英语人>词典>汉英 : 大房间 的英文翻译,例句
大房间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与大房间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chamber pot : A portable vessel used in a bedroom as a toilet.


They can make a small room look larger and a large room seem small and confining.


Anderson wanted to live in a big room, so the hotelkeeper showed NO.12 and NO.14 to him. Both of them have three windows give on the street.


Landgrave Karl provided a large room in his Weissenstein castle where Bessler built a larger sample of his machine and set it into motion.


Then I was the size of a large room!


It is possible to use more room mics, especially if the room is big with high ceilings.


It is possible to use moreroom mics, especially if the room is big with high ceilings.


They reported that the lion had been placed on a rock in a large room in the burial place.


Continue past the shed into the tunnel marked Mine 411 and head to the end into the large room, where you'll see two slaves at the opposite side of the room.

继续走进隧道,做上&Mine 411&的记号,然后走到尽头的大房间,你将会看到2个奴隶在两边的房间。

To take further advantage of the light, we decided to use mirrors on the walls and in the wet-room (where the washbasins are located); in the end this gives the impression of the entire room being much bigger than the 234 sqm would appear to be.


更多网络解释与大房间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carpet:地毯 (一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种)

tick 褥子 | carpet 地毯 (一般指大的整块的,铺房间的那种) | rug 地毯(一般指小块的,放在沙发等边上的那种)

From across the room, David cast a glance at his brother:隔着房间,大卫瞥了一下弟弟

8) Their angry glare frightened the women. 他们因愤怒而... | 9) From across the room, David cast a glance at his brother. 隔着房间,大卫瞥了一下弟弟. | 10) John took a glance at the beautiful women.约翰...

Rooms in this hotel are comfortless:那家宾馆没有舒适的房间

2820. She felt comfortless in the big chair. 她坐在大椅子上... | 2821. Rooms in this hotel are comfortless. 那家宾馆没有舒适的房间. | 2822. They brought comfortless news to all of us. 他们给我们带来的...

do the cleaning:大清洁、大扫除

39) say goodbye to....... 对......说再见 | 40) do the cleaning 大清洁、大扫除 | 41) decorate the room 装饰房间

Now this is your green room:嗯 这是你准备的房间

I got you guys set up back here.|我让你的人守在这里 | Now this is your green room.|嗯 这是你准备的房间 | And the President will be on the large monitor.|总统会出现在大的监控器上

staff room:员工室

原来加拿大的小学老师是没有单独的办公室的,任何教学以外的事,比如打电话取邮件吃午餐偶尔和其他教师联联谊,都是在一个叫做"员工室"(STAFF ROOM)的大房间里进行的,全校的老师共用此房间.


bullous emphysema | 大泡性肺气肿 | bullous | 大疱的,大泡的 | bullpen | 牛栏,大房间(尤指候审犯人用的),候补队员区

Great for tailgating or accenting any room of the house:大跟车太贴或accenting的任何一个房间内务

Super Plush, Warm , and Colorful超级毛绒,热烈,... | Great for tailgating or accenting any room of the house.大跟车太贴或accenting的任何一个房间内务. | Features your favorite team design.特点您最喜爱的...

大跟车太贴或accenting的任何一个房间内务:Great for tailgating or accenting any room of the house

Super Plush, Warm , and Colorful超级毛绒,热烈,... | Great for tailgating or accenting any room of the house.大跟车太贴或accenting的任何一个房间内务. | Features your favorite team design.特点您最喜爱的...

Four Rooms:四个房间

我说的是一部叫"四个房间"(Four Rooms)的名不见经传的影片,谁能想到两位Clut大导的初次"亲密接触"居然是一部文艺片?<<四个房间>>原本应该很有趣. 影片讲述除夕之夜一间酒店的四间房间里发生的故事:第一个房间里几个仙女(包括麦当娜和莉莉.泰勒)试图凑齐几样东西以便施法让一个变成石像的仙