英语人>词典>汉英 : 大姐 的英文翻译,例句
大姐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

old girl · eldest sister
更多网络例句与大姐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My agony column started to appear on Wednesdays in the FT and since then I have handed out advice on bullying bosses, office affairs, sexism, when to wear chinos: big problems, little problems.


Later a woman in the Women Federation asked me:" Would you fall in love?" I shake my head ambiguously.


BLOOM:(In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in the band, dusty brogues, an emigrant's red handkerchief bundle in his hand, leading a black bogoak pig by a sugaun, with a smile in his eye) Let me be going now, woman of the house, for by all the goats in Connemara I'm after having the father and mother of a bating.


However, even if this hectic, it is silly not to let Big Sister-style dress ruined the moment so sweet.


On the hottest summer day of 1935, 13-year-old Briony gazes out of her window to see a couple at a fountain: her older sister Cecilia with Robbie, handsome son of the housekeeper of the sprawling English estate.


She's a dippy brunette from the suburbs.


When boarding in a hotel, I had always to put one or two bucks on the pillow for the charwoman every morning; when dining in a restaurant, another 10%—20% of the check for the waiter; even when taking a taxi, I had to pay extra money and ironically, many drivers run their own business.

说是小费,数目对于我这样的中国土鳖来说可不算小,住旅馆,每天早上要在枕头放一两个美元,给打扫房间的大姐;吃饭要把餐费的 10%-20%给服务员;甚至连坐出租车也要额外给小费,其实很多出租车司机自己都是老板。

I lay it never sawed ITSELF off, s'I -- somebody SAWED it, s'I; that's my opinion, take it or leave it, it mayn't be no 'count, s'I, but sich as 't is, it's my opinion, s'I,'n' if any body k'n start a better one, s'I, let him DO it, s'I, that's all.


In Jiangsu Province to a cosmetics counter doing BA, she风风火火, nothing is taboo, but also not afraid of offending people, shrewish, head of the counter for her one-third of all, this is justified, why is the eldest sister cattle being good in the sales on, then you can use one word to describe the "bull!"


A woman of minority nationality:Suddenly,I encounter with a minority woman wearing well-decorated clothing,I thinks they are really artists.


更多网络解释与大姐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Agony Aunt:知心大姐

职务与级别相结合的工资制度 a salary system based on position and rank | 知心大姐 Agony Aunt | 职业作家 professional writers

Agony Aunt:知心大姐、在读者来信专栏回答来信的人

Agony Aunt 知心大姐、在读者来信专栏回答来信的人 | 植物群落 plant community | 植物人 person in coma; vegetable

some quality time with her. - Lookit, sister:和她一起度过些有意义的时光 - 听着 大姐

Your daughter is dying, and you might want to spend|你的女儿生命垂危 你也许应该 | - some quality time with her. - Lookit, sister.|- 和她一起度过些有意义的时光 - 听着 大姐 | I did it.|我做好了


Amber 琥珀 | Numskull 傻大姐伊港 | Madame Cheng 王夫人(这个猜了半天,原来是政太太)

Oh,Ma'am. Profanity is superfluous because no verbal affront:大姐 亵渎是多余的 因为您的不满意

Are you gay? Or are you just an asshole?|你是... | Oh,Ma'am. Profanity is superfluous because no verbal affront...|大姐 亵渎是多余的 因为您的不满意... | ... could be as devastating to me as your dissati...

Ten sisters:十大姐

05 那就是我 That is me 05:21 | 06 十大姐 Ten sisters 05:22 | 07 月光下的凤尾竹 Fernleaf in the moonlight 04:53

A term of address to a strang:大姐:对陌生女性的称呼

戳着:站着. Stand still | D 大头:吃亏上当的人. Dupe | 大姐:对陌生女性的称呼. A term of address to a strang

old girl n. 1:老校友 2.老太婆 3.大姐(用于招呼语)

clean the air with sth. v.把......澄清 | old girl n. 1.老校友 2.老太婆 3.大姐(用于招呼语) | sneak around v. 鬼鬼祟祟

Kind of ditzy:有点傻大姐

Okay. Just remember how crazy I am about you, okay?|你只要记得我多为你疯狂 | "Kind of ditzy"?|"有点傻大姐"? | "Too into her looks"?|"太注重外表"?

Nia did:大姐-----《十面埋伏>

Don't worry. Nia has a good plan. 大姐自会安排,你放心吧-----<<十面埋伏>> | Nia did. 大姐-----<<十面埋伏>> | Nia! 大姐-----<<十面埋伏>>