英语人>词典>汉英 : 大抵 的英文翻译,例句
大抵 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mainly  ·  usually

更多网络例句与大抵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese ancestor worship has already been called a religion by certain writers, and I believe this to a very great extent is correct.


But their choice soon became clear: presuming they want to sell the film in America, the "baddie" obviously has to be played by an upper-class Englishman.


Tang Tea is probably this: a set of tea, including the use of charcoal burner Tongpen, kettles, water tanks, water bowl, a basin-type bracket stood a bamboo spoon, a clip to clip, and a charcoal put lid round bracket.


It is the first time for me to add this sub-section to the choreographic training of the students, and facing the attacks from so many different cultures, and I do believe that, this behavior could be thought as a way to find out our own roots by instinct, as well as a personal and creative trial in this new era of "up-grading technique to language"!


Same " plain boiled water " the money newspaper meeting that still has Chen Tianqiao makes a speech, it is acknowledgment employee all the same, it is strategy talking about 3C all the same (the royal money before leafing through signs up for telephone conference, old make a speech in the main such), old the speech is lacked it seems that epigrammatic with eyeball effect.


There are fairs such as hanging a flag, playing the hayfork, yangko dance, dragon and lion dance, flower drum, etc.


In cards and membership cards, frequent blanket hairline viscoelasto todaya, and since some shredded paper, impurities and isopiestic into the rubber blanket the sand on the surface, making blanket small holes or a small hole in the eye, and so on, if in a timely manner, without the use of rubber blanket is too large, at present, the operator of the commonly used methods in general there are several.


Kleptomania usually begins in puberty and continues until late adulthood.


Procedure for replacing large laser jets and graph plotters is similar to that for computers.


Comparing with the manumission of the Roman slaves, Chapter five discusses about the manumission of slaves in Chin and Han dynasties.


更多网络解释与大抵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


9 着色(coloration)和去色(decoloration),它们表达的意义是一样的. 齐美尔用来指人们将事物的差异转换成货币价值. 10 客体精神(objective spirit),和时下流行的所谓物质文化大抵相似,齐美尔用来指日益增长的物质产品、生产技艺乃至语言与法律、艺术与科学.

distribution coefficient:分配系数

至於液相的选择则视样品的组成而定,大抵液相与混合物中之成分的化学结构应彼此相似,因液相的分离效果,系基於对成分的溶解力不同,即分配系数(distribution coefficient)不同而得,结构相似可以增加溶解力,以免冲提(elution)过快,分离不易.


至於液相的选择则视样品的组成而定,大抵液相与混合物中之成分的化学结构应彼此相似,因液相的分离效果,系基於对成分的溶解力不同,即分配系数(distribution coefficient)不同而得,结构相似可以增加溶解力,以免冲提(elution)过快,分离不易.




在文化及心理病理(cultural and psychological pathology)与医疗人类学(medical anthropology)的知识领域裡头,与身体(body)之论述相关者,大抵有两个重要而互相牵连的议题,一是有关对病痛(illness)与疾病(disease)的分野,


投资者购买债券,均预期债券所给予的回报率会高于银行存款,因为购买公司的债券要承担风险. 由于承担额外风险而要求的额外回报,就称为"债券风险溢价". 债券风险溢价的分类 债券风险溢价,大抵可分为四类,分别为:到期(maturity)溢价、不履行债务(default)溢价

Miami Vice:邁阿密風暴

就算没到过迈阿密的旅客,大抵会从电影中,对这个地方建立不良的印象:>(Scarface)阿尔柏仙奴(Al Pacino)要权力要钱要世界最终横死;>(Miami Vice)直情把这个地方写成罪恶城.

nine times out of ten:十有八九,大抵;几乎都是

dressed to the nines. 打扮得时髦到极点 | 2)nine times out of ten十有八九,大抵;几乎都是 | 3)The nine Muses 缪斯九女神


雌性的生殖细胞,普通称为卵(Ovum)它的形状大抵呈圆形. 因为它贮藏着滋养料,所以大抵很巨大的. 我们如拿鱼卵来看,它圆形,色黄,因为卵细胞内含着许多卵黄,供小鱼发育起来时营养之用. 在鸟类里,卵黄贮藏得很多,如我们供食用的鸡鸭的卵,


primitive 原始的 | principally 主要,大抵 | printer 打印机