英语人>词典>汉英 : 多花性 的英文翻译,例句
多花性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与多花性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) belongs to the typical allogamy, and the sampling strategies are closely related to its molecular genetic diversity analysis.


The mature protein sequence showed the identity to those of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, Polygonatum cyrtonema agglutinin, Polygonatum multiflorum agglutinin, Aspidistra elatior Blume agglutinin DOM1, Aspidistra elatior Blume agglutinin DOM2, Zephranthes grandiflora agglutinin respectively are 44.0%、60.9%、58.7%、43.2%、52.6%、75.9%.


Polyploidy and autogamy are important evolutionary phenomena within the genus.


Love is the conversion of sexual energy, and the flower of love comes from the seed of sex.


I wish the company had put the money and technology towards the sensor, the lens, and the overall sturdiness.


The results showed that the red pigment belonged to anthocyanidin, it was soluble in water, stable against heat treatment, light, acid and sugar concentration, tolerant to reduction, but sensitive to alkaline, oxidation and Fe(superscript 3+). The research also showed that acid medium is favorable for extraction. The pigments have more general stability in acid medium and have high ufility value.

结果表明:该色素为水溶性多酚类花色素,在不同的pH环境下显示不同的颜色;其耐热性、耐光性、耐酸、耐糖、耐还原性较好,但耐氧化性、耐碱性较差;Fe(上标 3+)对色素有破坏性;该色素的提取宜在酸性介质中进行,酸性条件下其综合稳定性较优,有较高的利用价值。

Here, we review recent advances in heterostyly research, with emphases on (1) types, floral syndrome, ancillary polymorphism and population structure of heterostylous species;(2) taxonomy, origin and evolution of an-giosperms that exhibit heterostyly; and (3) the evolutionary significance of heterostyly.


Here, we review recent advances in heterostyly research, with emphases on (1) types, floral syndrome, ancillary polymorphism and population structure of heterostylous species;(2) taxonomy, origin and evolution of angiosperms that exhibit heterostyly; and (3) the evolutionary significance of heterostyly .


The purpose of this paper is to review and analyze recent advances in heterostyly research, with emphases on 1 types, floral syndrome, ancillary polymorphism and population structure of heterotylous species; 2 taxonomy, origin and evolution of angiosperms that exhibit heterostyly; and 3 the evolutionary biology of pollinating characteristics associated with heterostyly.


The effect of harvesting height on the grass yield and quality of two varieties of Lolium multiflorum was studied and the result showed that the different harvesting height greatly affected the fresh yield, dry mater yield, quality and growth characteristics.

多花黑麦草Lolium multifolium具有很强的再生性和耐刈性,为了确定最佳的刈割利用方式,在有限的耕地中获得较高的产量和效益,采用小区试验的方法,研究了不同刈割高度对多花黑麦草特高和杰威产草量和品质的影响。

更多网络解释与多花性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可见,可理解性的标准还受到另一个标准"可接受性"(acceptability)的制约,这一矛盾的存在使得选择语法项目进行教学时情况更复杂. 但不管如何,如果某一语法不仅很难教,对可理解性与可接受性影响也都不太大,那么就没必要花太多精力去关注,


多来性浮游生物 climopelagic plankton | (兰科植物的)花药床 clinandrium | (菊科头状花的)花托 clinandrium


专业人士评点:湿气是归属一种肉皮儿过敏征象 啥子是湿气 湿气(eczema)是一种常见的由多种表里因素导致的皮面及真皮浅层的炎症性皮炎.其独特之处为自发 剧烈发痒,皮损多形性,对于称漫衍,有渗出偏向,慢花柳病程,

pityriasis simplex:单纯糠疹

单纯糠疹(pityriasis simplex)为主要发生于儿童颜面的表浅性干燥鳞屑性浅色斑. 本病相当于中医的虫斑,吹花痘,桃花癣. [病因病机] 中医认为,本病多属风热郁肺,随阳气上升拂郁肌肤而成;或由于饮食不节,虫积内生,脾失健运,而发本...


芽变 由于观赏植物多为异花授粉和杂种起源,基因的杂合性很强,容易发生芽变(sport)如月季、菊花、香石竹、美人蕉、大丽花等花卉的芽变品种非常丰富. 中国水仙本是法国水仙引入中国后形成的变种,单瓣的'金盏银台'是原变种,

Datura stramonium L:曼陀罗

洋金花 花科植物曼陀罗(Datura stramonium L)或毛曼陀罗(Datura innoxia Mill)的干燥花,别名曼陀罗花. 生於山边、宅旁,以黄西河、朝阳洞等处较多. 性温,味辛,有大毒. 功能︰平喘,止咳,镇痛,解痉,麻醉. 穿山龙 薯蓣科植物穿龙薯蓣(Dioscorea nipponica Makino)的干燥根茎.

polypetalous flower:多瓣花

多瓣的 polypetalous | 多瓣花 polypetalous flower | 多瓣性 polypetaly


聚偏二氟乙烯纤维 polyvinylidene fluoride fibre | 多化性蚕品种 polyvoltine | 小花哔叽 pommpadour serge


1.榆属(ulmus) 叶缘多重锯齿,羽状脉直伸叶缘,下面侧脉常在叶缘处分叉. 花两性,稀杂性. 翅果,果核扁平,具宿萼. 南北均产,多生于石灰岩山地. 木材坚韧,耐朽力强,多为优良用材树;树皮富含纤维及粘液;叶、皮及果可食;为荒山吸"四旁"绿化树种.

Golden chain:金链花

4月30日 金链花(Golden Chain) 花语:孤独之美 花占卜:你外表聪明伶俐、沉着冷静,属于进取的知性型的人. 你不爱哗众取宠,有自己的处事原则. 你不能容忍不忠的爱情,对爱情比较挑剔,所以你的恋爱史不多,但你乐于享受单身的生活.