英语人>词典>汉英 : 大学文科 的英文翻译,例句
大学文科 的英文翻译、例句


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In Russian and Economics from Bowdoin College and an M.A.


We believe the liberal arts education experience will prove to be the most valuable type of education for tomorrow's leaders.


We believe the liberal arts education experience will prove to be the most valuable type of education for tomorrows leaders.


All I knew was that I loved arts and wanted nothing to do with math or science. So I searched for liberal-arts programs and found myself at Emerson College in Boston, a school known for its music and theater departments.


The controversy between the monist and pluralist conception of logic also happens in the field of logic teaching.


Great American University by some "guanxi" or back door deal is an offense to my prospective professors at the department of Agriculture and Bio-systems of lowa State University.


With this formulation, the AAUP jettisons the traditional understanding of what constitutes a liberal education and ratifies a transformation of the university that is already well advanced.


Nevertheless, I insist that the object of all true education is not to make men carpenters, it is to make carpenters men; there are two means of making the carpenter a man, each equally important; the first is to give the group and community in which he works liberally trained teachers and leaders to teach him and his family what life means; the second is to give him sufficient intelligence and technical skill to make him an efficient work- man; the first object demands the Negro college and college-bred men─not a quantity of such colleges, but a few of excellent quality; not too many college-bred men, but enough to leaven the lump, to inspire the masses, to raise the Talented Tenth to leadership; the second object demands a good system of common schools, well-taught, conveniently located, and properly equipped....


China Renmin University Press was founded in 1955. As a university press enjoying a high prestige in China, it is not only among the earliest of its kind established after the founding of the People's Republic of China, but also a publishing center of college textbooks designated by the Ministry of Education. It publishes over 600 kinds of new books every year, covering high-level academic compositions, periodicals, video products and textbooks for entrance examination, certificate education, adult education, training, graduate and postgraduate education, modern remote education and so on.


As a land-grant universities, the U.S. federal government and Washington, the state government in the north-west of the United States set aside 769 square kilometers (190,000 hectares) of land to the University as an agricultural and scientific research. In 1893, the president of Bayern [3] driven by the University began offering liberal arts courses.


更多网络解释与大学文科相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



liberal arts:大学文科

人文学科(humanities)又作大学文科(liberal arts). 系指涉及人类及人类文化的诸学科,亦指涉及研究此类学科的各种分析方法与评价方法的学科. 它们源于对人类价值及其独具的表达能力的重视与鉴赏. 现代人文学科的概念来自古希腊语paideia一词,


反观安大略省,申请者的成绩若未达 80 分,仍然可以申请到约克 (York)、卡尔顿 (Carleton)、怀尔森 (Ryerson)、布洛克 (Brock)、雷克海 (Lakehead) 和尼皮辛 (Nipissing) 等大学的文科和理科,或进入麦克马士德 (McMaster) 大学的文科就读.


至于什么时候他的祖辈离开那里迁居到洛锡安(Lothian)的,我还无法确定. 虽然诺克斯出身平常之家,但这并没有妨碍他日后成为一个德才兼备的卓越人士. 但有些作者宣称诺克斯的父母贫困不堪,则有违事实. 他们有能力供应儿子接受大学文科教育,

University of Puget Sound:皮吉声大学

成立于1888年的皮吉声大学(University of Puget Sound)是一所私立的文科大学,在2006年的美国新闻商业周刊与世界报道中排名82. 学校现有教职员工219名,在读研究生209名,本科生2576名,其中包括来自于13个国家的700名学生. 学校坐落于塔科马(Tacoma)城市的北部地区,



Tiffin University:蒂芬大学

蒂芬大学(Tiffin University)位于俄亥俄州的蒂芬市,建于1888年. 大学开设了全国知名的商业管理专业,顶尖的刑法和社会学方向的硕士专业,还有一系列文科和理科专业. 大学的教学以学生为中心,形成了良好的学习环境.


(你好像提了三个同样的问题 我把第一个写的复制过来) 南航 总体就业率可以达到大约80%左右 不过文科的就要差很多 因为 南航 是理科 院校 文科的 学院 大部分都是为了符合国家规定的" 综合性大学 "(university) 要求...南京到海口

bishops university:普通文科

UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO 西安大略大学 | Bishops University 普通文科, | University of Brighton 国际旅游管理

New Jersey City University:美国新泽西城市大学

美国新泽西城市大学 (New Jersey City University) 的心理咨询文学硕士 (Master Of Arts In Counseling) 属于文科,人文科学与社会科学,是硕士学位课程(授课类)级别的课程.