英语人>词典>汉英 : 大孔隙 的英文翻译,例句
大孔隙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In general, smaller grain size and greater angularity tend to increase the porosity while an increase in range of particle size tends to decrease porosity.


The results show that there are two types of pore in the sintered alloy, i.e., one is coarsen pores with diameter more than 30μm, the other is thin pores with diameters less than 10μm. These two types of pore evolve from two voids in green compacts respectively.


Because of the distribution of macropore exhibit fractal rule, fractal theory can be used to study the structure of macropore.


Acne, Age Spots, Scars, Sun-Damaged Skin, Tattoos, White Spots, Semi Permanent Makeup, Hormonal Mask, Liver Spots, Large Pores, Hyperpigmentation, Pimples, Fine Lines, Freckling, Stretch Marks, Crow''s Feet, Flaky Skin, Lip Creases and More!


This paper took the paddy soil after saving-water irrigation as the object,which is from Taian town of Yangzhou city, selected microtomy to get undisturbed soil samples respectly between two periods(before irrigation and after harvest), built up the analytical technique of numerical picture system.It also set up the analysis index of macropore structure,such as the number of macropores N, the macroporosityφ,the area A, the perimeter P and so on. Meanwhile make analysis contrast about horizonal distribution among 4cm, 6cm and 8cm scanning areas, vertical differences per 2cm unit and contrast in time between different periods.


The content included (1) characterizing macropres shapes;(2) obtaining the index to charaterizing soil macropore quantificationally through digitalizing and analysising the photo of soil section;(3) comparing the shapes of macropores among soils, which reasons were discussed;(4) studying the influence of the zonal diversity, soil depth and land utilization on macropore characeristics;(5) estimating the space variability of macropore in the microscale using spore variability index;(6) analysising the connectivity and sinuosity of macropore using preferential flow breakthrough curve;(7) discussing the feasibility of indicating the preferential flow degree using macroporosity and macropore perimeter.


Macropore characteristics of main type soil--krasnozem, crimson loam, phaeozem and brown loam was firstly studied using soil section photography on the horizontal and vertical profiles in order to farther investigate the preferential transportance of soil water and solute.

中文题名土壤大孔隙特征的研究副题名外文题名 Characterizing macropores in soil 论文作者刘伟导师区自清研究员学科专业土壤学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数165页关键词土壤物理土壤大孔隙馆藏号BSLW /2003 /S152 /2 本文应用双剖面土壤切片成像法结合土壤优先水流穿透曲线,首次研究了4种主要地带性土壤:红壤、赤红壤、黑土和棕壤的大孔隙特征。

The revetment is made up of many single permeable tetrahedrons,and has much gap,so the group of permeable tetrahedrons can be treat as the porous media with large porosity.


Determining the structure of macropore can better understand and predict the behavior of water and solutes in macroporous soil, and help to protect the environment of underground water.


Adopting ameliorated flat arrow-like opener, the machine can cut off the continuity of soil macropore flow; form a compact fertilizer strip on the base of ridge, which can decrease nitrogen leaching by macropore flow. The machine makes use of single-disk to form ridge on the fertilizer strip.


更多网络解释与大孔隙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

open gash:开口裂缝

"开形","open form" | "开口裂缝","open gash" | "大孔隙","open grain"


片麻岩(gneiss) 具片麻状构造的,主要成分为长石、石英、云母的变质岩. 片麻状构造(gneissic structure) 岩石...理论研究和实际工程中,常用大、中小和微孔隙、角砾、砂粒和粉粘粒、三大矿物(石英、长石和粘土矿物)含量等指标表征这3方面的特征.3方面指标在一定范围上变化幅度多大?





void ratio:孔隙比

孔隙比(void ratio)是指材料中孔隙体积与材料中颗粒体积之比,是反应材料密实程度的重要物理性质指标. 一般用e代表,e越大材料越疏松,反之,越密实.


large pored concrete 大孔隙混凝土 | larmier 飞檐 | larry 拌浆锄

large pored concrete:大孔隙混凝土

large panel structures 大型镶板构造 | large pored concrete 大孔隙混凝土 | larmier 飞檐

high air void cement-stabilized crushed stone mixture:大孔隙水泥稳定碎石混合料

加筋水泥土:cement-soil mixture | 大孔隙水泥稳定碎石混合料:high air void cement-stabilized crushed stone mixture | 灰土桩复合地基:the composite ground formed by lime-soil pile


macrovoid ratio 大孔隙比 | MACS 多元自控系统 | MACS 中高度通信卫星

pore water pressure:沉降

孔隙率:pore ratio | 沉降:pore water pressure | 大孔隙:macro-pore