英语人>词典>汉英 : 大礼帽 的英文翻译,例句
大礼帽 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
stovepipe  ·  topper

silk hat · stovepipe hat · tall hat
更多网络例句与大礼帽相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the gent with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper.


The only fashion link between them — subtle at best — was the stern top hat of wealthy capitalists, a coal-black cylinder symbolizing the factory chimney pipes that brought profit to one, hardship to the other.


Instruction as to when and where a silk hat is de rigueur.


Although the designer cited the archetypal Floridian granny and Carol Burnett as inspirations, these clothes—triple-layer chiffon jackets, chartreuse toppers, and a camp-style shirtdress—are sure to find takers in today's thoroughly modern Millies.


They swarmed loud, uncouth about the temple, their heads thickplotting under maladroit silk hats


Father Conmee doffed his silk hat and smiled, as he took leave, at the jet beads of her mantilla inkshining in the sun.


Members of Parliament making a point of order in the House of Commons wear a collapsible opera hat and nobody sniggers.


I fancied it was meant for me,and my suspicious were confirmed. for while walking round the garden in my tall hat this afternoon, a "throw-down"cracker was deliberately aimed at my hat,and expolded on it like a percussion cap.


Sir Ozana's saddle was hung about with leather hat-boxes, and every time he overcame a wandering knight he swore him into my service and fitted him with a plug and let him wear it.


Shearling came in all shapes and styles for fall, from the snappy vests at Daks and Akris to 3.1 Phillip Lim's cold-beating coat, a sixties-style topper he whipped up in the material he defines as "rough, yet soft."

从Daks和Akris的时髦内衣到Phillip Lim的cold-beating外套以及六十年代的大礼帽,羊皮大衣以其多种造型和款式在秋季来临之季对"粗犷而又柔顺"进行了定义。

更多网络解释与大礼帽相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大学中的校警,在执行警务时,头戴颇有古风的大礼帽,被学生昵称为"牛头犬"(Bulldog). 牛津的学校组织以16个学部(Faculty)为基础,有些学院也设有下属学部. 每个学院都有一个经选举产生的董事会,该董事会对它所在学院的本科生课程负责.

top hat:大礼帽

黄金时代以来的电影中,现在被誉为经典的有:>、>、>、原版>、>(Mutiny on the Bounty)、>(City Lights)、>(Red River)与>(Top Hat)等

silk mercer:绸商

silk hat 大礼帽 | silk mercer 绸商 | silk mill 丝绸织造厂

silk noil:落绵

silk hat 大礼帽 | silk noil 落绵 | silk screen printing 丝网印刷

opera glass:观剧望远镜

opera flannel 浅色全毛法兰绒 | opera glass 观剧望远镜 | opera hat 折叠式大礼帽

opera hat:折叠式大礼帽

opera glass 观剧望远镜 | opera hat 折叠式大礼帽 | opera hose 长统舞袜

picture hat:大边女用帽

大边女用草帽 picture hat | 大边女用帽 picture hat | 大礼帽 top hat

silk hat:大礼帽

silk floss 丝棉 | silk hat 大礼帽 | silk mercer 绸商

stovepipe satin:大礼帽缎

stoved wool 硫熏羊毛 | stovepipe satin 大礼帽缎 | strabismometer 斜视测定器


high handle chain saw 高把链锯 | high hat 大礼帽 | high holding power anchor 大抓力锚