- 更多网络例句与多处发生的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Corona and spark discharge may appear on high voltage power network,substation and distribution etc.
There exist successive deletions in the sequence of the genomic DNA of Kale and Kohlrabi, compared with that of Brussel Sprouts.
It most often presents in soft tissue and internal organs and is known to be occasionally multicentric or metastatic.
Those may be the structure for pyrenoid photosynthesis. The starch sheath embedded the pyrenoid. The pyrenoid could be divided into three types according to their structure.
1,After transfected the mutated mtDNA of colorectal carcinoma,the mtDNA D-loop region of the transfected cells displays new mutation points.2,The external source pieces of the mutated mtDNA can integrate to nuclear genome after transfection.3,There's no differences in apoptosis between combinations after transfected the mutation of mtDNA in NIH3T3 and LST cells.4,The mutated mtDNA may affect the action mechanism of occurrence and development in colorectal carcinoma through affecting its mtDNA mutation or integrating exogenetic mtDNA to its nuclear which may cause the abnormal expression of oncogene or anti-oncogene.
1,After transfected the mutated mtDNA of colorectal carcinoma,the mtDNA D-loop region of the transfected cells displays new mutation points.2,The external source pieces of the mutated mtDNA can integrate to nuclear genome after transfection.3,There's no differences in apoptosis between combinations after transfected the mutation of mtDNA in NIH3T3 and LST cells.4,The mutated mtDNA may affect the action mechanism of occurrence and development in colorectal carcinoma through affecting its mtDNA mutation or integrating exogenetic mtDNA to its nuclear which may cause the abnormal expression of oncogene or anti-oncogene.
Results: the location, shape and number of the sympathetic ganglia were quite variable, and there was 1 to 6 in number unilaterally. Lumbar sympathetic trunk divided into 2-3 branches at the distal part were found in 12 sides. Lumbar arteries were all located under the lumbar sympathetic trunk and the lumbar veins, consisting (68.42+4.35)% situated superficially to the trunk, mainly in L4 arid L5 veins. Genitofemoral nerve pierced psoas muscle at the level of L2-L4 or its intervertebral disc (0.83±0.48) cm away from the medial edge of psoas muscle.
From the isohyetal maps, we can display the spatial distribution of rainfall caused by typhoons in Nan Shih Creek watershed.
At the same time, the relationship between genera Machilus and Persea was also discussed. The result of chloroplast DNA analysis indicated that C. philippinense was closer to Machilus than to Cinnamomum. There was no difference between C. philippinense, Machilus thunbergii, M.
When they occur, there are always multiple metastases.
- 更多网络解释与多处发生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
(1)一期梅毒:主要症状为硬下疳(chancre),发生于不洁的性交后2~4周. 出现于梅毒螺旋体侵入处,大多发生于生殖器部位,少数发生于唇、咽、宫颈等处. 男性多发生在阴茎的包皮、冠状沟、系带和龟头上,同性恋男性常见于肛门部或直肠;
angular cheilitis:口角炎
口角炎(angular cheilitis)是指发生在上下唇连合处的各种炎症的总称,多见于儿童,常是双侧同时发生. 病损既波及周围粘膜,又累及口角附近皮肤.
上皮癌(epithelioma)容易发生于上皮细胞组织性质改变之处. 因此角膜缘及睑缘处为结膜上皮癌最易发生的部位. 其中以睑裂部角膜颞侧缘处发生率为最高. 患者多为老年人,男多于女. 恶性黑色素瘤(malignant melanoma)原发者少见.
soft fibroma:软纤维瘤
软纤维瘤(soft fibroma) 是一种表皮过度角化和真皮结缔组织增生性的疾病又名皮赘,常见于中年或老年,尤以更年期后妇女多见. 通常分多发丝状及单发口袋状两型. 前者主要发生于颈侧面,后者可发生于面部、胸背、腋窝及腹股沟等处.
毛囊炎(folliculitis)是指葡萄球菌 侵入毛囊部位所发生的化脓性炎症中医学根据其发病部位及形状有不同的命名如大珠疮发际疮羊胡子疮蝼蛄疖蝼蛄患蟮拱头等本病好发于头部项部臀部肛周或身体其他部位且有复发倾向常多处发生性质顽固迁延难愈
本报消息,4月27日下午,米兰华人区保罗.萨比(Paolo Sarpi )街和麦斯纳(Messina)街的交界处发生枪击案. 一名华人青年头部中弹当场死亡;另一名华人青年胸部和身体多处受伤,当救护车赶到出事地点时已奄奄一息,经抢救无效死亡.
[the worst of which a mile-long motorway pileup:[最糟糕的一处多车相撞达一英里]
[...many major road accidents,]|[很多主要道路发生事故] | [the worst of which a mile-long motorway pileup.]|[最糟糕的一处多车相撞达一英里] | And yet, here we are again,|虽然如此 我们会再次振作起来
Central neurocytoma:(中枢神经细胞瘤)
中枢神经细胞瘤(Central neurocytoma)是一种少见的中枢神经系统肿瘤. 主要见于年轻成人,发生部位以侧脑室或第三脑室接近Moron孔处多见,少数可发生于脑室外. 患者常有颅内压升高的症状. 特征性的影像学改变为脑室内肿块,可见钙化和囊性变.