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多形性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pleomorphism  ·  polymorphism  ·  pantomorphia

更多网络例句与多形性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Microscopically, there are spindle to oblong cells with hyperchromatism and pleomorphism.


The nuclei were of low to intermediate nuclear grade with minimal nuclear pleomorphism. Thirteen of 17 cases (76%) were associated with conventional high-grade invasive urothelial carcinoma and 9 cases showed very focal intracytoplasmic vacuoles mimicking signet ring cells.


ResultsMorphological features with diagnostic value were established as follows:①Irregular or round-mesh basket type nucleolus;②Malformed nucleus and lobate nucleus with fine bridge;③Perinuclear microfilaments;④Nuclear bodies;⑤Nuclear inclusion bodies;⑥Marked cell pleomorphism arranged irregularly,like a disordered stone pavement;⑦Strange cell and/or giant cancer cell were found;⑧Peculiar papillae or cell clusters were formed;⑨Specific function structure on the surface of cell differentiated poorly.

结果 确定了具有诊断意义的形态学特征:①不规则奇形核仁或网孔状核仁;②畸形核,分叶核伴细桥-核间桥形成;③核旁微丝;④核体;⑤核包涵体;⑥细胞重度多形性,排列紊乱,似乱石铺堆;⑦出现奇形细胞和/或癌巨细胞;⑧形成奇形乳头和奇形细胞簇;⑨细胞表面特异功能结构分化不良。

The mice inoculated with Coxiella burnetii intrana- sally developed interstitial pneumonia,while the primary pathological changes of mice inoculated intraperitoneally are granulomas in spleen and liver.2.The pathological changes became more severe followed the dosage increasing.3.Coxiella burnetii can be detected in spleen and liver at day 2 after inoculation.the lesion became more and more serious from day 2 to day 12.The characteristic changes were observed at day 7,and recovered at day 14. 4.The reticuloendothelial system are main target of Coxiella burnetii.The pathogen was detected in cytoplasm of monocyte -macrophages of spleen, liver, lung, and endothelioid cells of blood vessel. 5. Coxiella burnetii can be found in macrophages lysosomes by electron microscopy. Most of them are round or rod, and polymorphic shape can also be observed in different size.

结果:1、通过不同感染途径的实验证实,滴鼻感染的小鼠主要表现为间质性肺炎,而腹腔注射感染小鼠则以脾脏、肝脏肉芽肿为主要病变。2、通过不同剂量的感染实验发现,随着感染Q热立克次体剂量的加大,动物病变愈加严重。3、通过感染后不同时间的动态病理学观察发现,在腹腔注射后第2d的脾和肝脏即可发现病原体,主要脏器的病理变化从第2d到第12d逐渐加重,第7d动物的病变最典型,至感染后14d动物的受损器官已开始出现修复性变化。4、 Q热立克次体主要侵害机体的网状内皮系统,在感染小鼠的肝、脾、肺和外周血管单核巨噬细胞以及血管内皮细胞胞浆中查见病原体。5、透射电镜观察可见Q热立克次体主要位于巨噬细胞吞噬溶酶体内,呈多形性,多见圆形和杆状,大小不一。

Among these patients, nearly 1/3 displayed various skin lesions at the onset; simultaneous erythematous papules and plaques are the most common initial manifestation.


The results of respiratory mechanics, homodynamic mechanics,aterial blood gaS, and inflaInInatory factors [TNF- Q, IL-l fl, IL-6,IL-l0, and adrenomedulin] which detected in animal serumand bronchial alveolar lavage fluid obtained from tiP lObe,heart lobe, and diaPhragIn lobe of right lung seParate1y in the mongreldogs were measured before and after lung injury (including receivinglung protective ventilation).

本实验证明了 loS肺内/肺外不同源性 ARDS动物模型的差异性,而且AnDS的肺部病变存在不均一性和多形性的特点,对有关ARDS进行性低氧血症的发生机制提出了肺动静脉可能存在类似于右一左分流的肺内分流现象,以及因肺内分流而导致严重通气/血流比例失调的解释。发现小潮气十PEEP通气对肺内源性 ARDS疗效不佳,而俯卧位+小潮气-I- PEEP通气对肺内/肺外不同源性ARDS均有较好的疗效。。

Results: the findings on ct and mri were as follows: 57 cases of oligodendroglioma, 15 cases of ganglioglioma , 5 cases of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor , 3 cases of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma .conclusion:the images on ct and mri of cerebra peripheral tumor occur some characters , so ct and mri were certain worth on the diagnose and differentiate diagnose of cerebra peripheral tumor.


Skin manifestations of leukemia are varied and include leukemia cutis (direct cutaneous infiltration by leukemic cells), Sweet's syndrome, erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, and bullous pemphigoid.


Two pathways may belong to the same functional system, though they have some architectural difference. It has been disscussed that some neural structures in the visceral afferent pathway may have some relation to the somesthetic afferent.


Before typical bullae appeared, patients presented with erythema, papules, papulovesicles, plaques, wheals, nodules, or erythema multiforme-like lesions, with the most common lesions being erythematous papules and plaques (occurring in 35.29% of these patients).


更多网络解释与多形性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

erythema multiforme:多形性红斑

多形性红斑(erythema multiforme)又名多形渗出性红斑,是一种病因复杂的急性非感染性的皮肤粘膜疾病,严重时也可伴有内脏损害. 一般起病较急,发病期中无明显的全身症状,病程自限性,皮肤黏膜损害约经2~4周可以逐渐消退,但容易复发,

Multiform PVC:[多形性室早]

.Multifocal PVC[多源性室早] | .Multiform PVC [多形性室早] | .Multistage stress test[多级运动试验]


multiformat camera 多规格摄影机 | multiformity 多形性 | multifrequency 多频的

polymorphous perversity:多形性反常

polymorphism 多形变态 | polymorphous perversity 多形性反常 | polyneuritic psychosis 多发神经炎精神症


带来关于Java目前和未来发展的重要趋势信息,并就相关的敏感问题接受了本报记者的采访."对于面向对象的程序设计语言,多型性是第三种最基本的特征(前两种是数据抽象和继承. " "多形性"(Polymorphism)从另一个角度将接口从具体的实施细节中分离..

Polymorphous heredity:同因多形性遗传

Polymery; Pleonasm 多肢体畸胎; 骈肢畸胎 | Polymorphous heredity 同因多形性遗传 | Polynephry; Supernumerary kidney 多肾

pleomorphic liposarcoma:多形性脂肪肉瘤

多形性脂肪肉瘤(pleomorphic liposarcoma)是脂肪肉瘤中一种罕见类型,具有生长迅速、转移率高、预后差的特点,因其肿瘤背景差别较大,日常工作中容易误诊.本文根据WHO(2002)软组织肿瘤病理学分类对多形性脂肪肉瘤的临床病理特征进行较全面的探讨,


无浆体属(anaplasma)微生物具有相似的形态结构,革兰染色阴性,具多形性,常表现为多形性(pleomorphic),球形或椭圆形(ellipsoidal). 此属微生物为专形细胞内寄生菌,存在于胞质空泡(vacuole)中,可单个存在,也可多个细菌紧密堆积在一起形成桑椹体型包涵体(morulae...

polymorphy:同质多形, 多形性

polymorphism 多形现象 | polymorphy 同质多形, 多形性 | polyphase 多相的

Multiform glioma; Multiform spongioblastoma:多形性神经胶瘤; 多形性神经胶胚细胞瘤

Multicentric carcinoma 多中心癌 | Multiform glioma; Multiform spongioblastoma 多形性神经胶瘤; 多形性神经胶胚细胞瘤 | Multilocular cyst; Compound cyst 多房囊肿