英语人>词典>汉英 : 多脂肪的 的英文翻译,例句
多脂肪的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与多脂肪的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

HD-M6 multi-functional 2 persons far-infrared weight loss slimming Machine combine main and collateral channels and acupuncture therapy,with modern computer technology,Control electric pulse by the procedure,simulate acupunture massage acupunture point,can make human's body organ relating physiological reaction,adjust bio computer and metabolism,increase human body's lactate dehydrogrnase,adjust human body's incretion,improve human body's metabolism, slow down the speed of glucose transformed into fat,especially,to paly the important part to fat metabolism,can hydrolyze most 3 sour and sweet axunge,and make its leave fat cell,through a series of special decomposition approach, 3 sour and sweet axunge will be transfromed into energy Co2 and water being consumed,that fat cell volume will be small,that effect in weight loss and tightening skin


In obese individuals, too much fat accumulates, compromising lipolysis, but the details of how this happens are not well understood.


The non-fat, low-fat items had more of the stuff you really shouldn't have.


While a nominal amount of essential fatty acids can be obtained from the foods you eat, the majority of the population tends to consume far more of the saturated 'bad' fats than essential 'good' fats (Omega 3 and omega 6). Omega 3-6-9 is an well balanced, full-spectrum source of these three "good fats".

基本脂肪酸能够从我们的正常饮食中获得,大多数人往往是大吃大喝容易造成"坏"的脂肪多与"好"的基本脂肪(Omega 3 和Omega 6),Omega 3-6-9是一种维持健康均衡以及这三种"好的脂肪"的充足来源。

You deprive yourself of more than fats when you go for the fat-free or low-fat salad dressing.


The main fatty acid from longissimus, kidney and tailhead fat obtained from each carcass were measured by gas chromatography technology.


The coconut tree has many uses: Coconut tree Shui Fuhan the protein, the fat and the multivitamins, the promotion cell grows again, may drink, the sweet solution hot weather, the mesophyll and massive can sober up including 35.5% fat, be helpful the zinc which synthesizes in the human body protein and fortifies yang, may eat may also make the shredded coconut stuffing, the cream, the coconut shell may burn makes the activated charcoal; The coconut tree root boils water may treat the inflammation; But "the coconut tree mat "as early as in the Han Dynasty was royal government's high quality goods, more than 2000 year ago Han Dynasty:"Qiongzhou multi-coconut tree seed leaf, past when Seoul emperor, Zhao Feiyan stands, the base younger sister gathers the person to offer Zhu Zhenzhong to have the coconut tree mat, sees again in the world."


Rats, among other species, have a far greater capacity to cope with excess calories than we do because they have more of a dark-colored tissue called brown fat.


Reduce total fat intake and increase intake of protective fats from cold water fish and soy products such as tofu, tempeh and soy milk.


This is because muscle cells are metabolically active where fat cells are not because fat cells do not have much function and are thus not active.


更多网络解释与多脂肪的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adipose fin 脂鳍 | adipose 动物脂肪;似脂肪的;多脂肪的 | adipping 向倾斜方向


bacon tree 熏肉架 | baconer 咸肋条肉;肥的肋条肉 | bacony 脂肪质的;多油的

Cut back on fat:减少脂肪的摄取

10 Learn more about nutrilion.多了解营养. | 11 Cut back on fat. 减少脂肪的摄取. | 12 Zap the main culprits.向主要的罪魁祸首说不.


日本Suntory公司出品的能够有效抑制食物脂肪的吸收和餐后中性脂肪上升的特定保健食品"Suntory 黑乌龙茶OTPP",将于5月16日开始发售. 含70毫升茶多酚(polyphenol)


脂肪吸收不良又称脂肪泻(steatorrhea)是由于脂肪的消化和吸收不良所致的综合征,可在多种疾病中见到,如胰、肝,胆及肠道疾病. 由于肠道病变引起的脂肪泻,多同时伴有其他多种营养素的吸收不良,称之谓吸收不良综合征. 小肠是吸收各种营养物质的主要场所.


adion吸附离子 | adipic脂肪的;多脂的;肥的 | adipicacid已二酸(缓卫剂;中和剂);肥酸


一大块肥膏中包含了脂肪细胞(Adipocyte)、...网状组织(adipose tissue) 主要由网状细胞,网状纤维,基质及少量巨噬细胞组成.网状细胞为星形多突起的细胞,细胞核大而圆,相邻网状细胞的突起彼此连接成网.,网状纤维细分支多,


adipolytic脂肪分解的;促脂肪分解的 | adipopexis脂肪沉淀;脂肪过多 | adipose多脂肪(的);肥的;似脂肪的


baconer 咸肋条肉;肥的肋条肉 | bacony 脂肪质的;多油的 | bactereochlorophyll 菌叶绿素

Fettuccine alfredo:阿尔费雷多面条

例如,一份阿尔费雷多面条(fettuccine Alfredo)虽然不含反式脂肪,但是仍然含有大量的卡路里与油脂. 禁止餐厅使用反式脂肪并不能真正解决美国人的肥胖问题. 专家一致同意,美国饮食中的确应该减少反式脂肪的使用. 但是,饮食中其它方面的配合也是非常重要的.