英语人>词典>汉英 : 多小枝的 的英文翻译,例句
多小枝的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
virgate  ·  ramulose

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Much-branched subshrub with silvery leaves and small white flowers of Texas and northern Mexico; cultivated as a source of rubber .


The main results were showed as follows:Through screen and identification of morphology in M_2 and M_3, respectively, the mutants with mutative traits of plant were found. In which, 11 mutations were leaf variations, including light-green leaf, deep-green leaf, durative yellowish leaf, temporary yellowish leaf, inlaid yellowish leaf, wrinkly leaf, smooth-edged curly leaf, splitting-shaped curly leaf, peduncular-shaped leaf, round leaf and larger leaf, 12 were mutations on plant type, including excessive branches, lacking branches, highness, dwarf-like, erect posture, reclinate posture, strong stalk, slender stalk, tufty branches, wrinkled plant, purple stalk and hair-covered plant, 14 were flower variations, including dense flowers, light-yellow petals, white petals, white-mosaic petals, wrinkled petales, back-rolled petals, narrow petals, larger petals, smaller petals, apetalous flowers, variable-numbered petals, fertile pistil protraction, sterile pistil protraction and multi-anther, and 5 were physiologic mutants, including genic male sterile, cytoplasmic male sterile, bud-dead, and early and later bloom.


Style terminal; branches unarmed or with leafy spine-tipped branchlets; petals white, pink, light red, or purple (yellowish white in Laurocerasus undulata).

花柱顶生;分枝无刺或具多叶的刺端部小枝;花瓣白色,粉红色,浅红色,或紫色(Laurocerasus 淡黄白色)。

Inflorescences terminal and/or axillary, usually long pedunculate, 2 or 3 or more branched, branches scorpioid; bracts small, sepal-like.


Plants usually thorny; twigs thornlike, bearing leaves and flowers, or twigs with needlelike thorns; leaf blade small, usually shorter than 7 cm.

植株通常多刺;小枝刺状,着生叶和花,或小枝具刺;小的叶片,通常短于7 厘米 5 Gymnosporia 裸实属

Branchlets, petioles, rachises, and abaxial leaf surface brownish hirsute, hairs 2-3 mm.

小枝,叶柄,轴,和带褐色多毛的叶背面,头发2-3毫米 22 T。 obovatum 毛枝崖爬藤

They shacked off some snow from top branches.


If branchlets occur, the stem leaves are much larger than the bracts of the branchlets.


Primary branches of panicle much branched, branchlets many

圆锥花序多分枝的主枝,小枝很多 7

Shrubs or small trees, often glabrous; branches terete or 4-sided, many-branched.


更多网络解释与多小枝的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ramstam 固执的 | ramtil 盏金花 | ramulose 多小枝的


ramulose 多小枝的 | ramus 分支 | rance 兰斯石


sprigging /插型钉/ | spriggy /小树枝多的/嫩枝多的/ | sprightliness /愉快/快活/


twig 小枝 | twiggy 多细枝的 | twilight sleep 半麻醉


virga 幡状云 | virgate 多小枝的 | virginal 无垢的


virga /幡状云/ | virgate /棒状的/多小枝的/ | virgil /古罗马的诗人/


John's wort科名:金丝桃科(Clusiaceae) 金丝桃又叫土连翘,为金丝桃科的半常绿小灌木,小枝纤细且多分枝,叶纸质、无柄、对生、长椭圆形,花期6-7月,常见3-7朵集合成聚伞花序着生在枝顶,此花不但花色金黄,而且其呈束状纤细的雄蕊花丝也灿若金丝,


ramtil 盏金花 | ramulose 多小枝的 | ramus 分支

twifold:双重的 两倍的

twicestoriedcordon 两侧多层单干形 | twifold 双重的 两倍的 | twig 小枝 树枝

indian hemp:印度大麻

作为毒品的大麻,其实是大麻家族中的一个小分支--印度大麻(Indian hemp)中的一个矮小、多分枝的变种,它的花、种子和晒干的叶子都可以制作大麻烟(Marijuana或Cannabis).