英语人>词典>汉英 : 多形体 的英文翻译,例句
多形体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与多形体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with its painful gallstones, its gravel and whatnot; I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap that runs endlessly; I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul; I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco, where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river. I love everything that flows, even the menstrual flow that carries away the seed unfecund. I love scripts that flow, be they hieratic, esoteric, perverse, polymorph, or unilateral. I love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end: the violence of the prophets, the obscenity that is ecstasy, the wisdom of the fanatic, the priest with his rubber litany, the foul words of the whore, the spittle that floats away in the gutter, the milk of the breast and the bitter honey that pours from the womb, all that is fluid, melting, dissolute and dissolvent, all the pus and dirt that in flowing is purified, that loses its sense of origin, that makes the great circuit toward death and dissolution.


I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with its painful gallstones, its gravel and what not; I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap that runs endlessly; I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul; I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco, where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river. I love everything that flows, even the menstrual flow that carries away the seed unfecund. I love scripts that flow, be they hieratic, esoteric, perverse, polymorph, or unilateral. I love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end: the violence of the prophets, the obscenity that is ecstasy, the wisdom of the fanatic, the priest with his rubber litany, the foul words of the whore, the spittle that floats away in the gutter, the milk of the breast and the bitter honey that pours from the womb, all that is fluid, melting, dissolute and dissolvent, all the pus and dirt that in flowing is purified, that loses its sense of origin, that makes the great circuit toward death and dissolution.


Microstructural observation revealed that a lot of epitaxial growth fibrous AlN polytype occurred in matrix. Y_2O_3 seems to act as a densifier for in-situ formation material and as medium for growth of fibrous polytype. SiO_2 is the growth promoter for fibrous polytype. The occurrence of fibrous polytype may increase the strength and toughness of AlN ceramic composite material.


The C3A spheroids displayed multilayer cell morphology, characterized by a large number of tight junctions, polar cells, and bile canaliculi, similar to spheroids of primary hepatocytes.


Specimen within a species differing from other specimens in consequence of intrapopulational variability (e.g. opposite sexes, castes, gynandromorphs and intersexes, aberrant individuals, age and seasonal forms, variants of noninterrupted variability or polymorphism, differing generations).


I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with its painful gallstones, its gravel and what not; I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap that runs endlessly; I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul; I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco, where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river. I love everything that flows, even the menstrual flow that carries away the seed unfecund. I love scripts that flow, be they hieratic, esoteric, perverse, polymorph, or unilateral. I love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end: the violence of the prophets, the obscenity that is ecstasy, the wisdom of the fanatic, the priest with his rubber litany, the foul words of the whore, the spittle that floats away in the gutter, the milk of the breast and the bitter honey that pours from the womb, all that is fluid, melting, dissolute and dissolvent, all the pus and dirt that in flowing is purified, that loses its sense of origin, that makes the great circuit toward death and dissolution.


I love the amniotic fluid when it spills out of the bag. I love the kidney with its painful gallstones, its gravel and whatnot; I love the urine that pours out scalding and the clap that runs endlessly; I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul; I love the great rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco, where crazy men like Moravagine float on through dream and legend in an open boat and drown in the blind mouths of the river. I love everything that flows, even the menstrual flow that carries away the seed unfecund. I love scripts that flow, be they hieratic, esoteric, perverse, polymorph, or unilateral. I love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end: the violence of the prophets, the obscenity that is ecstasy, the wisdom of the fanatic, the priest with his rubber litany, the foul words of the whore, the spittle that floats away in the gutter, the milk of the breast and the bitter honey that pours from the womb, all that is fluid, melting, dissolute and dissolvent, all the pus and dirt that in flowing is purified, that loses its sense of origin, that makes the great circuit toward death and dissolution.


It is often not necessary to purify the solution resulting from the above Reaction Scheme and to convert it to desired polymorphs straight away, and it may be convenient to store it for eventual use.


Information such as the potential for isomerism, the identification of stereochemistry, or the potential for forming polymorphs should also be included.


The cabergoline so produced may then be subjected to purification procedures (including column chromatography and crystallisation from various solvents) and converted to a desired polymorph for incorporation into pharmaceutical preparations.


更多网络解释与多形体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


以未成形体的受精卵、囊胚(Blastocyst)或怀孕周数来认定上帝承认胎儿的地位,是难以被接受的. 因为多处圣经告诉我们,在母腹里未成形体之先,祂早已认识我们. 在整体基督教伦理的立场上,我们找不到任何圣经支持堕胎的说法.


消渴是由于阴亏燥热,五脏虚弱所导致的以多饮(Polydipsia)、多尿(Polyuria )、多食(Polyphagia) 、形体消瘦(Emaciation) ,或尿有甜味(Sweat urine)为主要临床表现的病证.


当幼虫侵入寄主组织,其外层具纤毛的细胞消失,生殖细胞多分裂形成多核的变形体(plasmodium). 变形体由无性的碎裂方法产生很多变形体,然后由它们发育成雌、雄个体. 近十余年来对中生动物的系统发育、亚显微结构、生理、生殖、发育、生态以及生化分类等进行了多方面的研究.


polymerize 聚合 | polymorph 多形体 | polymorphic 多形的


polymolecularity 多分子性;高分散性 | polymorph 多形体;多晶型物 | polymorphic inversion 多形转换

polymorph 1:多形体;2多晶型物

polymolecular 多分子 | polymorph 1多形体;2多晶型物 | polymorphism 1多型性;2多晶型[现象]

circumvallate papillae:轮廓乳头

固有层中有丰富的毛细血管,使乳头外观呈红色(图12-2)3.轮廓乳头 轮廓乳头(circumvallate papillae)有10余个,位于舌界沟前方. 形体较大,顶端平坦,乳头周围的粘膜凹陷形成环沟,沟两侧的上皮内有较多味蕾. 固有层中有较多浆液性味腺,导管开口于沟底,


polymer 聚合物,又称高分子 | polymolecular 多分子 | polymorph 1多形体;2多晶型物

keep one's breath to cool one's porridge:多说无用

keep one's body in shape 保持形体 | keep one's breath to cool one's porridge 多说无用 | keep one's chin up 不气馁

polymorphs:多晶型物, 同质多形体

polymorphism 同质多晶现象 | polymorphs 多晶型物, 同质多形体 | polyphosphates 聚磷酸盐