英语人>词典>汉英 : 多孔菌 的英文翻译,例句
多孔菌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

bracket fungus · pore fungus
更多网络例句与多孔菌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The polypores treated in the present list are in wide sense, including the poroid species in Polyporales, Hymenochaetales, Gloeophyllales, Trechisporales, Corticiales, Thelephorales and Russulales, and a few poroid genera of Agaricales, Atheliales, Cantharellales and Auriculariales (e.g. Dictyopanus, Favolaschia, Elmerina, Fistulina and Protomerulius).


Basidiomycetes genus Hericium, non-separated Basidiomycotina subclass, polypores eyes, teeth bacteria Branch, Hericium is.


Basidiomycetes genus Hericium, non-separated Basidiomycotina subclass, polypores eyes, teeth bacteria Branch, Hericium is.

摘 要:猴头菌属担子菌纲,无隔担子菌亚纲,多孔菌目,齿菌科,猴头属。

Based on more than 10 000 collected specimens and other poroid specimens of aphyllophoraceus fungi in the main mycological herbaria in China, the knowledge of Chinese polypores is summarized, and 604 species are recorded in the country so far.


Results showed the lignin degrading ability of 6 species of wood white rot fungi is different, it is Pycnoporus sanguineus, Pseudotrametes gibbbosa, Polyporellus brumalis, Lenzites tricolor, Funalia gallica and Phellius igniarius in turn.


Funalia gallica, Lenzites tricolor, Polyporellus brumalis, Pseudotrametes gibbosa, Pycnoporus sanguineus, tested their degrading ability to david poplar wood lignin, measured the lignin content change of david poplar wood after a period of time degraded by 6 wood rot fungi, which is the first study on the biodegradation mechanism of lignin by wood white rot fungi.


Ganoderma species belong to the kingdom of Fungi, the division of Basidiomycota, the class of Homobasidiomycetes, the order of Aphyllophorales, the family of Polyporaceae and the genus of Ganoderma.


Grifola frondosa is a food, drug use either mushroom, is a layer of bacteria Basidiomycotina Class of non-Aphyllophorales Polyporaceae tree flowers sp.


Maitake's a lot of different names, and some writings called Polyporus fungus, Hebei called chestnut mushrooms, chestnut mushrooms, Sichuan, known as terra-bacteria,"Annals of Fujian," called heavy mushrooms, while the local people call it Lotus mushrooms, Beijing Yanqing County, Dongshan district board called the melon, as well as bacteria called strange fruit or fruit YIP Kei bacteria.


The third year we plan to isolate, purify and analize the active compounds which are evaluated by the analysis of bio-assay according to former system. However, the correct scientific species of common name is still confused since the ancient time peoples did not have the taxonomic system.


更多网络解释与多孔菌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bracket fungus:檐状菌 多孔菌

bracket floor | 空心肋板, 开框肋板 | bracket fungus | 檐状菌 多孔菌 | bracket joint | 角板, 肘板接合

bracket fungus:多孔菌

bracket fungi 檐状菌 | bracket fungus 多孔菌 | bracket height 机架高度

birch conk:桦木多孔菌

birch bark tar 桦皮焦油 | birch conk 桦木多孔菌 | birdmouth 承接口

pore fungus:多孔菌

plant society 植物组合 | pore fungus 多孔菌 | pore 孔隙


多倍体种 polypolid species | 多孔菌科(菌蕈目);猢狲座蕈科 Polyporaceae | 多孔菌亚科;猢狲座蕈亚科 Polyporeae


25.齿菌(卷缘齿菌) Hydnum repandum | (四)多孔菌科 Polyporaceae | 26.彩绒革盖菌(云芝) Polystictus versicolor


多孔菌亚科;猢狲座蕈亚科 Polyporeae | 似多孔菌的 polyporoid | 多孔的 polyporous


多孔菌属(Polyporus)属于担子菌纲多孔菌多孔菌科(Polyporaceae),是一类腐生真菌. 它们主要寄生在活立木、立桩上,有时也生长于腐木上. 它们在生长代谢中能产生胞外酶,能够降解纤维素和木脂素,常引起一些树木的疾病;同时,


polyporous多孔的 | polyporus多孔菌(属);松覃(属) | polyposia多软症

Polyporus elegans Bull.:Fr:雅致多孔菌

小黑多孔菌Polyporus dictyopus Mont. | 雅致多孔菌Polyporus elegans Bull.:Fr. | 条盖多孔菌Polyporus grammocephalus Berk.