英语人>词典>汉英 : 多斑点地 的英文翻译,例句
多斑点地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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DEM is necessary in the geometrical correction of non-flat area. SAR simulation is helpful to the selection of GCPs in hilled area. For high accuracy of less than one pixel, auto-registration technique was adopted. Multi-channel filtering can be carried out in an optimal way, which minimizes speckle while preserving the radiometry and spatial resolution of the individual channels.

研究表明在非平坦地区必须经过DEM 正射校正,正射校正时利用DEM 模拟雷达影像有助于山区控制点的选择;利用多参数雷达合成影像时,影像间的配准十分重要,利用自动配准技术不仅配准精度高,而且自动化程度高;文中采用多通道滤波方法对多时相合成的ASAR影像进行斑点噪声的去除,很好地保持了图像的辐射特性和空间分辨率。

Diamonds began growth when "Jiangnan continent" combined to Yangtze craton, the growth and residence average temperature T〓 was about 1200℃; Diamonds were mutil-stages growth and interruption caused by temperature and pressure varied during Yangtze craton activities; Diamonds were etched when the magma did not erupt on the surface and form failed magma in mantle; during the later growth term T〓<1050℃, the type ⅠaA diamonds formed unclear and growth; Before the host magma erupted T〓<0.5Ma, T〓A<850℃, the type Ⅰb diamond formed unclear and growth; Few diamonds were brittle deformation during growth term, some were plastic deformation after growth; when the host magma erupted on the surface and weathered to alluvial deposit, diamonds surfaces formed green spots caused by irradiation, then most of green spots became to brown spots during a mid-temperature metamorphism; modern river reform it to alluvial deposit in the minute valley again.
