英语人>词典>汉英 : 大写 的英文翻译,例句
大写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

the capital form of a Chinese numeral
更多网络例句与大写相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Capital letters are used for the names of people and places (john smith, paris, oxford street, new south wales, the black sea, the iron duke); the names of peoples and languag-es and derived words directly relating to them (englishman, austrian, french, swahili, americanize); the names of institutions and institutional groups (the crown, the government, the british museum, the house of representatives, the department of trade); the names of religious institutions and denominations and their adherents (judaism, nonconformism, methodist, protestants) and of societies and organizations; the names of months and days; abstract qualities personified the face of nature, o death!


This is important because it is only in the form of intersubjective process that the human Reason with a capital R can be developed beyond the narrow limits of the capacities of individual mind and be what it really is the Reason with a capital R.


Capitalize the first letter, capitalize or italicize the entire mark, place the mark in quotes, use a different type style or font for the mark than for the generic name.


Is a capital letter, or upper case, and t is lower case.


Capital A great A many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script .


Majuscule : Capital letter .


ToRoman does, in fact, always return uppercase, because romanNumeralMap defines the Roman numeral representations as uppercase.

toRoman 通过,事实上所有返回值都是大写的事实上toRoman 的返回值总是大写的,因为 romanNumeralMap 定义的罗马字符都是以大写字母表示的。

If you set the mm format symbol in upper case, the corresponding characters are also upper case.


Conversion between mixed-case and capwords is, of course, just an issue of lowercasing or uppercasing the first character, as appropriate


Then decompose them and adjust them to fit the uppercase vowel E. Unlike single diacritics, they will be moved down for lowercase instead of being moved up for uppercase.


更多网络解释与大写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


6) 特别的学校课程名称要大写,普遍的科目不大写Specific school courses, but not... | 8)学校、公司、建筑、组织的名称要大写Names of schools, businesses, buildings, organizations, etc. | 9)品牌名称要大写 Brand ...


首先澄清一个观念:很多人说,这种字体是全大写的. 这句话说对也对,说不对也不对. 关键看你对"大写"(capital)怎么理解. 从字体形状上看,当然是大写的. 但这和我下面这样写的大写有区别

Proper Nouns:专有名词要大写

一、请就下列类别分别举一个需要大写的例子 Please give an example for each catogory of proper nouns. | 1 Proper nouns. 专有名词要大写 | 1) 人的名字或称呼要大写Names of specific people

upper case:大写

在vim中,通过v选中的文字可以用u切换到小写,U切换到大写,~在大小写之间切换,但是如果需要对选定的词做大小写操作,就需要用到%s中的\u,\U,\l和\L,\u是把后续的字符串第一个字符转成大写而\U是把后续的都转成大写(upper case),\l和\L是转成

To Upper Case:转换为大写 转换为大写

to lower case 转换为小写 转换为小写 | to upper case 转换为大写 转换为大写 | toggle bookmark 切换书签 切换书签

u.c. upper case:大写字体;大写字母

TWAIN technology without any interested name 扫描机通用接口 | u.c. upper case 大写字体;大写字母 | UCC Universal Copyright Convention 世界版权公约;世界版权协议;万国版权公约;万国著作权条约


Upper 升高,向上 | Uppercase 大写的,用大写字母排印 | UPS uniterruptable power output 不间断电源

uppercase letter:大写体,大写字母

capital lock 字母大写锁定 | uppercase letter 大写体,大写字母 | lowercase letter 小写体,小写字母


6) 特别的学校课程名称要大写,普遍的科目不大写Specific school courses, but not... | 8)学校、公司、建筑、组织的名称要大写Names of schools, businesses, buildings, organizations, etc. | 9)品牌名称要大写 Brand ...


3.方向名词表示某一个区域要大写,如果只是指方向不大写 Regions of z country, b... | 4. 单个出现的字母要大写Letters that ... | 5. 电影、书籍、章节、文章的标题要大写Titles of movies, books, chapters, and articles