Empire – and the way they have done it is through tolerance.


Marx's role as an apologist for the British Empire's globalization'' is explicit in his defense of the British Empire's rape of India.


Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.


He is nostalgic for the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires and in deep mourning for the British one.


The development of this policy depends originally on Dilke's racial empire ideology, yet its realistic reason rests on the challenges faced by the British Empire accompanying the emergence of European nation-states.


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Let that be realized, no survival for the British Em pire, no survival for all that British Empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal.


"The trival war" happened in some areas in east Asia and lasted for small period is much trival, comparared with the long history of British empire, as there are other write-worthy events in the large oversea colonials such as south and east Asia, mid-Asia, Afican, Oceania and so on in the year of opium war broken in China.


The Queen's ancestors in the 19th and early 20th centuries were Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom and they were Emperors and Empresses too; in those days there was a British Empire and the monarch wore an Imperial Crown.

从 19 世纪直至 20 世纪早期,女王的祖先既是联合王国的国王和王后,同时又是大英帝国的皇帝和皇后。那时存在着一个大英帝国,它的君王要佩戴皇冠。

Being very mild-tempered, most of the ethnic groups in China live a simple life without worldly desires.


更多网络解释与大英帝国相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Great Britain:大英帝国

然而,斯蒂文眼前的景致,却不是那么简单,"英国乡野是最美妙的,它们有一种其他国家的乡野所没有的特质,无论它们在外形上多么富于变化,但都无可避免地拥有这种特质,对这种特质的最好的归纳,便是'伟大'(great)",原来,"大英帝国(Great Britain)"的"大"(Great)字在这儿找到落脚处,

british empire:大英帝国

大英帝国(British Empire)是一个以英国为中心的全球性帝国.在20世纪初的鼎盛时期.全世界大约4-5亿人--也就是当时全球人口的约四分之一--都是该帝国的子民.其领土面积则有约3.000万平方公里.是世界陆地总面积的20%.到20世纪中期.尤其是第二次世界大战结束之后.随着全球民族主义运动的兴起与英国日渐式微的国力.大英帝国逐渐瓦

british empire:英帝国

大英帝国(British Empire)到大英国协(Briti提起"女间谍",人们脑海中总会浮现出娇媚多姿而又智勇双全的女子形象. 凭着性别优势,她们在政治舞台上扮演着极为特殊的角色. 女间谍是如何训练而成的,她们的生活确如影片描述的饮酒作乐、频频出入饭店酒吧、依傍高级政客吗?

the British Empire:(大英帝国)

我们可以说,在英领印度之际,由于一度有大英帝国(The British Empire)之称,英王在其本国之内,虽仍为「王」,并无皇帝之尊号,但在印度,却是不折不扣的皇帝或女皇.故在当时,称之为「皇」,并不为过,如今时移势异,应称之女王,而非女皇,方符体制.

Jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of England:还他自由身 让他成为大英帝国私掠船船长

You will offer what amounts to a full ... | Jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of England. 还他自由身 让他成为大英帝国私掠船船长 | Somehow I doubt Jack will consider employment the same as be...

Commission as a privateer on behalf of England:作为大英帝国授权的私掠船长

Will strikes a deal, yet you were the one with the prize - full pardon.|威尔为了它... | "Commission as a privateer on behalf of England|"作为大英帝国授权的私掠船长 | and the East lndia Trading Company."...

It's been two hundred years since an Indian cocked a snook:两百年来能如此藐视大英帝国

Yes,you are!|你是的 | It's been two hundred years since an Indian cocked a snook...|两百年来能如此藐视大英帝国 | ...at the British Empire and got away with it.|而且平安无事的印度人 就只有你而已

the : the territories under the control of the British Crown:大英帝国

16. realized: fully understood. 充分明瞭. | 17. the : the territories under the control of the British Crown. 大英帝国. | 18. stand for: represent; support. 代表;拥护.


91. 维多利亚三等爵士 C. V. O. | 92. 大英帝国三等爵士勋位 C.B.E. | 93. 科玛尔 Camar

Queen Elizabeth II:英女皇伊利沙伯二世

今天( 2006/04/21 )是英女皇伊利沙伯二世( Queen Elizabeth II )八十大寿. 端坐皇位五十四年的她,与大英帝国一起经历了风雨飘摇,见证了大英帝国解体、英国经济和政治地位由盛而衰;还有皇室史无前例的多宗婚变. 然而,在这动荡的半个多世纪中,