英语人>词典>汉英 : 大地线 的英文翻译,例句
大地线 的英文翻译、例句


geodesic line · geodetic line
更多网络例句与大地线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The extended trapezoidal rule method is also applied for the differential equations of geodesic described by geodetic coordinates .


It is useful for the direct and inverse solution of geodesic problem and applying in digital elevation model and 3D GIS model. geodesic coordinate system ; direction angle ; geodesic line ; differential relationship

本文则进一步探讨测地坐标的一些微分性质和微分关系式。1 基于测地坐标的大地线的二阶微分方程按照曲面的内蕴几何学,由

In order to tr a nsform conveniently the direction a l a ngle of a geodesic line into the geodetic a zimuth,the solution of the meridi a n a l convergence is expressed by geodesic coordin a tes of this point.


It seems only to be of possible interest in that some computation formulae are deduced in terms of the geodesic and its azimuth.


Make sure the wire of connecting ground and other wires of wiring with great current are divided.


The input bias currents CAN now flow freely to ground and do not build up a large input offset as before.


In this paper difference equation of motion fr om one point to another point on the earth is derived from the geodesic equation on the earth and spherical trigonometry formulas. Some difference track formul as of a maneuvering object are also given.


In this paper differ ce equation of motion fr om one point to another point on the earth is derived from the geodesic equation on the earth and spherical trigonometry formulas. Some difference track formul as of a maneuvering object are also given.

以大地 椭球三角形模型为基础,利用地球表面二点间最短路径的大地线方程和球面三角形的有关公式,建立了由地球表面一点运动到另一点的差分运动方程,同时也给出了在进行航向机动时的差分运动轨迹。

This paper base on test about repair sleeves of conductor and earthwire. Analyzed function between the quantity of breaking wires of conductor and earthwire and the length of repair sleeve. It provides testing edvidences that using repair steeve repair conductors and earthwires in the constructing and operating process.


The study results show that the dispersion of travelling wave is mainly caused by earth mode; Compared with aerial mode earth mode is greatly influenced by the factors such as ground conductivity, line average height above ground, bundle config...


更多网络解释与大地线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

geodesic curvature:大地曲率

geodesic base line 大地测量基线 | geodesic curvature 大地曲率 | geodesic line 大地线

geodesic line:大地线

geodesic curvature 大地曲率 | geodesic line 大地线 | geodesic measurement 大地测量


大地纬度 geodetic latitude | 大地线 geodesic | 大地原点 geodetic origin

geodetic latitude:大地纬度

大地网 geodetic network | 大地纬度 geodetic latitude | 大地线 geodesic

ground wire:地线

在1978 至1979 年间, Technics 重新设计了传动马达以及外观, 也把地线(Ground Wire) 分出来, 并出产了这款绝大部份的 DJ 都使用过, 而且是永不退流行的 涆echnics SL-1200 Mark2.计几年来, 也有几个新的制造厂商投入DJ 唱盘的制造,

geodetic origin:大地原点

大地线 geodesic | 大地原点 geodetic origin | 大地主题反解 inverse solution of geodetic problem

mean radius of curvature:平均曲 半径

02.066 卯酉圈曲 半径radius of curvature in prime vertical | 02.067 平均曲 半径mean radius of curvature | 02.068 大地线geodesic

geocratic periods:大陆扩展期

geochryology 冻土学 | geocratic periods 大陆扩展期 | geodesic line 大地线