英语人>词典>汉英 : 大哥 的英文翻译,例句
大哥 的英文翻译、例句


eldest brother
更多网络例句与大哥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Remember Jack chen was exercised wushu standed on the Great Wall in the short of China apply Olympic Games of 2008, Remember last year 5.12, Jack chen take the lead to support disaster area and his every kind of almsdeed action, Do you denial with his offer for China?


I'm not saying that he's taking on all the different responsibilities, but when he's on the set shooting the movie he often makes constructive suggestions to the director and cinematographer for them to consider.

我 跟大哥其实已经认识十年了,还没有跟大哥一起工作之前,我觉得他为人很好、很友善,也很有趣,是一个爱热闹的人,非常喜欢交朋结友。

We finished the 2005 MaDaShuai 3 after the start, when its programs for poor health and because I don't want to go to the eldest brother said europeanize cctv1, eldest brother also promised more, so after 3 years to have established in 2009, the eternal song dan-dan famous.


I remember that my self-depreciation went up to a level that I did not even dare to do a colour painting on a drawing paper for a group project.


As a cyber forensics, we have to search for evidence, it is necessary to start from the computer log. Perhaps you never not know how powerful isthe log in your computer and www.(Google in the snigger at this time). You try on Google for some words.


Xiaoxiaomu is a working girl from yunnan who made a living in shanghai, for years, she have been looking for kangkai, when she was 14 years old, she cheated kangkai and got the imburse in order to support her younger brother to go to junior shool and university, she hope to find kangkai and apologized sincerely to him and refund the mondey so her heart can be at ease, when she saw the tired kangkai and didn't tell the truth to him, just gave up her previous work and came to kangkai restaurantto work and support this kind brother,,kangkai was dull to the feeling around him after sangjie died because he could not forget his previous wife, xiaomu feeling to kangkai is far more than thankfulness , she also found kangkai was not only strongly responsible for his marriage and family but also earnest and inflexible to his feeling , she loved him deeply.


Ma Ma Ergou Pombo decorative large dog, like his brother Er Gou and his brother have an unlimited imagination for the future, has been acting as her brothers assistant, is very respected brother.

马二狗 庞勃饰马大狗弟弟二狗和大哥一样对未来抱有无限幻想,一直充当哥哥的助手,非常敬重大哥

Steve,"尾白" wants to thank you for your helping in finding Black-chined Fruit Dove and Brown-headed Gull.


Brother often beat computer,always for receive the grade of tribute roster build stall administer,In south, 402 he are the firsts one, Brother meseems Weng.


Xue:I don't. But I have a idea that Doug oughts to be the key of wakening elder brother. Isn't she the one who gradually revived the memory of elder brother last time?


更多网络解释与大哥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big brother:大哥

他在>中描绘了一个时刻监视人们的"大哥"(Big Brother)形象. 然而事情发展到今天,信息革命使公民得以监视"大哥". 随着守护秘密的文化一点一点被透明度所侵蚀,公民可以更好地了解和监督政府. 通信手段的改善使人们更易于协调自发的行动,

Big Brother Seng:大哥成

你講乜鬼? = What the ghost are you talk? | 大哥成 = Big Brother Seng | 刀疤強 = Knife Scar Keong

Farewell, Big Brother:别了,大哥

17 瑞克之夢 Phantasm | 18 別了,大哥 Farewell, Big Brother | 19 壯烈犧牲 Bursting Point

Farewell, Big Brother:别,大哥

17 - Phantasm 瑞克之梦 | 18 - Farewell, Big Brother 别,大哥 | 19 - Bursting Point 壮烈牺牲



eldest brother:大哥

大规模 large-scale | 大哥 eldest brother | 大红 bright red

Sigmund Esco:大哥

Toriano Adaryll二哥 | Sigmund Esco大哥 | Maureen Reilette大姐

Hey, fellers:几位大哥

He'll be fine, boys. Trust me on this one.|没事的 相信我 | Hey, fellers!|几位大哥 | All l wanted was a little corn bread, you motherfuckers!|我只不过想吃玉米面包罢了 你们这群混蛋

Come on now, fellers:拜托了 大哥

Come on.|拜托 | Come on now, fellers.|拜托了 大哥 | Come on, boss.|拜托了 老板

He goes, "About 21 and a half hours." I said, "Sir, that's a minor detail:他说 "21小时30分钟" 我说 "大哥 这种细枝末节

When I saw him look at his watch I t... | He goes, "About 21 and a half hours." I said, "Sir, that's a minor detail.|他说 "21小时30分钟" 我说 "大哥 这种细枝末节 | You learn that on the honeymoon. Right...