英语人>词典>汉英 : 大概 的英文翻译,例句
大概 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
approx  ·  maybe  ·  mostly  ·  ordinarily  ·  ought  ·  perhaps  ·  presumably  ·  presumedly  ·  probably  ·  ablins  ·  assumably  ·  assumedly  ·  generalness

I dare say · I'm afraid · broad outline
更多网络例句与大概相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most humans (say 70 percent to 95 percent) are right-handed, a minority (say 5 percent to 30 percent) are left-handed, and an indeterminate number of people are probably best described as ambidextrous.


Dubois is auspiciously located for national park visitors-roughly an hour's drive from Grand Teton National Park and about two hours from Yellowstone.


Food and beverage industry in Nanjing district attendants about the basic wage 900-1200 this way, but what are you going to look at specific industries, if large-scale hotel, the staff are generally corkage fee, which is a considerable revenue to those small hotels wages will naturally lower, Hengtong is signed, the general three-month trial period, and then give you three months after the conversion as to raise wages, the average down the catering industry in Nanjing Attendants wage level in 1000 is probably about money, but for the occupants to eat, in addition to a monthly twenty or thirty dollars to pay the cost of utilities.


Cygnus Support, with around 50 employees , estimates that about 15 per cent of its staff activity is free software development---a respectable percentage for a software company.


In this case, the listener usually has two kinds of response: to ask for clarifications engender negative feelings Finally, when the speaker uses "gaigen" expression to communicate a message, there is no misunderstanding is because: the authority of the speaker the listener knows the speaker is telling his opinion but not about fact And the speaker uses "gaigen" expression to communicate a message, misunderstanding causes because: the discourse maker and the information content was recognized differently (EX: the speaker pay attention to the information, but the listener pay attention to the discourse maker) the communication goal was different (EX: the listener needs the information as a fact, but the speaker offers his own opinion) the use of "gaigen" expression as a discourse maker was differently used by the speaker and listener (EX: A's using of "perhaps" has a huge difference from the one of B) By examining written sentences and written dialogues (2 people talking), the two kinds of language phenomena "representing the determinate information indeterminately" and "representing the indeterminate information determinately" was solved by analyzing the language data carefully.


Fu Cheng: Specific project has a bit not quite convenient say, I say a domain, since holding water from classics abb China, we probably a fund that 8 the beginning of the year establish, this fund special place, the Chinese larch sth used to one's own advantage that compares country, IDG wants new, what new weakness plunges into namely is not quite deep, the project that join is not quite much, famous degree not quite much also, even the person that some doing poineering work sees my calling card says classics abb China makes a map , but still have an advantage, the first, we come from the angle of venture capital investment say, can take very long time with the person that do poineering work, can have time of 10 years probably.


Modified smallpox is assumed to have the same incubation period as ordinary smallpox, but to have a milder course of disease. The infectiousness of people with modified smallpox would be 33% of that for people with ordinary smallpox, with a case fatality rate of 10%. However, it would be harder to recognize modified smallpox and cases would be slower to withdraw to the home or go to the hospital than for ordinary smallpox. Before smallpox is recognized in the hospital (i.e., the first period), 75% of cases would be recognized on the fourth day of rash and the remaining 25% on the seventh day of rash.

Modified Smallpox一般是指比较近代的病例,同样的潜伏期,但疾病表现比较轻微,所以传染力也比较低,大概是典型天花的1/3左右,死亡率大概是10%,一般也比较不容易诊断,病例会比典型天花较晚才待在家里或到医院求诊,在病例发生发烧之后第四天产生小丘疹,到了发生疹子后的第四天,大概有75%的病例会被诊断,剩下的25%病例会在发生丘疹后的第七天被诊断。

" I believe the best way to think about our earnings is in terms of "look-through results, calculated as follows: Take $250 million, which is roughly our share of the 1990 operating earnings retained by our investees; subtract $30 million, for the incremental taxes we would have owed had that $250 million been paid to us in dividends; and add the remainder,$220 million, to our reported operating earnings of $371 million.

我个人相信最好的方式是利用透视的方法来衡量伯克希尔的盈余,2 亿 5,000 万美元大概是我们在 1990 年可以从被投资公司那边未分配到的营业利润,扣除 3,000 万的额外股利所得税,再将剩下的 2 亿 2,000 万美元加到本来的帐列盈余 3 亿 7,100 万,所得的 5 亿 9,000 万大概就是我们经过透视的真正盈余。

Maundy Thursday -The Thursday before Easter is remembered by Christians as the day of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist.


Around 8pm the light was starting to fade. We were one pitch below Camp 5. Interestingly enough we heard lots of voices above us. I avoided having to lead the last pitch by getting the French party to throw down a rope that we could jumar up. Like the first night we were surprised how many folks were up and around this bivy. There was the French party. There was the Nose-in-2-days party and there was a Nose-in-hopefully-5-days party. There five of them in the last party and they had 3 or 4 huge haul sacks. There was one guy who must have been 275 pounds. He was the designated haul bag mule.


更多网络解释与大概相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as a rule of thumb:大概来说

339 as a rule 通常,总的来说 | 340 as a rule of thumb 大概来说 | 341 ascend vt. (渐渐)上升,升高;攀登

That's about the size of the raft:它大概有木筏那么大

Some of the contents of his backpack are quite surprising:|他背包中有些东... | That's about the size of the raft:|它大概有木筏那么大 | How quickly can you leave? Oh, I am always ready:|你能多快离开? 我...



When could you possibly deliver the goods:你们大概什么时候 能发货

[19:19.57]When could you possibly let me know the result?;你大概什么... | [19:24.52]When could you possibly deliver the goods?;你们大概什么时候 能发货? | [19:29.40]93.When would you like to...? 你想什么...

Maximum likelihood:最大概似

更确切的说,对於一组长度为m的观测音高序列,以及一个含有n个状态的连续性隐藏式马可夫模型来说,我们需要建立一个m且由此模型产生的观测序列的所有最大概似(maximum likelihood) 会等於,一旦找到了最大概似,我们就可以回溯(back track)找出最佳路径,


Harry又听到一声尖叫(a shriek),由于Harry飞在最前方,所以无法准确判断出是谁,因为什么原因发出了shriek. 这里JKR又从哈利的角度开始描述,Harry猜测尖叫大概是因为黑司兽飞行变向产生的. 请注意JKR用了大概(presumably)这个词


presumably /推测上/假定上/大概/想必/似真地/假定地/ | presumedly /推测上/大概/ | presuming /爱管闲事的/**的/冒昧的/


123. hafta 不得不做 have to | 124. prob 大概 probably | 125. prolly 大概 probably

A ROX A proximate; a proximately:大概,大概地

AP Additional premium 附加保险费 | A ROX A proximate; a proximately 大概,大概地 | A Arrive pilot station 抵达引水站


下颌大概轮廓(Jawline )是宽阔的. 增长下颌大概轮廓( Jawline )的宽度. 低条理或发尾卷曲发(Curly)发型 ,因为这些个城市使下部更圆弧与丰盛丰满. 在顶部增长宽度,留下几撮发束来润色面颊(Cheek )和下颌大概轮廓( Jawline ).