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多足 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Any of numerous invertebrate animals of the phylum Arthropoda,including the insects,crustaceans,arachnids,and myriapods,that are characterized by a chitinous exoskeleton and a segmented body to which jointed appendages are articulate d in pairs.


Traditional morphological studies have resulted in few solid conclusions regarding the monophyly and systematic position of Myriapoda within Arthropoda; the origin and evolutionary history of Myriapoda are also veiled by the sparsity of the group's fossil record.


Any of numerous invertebrate animals of the phylum Arthropoda,including the insects,crustaceans,arachnids,and myriapods,that are characterized by a chitinous exoskeleton and a segmented body to which jointed appendage s are articulated in pairs.


So it may have resembled a centipede or millipede, or a worm with legs.


Bloodless and many footed animals, whether furnished with wings or feet, move with more than four points of motion; as, for instance, the dayfly moves with four feet and four wings: and, I may observe in passing, this creature is exceptional not only in regard to the duration of its existence, whence it receives its name, but also because though a quadruped it has wings also.


All animals move alike, four-footed and many-footed; in other words, they all move cross-corner-wise.


This paper reviews recent advances in myriapod phylogenetics and presents a preliminary phylochronologic scheme of the evolutionary events in early my-riapods with the following observations: 1) Myriapoda might have diverged from its sister group during late Cambrian or earlier.


The results of the analysis to complete 18S rDNA and partial 28S rDNA D 6-7 domain sequences of 30 collembolan species supported the monophyly of Poduromorpha and Symphypleona, Entomobryoidea is not a monophyly, familia Neelidae should be separated from Symphypleona. The situation about the superfamilia of Tomoceroidea and the familia Neelidae need further studies. The results of the further analysis to complete 18S rDNA and nearlly completely 28S sequences of 4 Protura, 6Collembola, 5 Diplura, 5 Insecta, 10 Crustacean, using 1 Myriapoda and 1 Chelicerata as outgroups indicated that Protura, Collembola and Diplura are monophy, respectively, Protura and Diplura have the nearest realationship, they make sister groups with Collembola and all of them assemble with Insecta to make a monophy cluster of Hexapod; The results support the monophy of Pancrusracea, Crustacean is not a monophy cluster and the realationships between them with Hexapod need further reseachers.

对我国的14科27属30种跳虫的18S rDNA全序列和28S rDNA部分序列(D6-D7)的基因信息数据进行分析,结果支持原目、愈腹目的单系性,长角目不形成单系群,支持短角科从愈腹目中分出,但鳞总科和短角目的分类地位有待于深入分析探讨;进一步比对4种原尾虫、6种跳虫、5种双尾虫、5种昆虫和10种甲壳动物的18S rDNA全序列和28S rDNA全序列,以1种多足动物和1种螯肢动物为外群,进行系统关系分析,结果显示:原尾纲、弹尾纲、双尾纲分别为单系群,原尾纲和双尾纲优先聚为一支,然后和弹尾纲构成姐妹群,以上三类又和昆虫聚为一支,支持六足动物的单系性,支持泛甲壳动物,但甲壳动物并未形成单系,其各类群和六足动物之间的亲缘关系尚须进一步确定。3。

The gene order data indicates that Hexapoda and Crussacea are more closely related with each other, and Chelicerata is closely related with Myriopoda. The results have conflicted with those of Boore (1998) results, but congruence with the results based on nuclear rRNA data.


Currently applies to actual or reported in the literature of the foot wall-climbing robot usually based on simulation Principle or the six-legged quadruped walking and other agencies.


更多网络解释与多足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


multipartite 分成多部份的 | multiped 多足动物 | multiphase 多相

myriapod:多足动物; 多足类

myotome 肌节 | myriapod 多足动物; 多足类 | Myriapoda 多足


多元酚层 polyphenol layer | 多足纲 Miriapoda | 多足型 polypod

polypod phase:多足相

polypod larva 多足幼虫 | polypod phase 多足相 | polyrhizal 多根的

polypod phase:多足相;多足式

多足蚴;多脚蚴 polypod larva | 多足相;多足式 polypod phase | 多门齿亚目 POLYPROTODONTA

polypod larva:多足幼虫

polypnoea 呼吸急促 | polypod larva 多足幼虫 | polypod phase 多足

polypod larva:多足蚴;多脚蚴

多足的 polypod | 多足蚴;多脚蚴 polypod larva | 多足相;多足式 polypod phase

Polypody; Supernumerary feet:多足(畸形); 多腿(畸形)

Polyphasic anaplasy 多形退行发育 | Polypody; Supernumerary feet 多足(畸形); 多腿(畸形) | Polypoid adenomatosis 息肉状腺瘤病


(5)多足纲(Myriapoda)体分头部和躯干部. 头部有3一4对附肢,即一对触角、一对大颚,和1~2对小颚. 躯干部有多对步足,每一体节l一2对. 用气管呼吸. 如蜈蚣等. (6)昆虫纲(Insecta)体分头、胸、腹三部、头部有4对附肢,包括一对触角、一对大颚,

Myriopoda:多 足 纲

节肢动物门分为10多个纲,与医学有关的是甲壳纲(Crustacea)、多足纲(Myriopoda)、唇足纲(Chilopoda)、五口纲(Pentastomida)、蛛形纲(Arachnida)及昆虫纲 (Insecta)等6个纲,最重要的是蛛形纲及昆虫纲.