英语人>词典>汉英 : 大灾难 的英文翻译,例句
大灾难 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
catastrophe  ·  cataclysms

更多网络例句与大灾难相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This type of activity sets forests afire.


The Bookworm shop did a terrific business last year selling Berkshire-related books. Displaying 18 titles, they sold 2,920 copies for $61,000. Since we charge the shop no rent, it gives shareholders a 20% discount. This year I've asked The Bookworm to add Graham Allison's Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, a must-read for those concerned with the safety of our country. In addition, the shop will premiere Poor Charlie's Almanack, a book compiled by Peter Kaufman. Scholars have for too long debated whether Charlie is the reincarnation of Ben Franklin. This book should settle the question.

去年书虫书店在会场设摊贩售 Berkshire 相关书籍,全部十八种,总计卖出 2,920 本,也因为摊位不收租金,所以股东买书都可以打八折,今年我特地要求书虫增加 Graham Allison 所着的核子恐怖主义-最终可避免的大灾难,这是所有关心国家安危必读的书籍,此外当天也会举行 Peter Kaufman 所着可怜查理的年鉴,一直以来许多学者都在争论查理是否为富兰克林再世,我想这本书或可解决大家的疑问。

We're hoping to be able to clean up some of this with the Cataclysm overhaul.


We'r hope to be abl to clean up some of thi with the Cataclysm overhaul A.


Some of us knew it was going to be a disaster and tried very hard to stop it.


You could say that, or you could call it a fiasco, debacle or a complete SNAFU.


For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until


21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again.

24:21 因为那时、必有大灾难、从世界的起头、直到如今、没有这样的灾难、后来也必没有。

Finally the catastrophe occurs finally, the earthquake initiates the big Tsunami, surmounts 200 meter big ocean waves to break in Bangkok, destroys DORTS, the whole city is snowing.

最後大灾难终于发生,地震引发大海啸,超越 200 米的大海浪冲入曼谷,摧毁捷运,全市落雪。

The Greek word "thlipsis"(which is translated as tribulation or similar words forty-three times in the New Testament) is never translated as wrath. I had for years understood the Wrath of God in the plagues of Revelation to be the Great Tribulation but I was mistaken.


更多网络解释与大灾难相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

catastrophe: n.1:大灾难(祸),灾难性的结局 2.惨败

catalyst: n.1.催化剂 2.刺激(或促进)因素 | catastrophe: n.1.大灾难(祸),灾难性的结局 2.惨败 | cathedral: n.大教堂

catastrophe: n.1:戏剧(尤指悲剧)的结局 2.大灾难,大败 3.大变动

viciousness: n.1.邪恶,坠落 2.恶意,恶毒,凶恶 3.恶性,险恶,烈性 | catastrophe: n.1.戏剧(尤指悲剧)的结局 2.大灾难,大败 3.大变动 | ill-will: n.仇视,敌意

catastrophe: n.1:大灾难,灾难性的结局2.惨败

catalyst:n.1.催化剂2.刺激因素 | catastrophe:n.1.大灾难,灾难性的结局2.惨败 | cathedral:n.大教堂


美国运通新兴市场债券基金经理人法兰根(Tom Flanagan)昨(10)日闻讯表示,罗杰斯是一位很成功的投资者,但他的评价却太极端,不是极好的(fantastic),就是大灾难(disaster),虽然罗杰斯不看好债券,但债券的防御性投资功能,并不会改变.

misfortune n.1:不幸,逆境 2.不幸事故,灾难

catastrophe:n.1.大灾难(祸),灾难性的结局2.惨败 | misfortune:n.1.不幸,逆境2.不幸事故,灾难 | venerable:a.1.值得敬重的,令人崇敬的2.神圣庄严的,珍贵的

should you attempt to take her place:就准备接受大灾难降临

Be prepared for a great misfortune...|要是你胆敢试着取代她的话 | ...should you attempt to take her place."|就准备接受大灾难降临 | Far too many notes for my taste|太多我不喜欢的信函了

Great Tribulation, The:(大灾难)

Great Schism (大分裂) | Great Tribulation, The (大灾难) | Greek Orthodox Church (希腊正教教会)

causing catastrophe:造成大灾难 造成大灾难

causation 因果关系,造事原因 因果关系,造事原因 | causing catastrophe 造成大灾难 造成大灾难 | caveat 警告,中止诉讼的通知 警告,中止诉讼的通知

causing catastrophe:造成大灾难

causation 因果关系,造事原因 | causing catastrophe 造成大灾难 | caveat 警告,中止诉讼的通知

equals disaster:那表示一场大灾难要发生了

Charlotte discovered that a plus one, plus one ex-mother-in-law...|夏绿蒂发现当她的男伴 撞见... | equals disaster.|那表示一场大灾难要发生了 | Meanwhile, I was manning Party Central.|同时我打算 成为派对的...