英语人>词典>汉英 : 大智若愚 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与大智若愚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If there ever was an apparition of balance, power and reclusive intelligence, your Inner Dragon is it.


If should be Baalism, ma Yun says whats are a problem, no matter be lunatic mad language, still be a man of great wisdom appears slow-witted, or it is eloquent, still be sublime words with deep meaning, if Ma Yun is saying,went only.


But the rich man knows, the opportunity is in ct and not much, from time not much, so usually wait;From the space too not much, so want the patience look for;Rich man action dilatoriness, usually seem to be stupid, the after the event just knows that that is the wisest man often seems stupid.


Linda has got a degree in physics and a higher degree in mathematics, so she's not just a pretty face.


It's the scintillating interplay of language and logic, satiric wit and sublime silliness.


He is a man of wisdom appears slow-witted.


Do you know still waters run deep?


With you it's true that "still waters run deep," which is why many of your acquaintances never get to know you well.


Rita: Don't be put off by appearances, still waters run deep.

莉达: 不要单看人的外表,就敬而远之。正所谓大智若愚

There is no wonder that human is a kind of strange animal,I remember a famous author is named 'MaoDun',on the other hand,it is said that to be a human sometimes is equal to be many inconsistencies, maybe today we laugh at a person ,just cause we deem him who always do something stupid,but many years later,when we are remind of such a person,we have to admit that the veriest stupid person are just oueselves,a proverb said by a former philosopher is that,still water runs deep ,but the world is no longer the world our philosopher had mentioned about,the world is becoming smaller and smaller,what about you...


更多网络解释与大智若愚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

大智若愚. Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失:Greatest genius often lies concealed

Good wine needs no bush 酒香不怕巷子深. | Greatest genius often lies concealed. 大智若愚. Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失. | Go to the sea, if you would fish well. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子.

Men of great wisdom often appear slow-witted:大智若愚,大巧若拙

appear vi.出现;看来似乎, 似乎 | Men of great wisdom often appear slow-witted. ;大智若愚,大巧若拙. | appearance n.露面;外观,外貌

Men of great wisdom often apear slow-witted:大智若愚大巧若拙

19.More haste,less speed.欲速则不达 | 20.Men of great wisdom often apear slow-witted.大智若愚大巧若拙. | 21.Diamond cuts diamond.强中自有强中手.

Men of great wisdom often appeal slow-witted:大智若愚,大巧若拙

appear 出现,看起来好像 | Men of great wisdom often appeal slow-witted.大智若愚,大巧若拙. | appearance 露面,外观,外貌

Man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted:(出现、显露)大智若愚,大巧若拙

I'm anxious to know the result of the exam.我急于想知道考试成绩. (急于要) | 8、Man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted.(出现、显露)大智若愚,大巧若拙. | 9、make an appearance 出面,出场

Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes th:大智若愚

大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice | 大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty | 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes th

Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs deep:大智若愚

大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty | 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs deep | 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed

Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs:大智若愚

大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty | 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs | 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed

Still waters run deep. An empty essel makes the most sound Still water runs deep:大智若愚

大义灭亲place righteousness aboe family loyalty | 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty essel makes the most sound Still water runs deep | 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed

Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water:大智若愚

大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty | 大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water | 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed