英语人>词典>汉英 : 多淋巴结的 的英文翻译,例句
多淋巴结的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Results Multisystem were damaged,such as peripheral, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly,lymphadenectasis, endocrinopathy, skin changes, edema and plastcytosis in bone marrow are all more common damages, all of them peripheral neuropathy is the most characteristic manifestation.


CT scanning can provide more information about peripheral pulmonary carcinoma than routine X-ray.The lobulation,spicules and pleural indentation around the mass suggest the diagnosis of pulmonary carcinoma.


The average number of anterior lymph nodes was 3.83±1.79. Their blood supply originated from the branches of lateral thoracic artery, whose mean diameter and length were 1.04±0.42 and 29.5±12.25 respectively.(3) The average number of posterior lymph node was 2.38±0.97. Their blood supply originated from the lymph node branch of subscapular artery, whose length and mean diameter were respectively 18.78±8.67 and 0.78±0.32.(4) The average number of central lymph nodes was 4.05±1.95. Their blood supply originated from axillary artery whose mean diameter was less than 1mm.(5) The average number of apical lymph nodes was 2.82±1.96. Their blood supply originated from the branches of thoracoacromial artery whose mean diameter was 0.79±0.29mm and length was 10.60±4.13mm.

结果 外侧群淋巴结数量为(3.16±1.72)个,血供属多源性且不恒定;前群淋巴结数量为(3.83±1.79)个,营养血管主要为胸外侧动脉的分支,其外径(1.04±0.42)mm,干长(29.5±12.25)mm;后群淋巴结数量为(2.38±0.97)个,血管来源于肩胛下动脉的淋巴结支,其外径为(0.78±0.32)mm,干长(18.78±8.67)mm;中央群淋巴结数量为(4.05±1.95)个,血管来源于腋动脉的分支,其外径均在1mm以下,干长20mm以上;尖群淋巴结数量为(2.82±1.96)个,营养血管为胸肩峰动脉的分支,外径为(0.79±0.29)mm,干长(10.60±4.13)mm。

Results Sonographic manifestations of Lymphadenitis of cat scratch disease were lymphoglandula of hyper echogenicity or thick membrane and were revealed with clear boundary,multiple little lymphoglandulae around it were look like secondary planet,and be true of lymphadenitis color vessels change.


The percentage of TGF-β〓 positive cell in the pancreatic cancer tissue (43.8±5.2)% was significantly higher than that in adjacent pancreatic tissue (28.7±3.6)%, P<0.05. The worse the cancer cells differentiated and lymphy node metastasis, the more over-expression of TGF-β〓. 2. The percentage of Tr positive cell in the pancreatic cancer tissue (41±4)% was significantly higher than that in adjacent pancreatic tissue (23±3)%, P<0.05. The worse the cancer cells differentiated and lymphy node metastasis, the more over-expression of Tr, but the expression of Tr protein was not correlated with lymphy node metastasis (P>0.05). 3. The percentage of β-GCD positive cell in the pancreatic cancer tissue (62.5± 4.1)% was significantly higher than that in adjacent pancreatic tissue (33.5±2.8)%, P<0.05. The worse the cancer cells differentiated and lymphy node metastasis, the more over-expression of β-GCD in pancreatic cancer tissue, but the expression of β-GCD protein was not correlated with lymphy node metastasis. P>0.05. 4. the expression of β-GCD was significantly correlated with TGF-β〓 and Tr in the pancreatic cancer tissue.


Simultaneously 15 samples of normal nephric tissue were used as control.The sections from these samples were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis with antibodies directly against uPA and PAI-1 by LSAB method. In this study we adopt semiquantitative analysis to determined the expression of these molecules , and utilized the relevant data processing and statistical analysis to evaluate the correlation between their expression and the clinicopathological features of RCC.Results: 1. The positive rate of uPA and PAI-1 of uPA in RCC were 72%(36/50)and 56%(28/50), respectively.But in control group there was nearly


Site happened was particularly prevalent in the head and neck, armpits, groin, neck, preauricular, retroauricular, stock lymph nodes, submandibular lymph nodes and so on.


The main feature of sarcoidosis in FIRCT findings are symmetric lymph node enlargement in bilateral hili and/or mediastinum, nodules located along bronchovascular bundles.


Imaging appearances of AIDS complicated with pulmoanry tuberculosis coexisted with multiple foci of infection and polymorphism that distributed in multiple lobus. Most of AIDS patients were without typical tuberculous proliferative foci and lyphadenectasis, possibly to be associated with decreasing extent of immune function and the progress of disease at various stages in the young patients observed.


Furthermore, WB-DWI revealed more metastases to the lymph lodes and extraskeletal organs.


更多网络解释与多淋巴结的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




其临床特点为急性起病、发热、皮疹、淋巴结肿大、肝脾肿大和被恙螨幼虫叮咬处出现焦痂(eschar)等. 1927年日本学者取患者的血液注射入家兔的睾丸内,数日后见睾丸红肿,组织涂片经染色后镜检发现在细胞内有多形性小体. 这种多形性小体可传代感染,

Hodgkin disease, HD:霍奇金病

2.临床评价 霍奇金病(Hodgkin disease HD)是一种独特的淋巴瘤类型,是淋巴结其他淋巴组织中的淋巴细胞发生恶性增生而引起的淋巴瘤. 其瘤细胞成份复杂,多呈肉芽肿改变. 在多形性炎症浸润性背景中找到里-斯(Reed-Stemberg,R-S)细胞为特征.


目前肺叶切除 (lobectomy) 加上淋巴结之根除手术已是肺癌之标准手术,但对於肺功能不佳、年纪太大或合并其他严重内科疾病的情况下,局部切除 (local resection) 也是另一治疗的选择,其他如为保留更多肺部组织及避免作全肺切除,


关键词: 猫抓病(Cat-scratch;disease);淋巴结炎(Lymphadenitis)猫抓病(cat scratch disease)是一种动物源性传染病. 对本病的认识距今只有40多年的历史[1]. 目前已明确病原体是汉森巴尔通体(Bartonella henselae),其为纤细、多形态的棒状小杆菌,

acute lymphadenitis:急性淋巴结炎

急性淋巴结炎(acute lymphadenitis)是化脓性感染经淋巴管蔓延或扩散至所属区域的淋巴结而引起. 致病菌多为金黄色葡萄球菌和溶血性链球菌. 如上肢、乳腺、胸壁、背部及上腹壁感染引起腋窝淋巴结炎;下肢、下腹壁、会阴等处感染引起的腹股沟淋巴结炎;

submental space:颏下间隙

颏下间隙(submental space)位于舌骨上区,为颏下三角内的单一间隙. 间隙内有少量脂肪组织及淋巴结,此间隙供下颌舌骨肌、颏舌骨肌与舌下间隙相隔. 两侧与颌下间隙相连,感染易相互扩散? 颏下间隙解剖位置 颏下间隙的感染多来自于淋巴结炎症. 下唇、舌尖、口底、舌下肉阜、下颌前牙及牙周组织的淋巴回流可直



infectious eczematoid dermatitis:传染性湿疹样皮炎

.传染性湿疹样皮炎(infectious eczematoid dermatitis)常见于有较多分泌物的溃疡.窦道.慢性化脓性中耳炎及腹腔造瘘开口周围皮肤.与分泌物及其中感染细菌毒素或不适当外用治疗的刺激及接触过敏等混合因素有关.开始时原皮映损害周围皮肤潮红.自觉瘙痒加重.继之出现散在红色小丘疹.水疱.可发生糜烂..局部淋巴结可肿大及有压痛.


本文作者为了找寻可预测ALNM的因子 ,针对918个接受level I/II淋巴结切除的T1乳癌病患做了回顾性的分析,利用单变数 (univariate)及多变数(multivariate)分析法,该研究分析ALNM发生机率与11个临床 病理因子(肿瘤大小,淋巴血管的侵犯,