- 更多网络例句与多口孔的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Clinical manifestations, sinus large多斤called antihelix feet above the ostium diameter is only about 1mm concave hole can emit a little white micro-foul secretions.
Furthermore,because the interior and exterior characters of fora-miniferal apertures are becoming more and more important in the classification of foraminifera,we should pay more attention to the free specimen s from Paleozoic foraminiferal stu.
In fact, because Hymen hole of the circle is very small,great majority female is in after first time sexual intercourse can contain one little toe only commonly, the meeting after the penis is inserted causes Hymen to be in or much place is torn, bring about first sexual life bleeds, later as coital number increase, vaginal mouth also increases gradually, hymen crack also assumes much office or show dated sex loss.
However, I put milk in a bottle-fed baby when Lane, 80ML eat on his more than 20 minutes (which is a few to eat, play, I would not have been linked to smoking), I gave him to use the word for 3-6 months baby on its use of the nipple hole is not a hole too small suction baby's tired?
- 更多网络解释与多口孔的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
最佳答案: 有性生殖开始时,部分菌丝体的分枝分别形成多核、较小的雄器(antheridium)和较大的产囊体(ascogonium). 当雄器与产囊体上的受精丝(trichogyne)接触后,在接触点形成一个孔口,雄器中的许多细胞核就通过受精丝进入产囊体,与其中的细胞核配对形成...
(2)子囊壳(perithecium) 子囊由几层菌丝细胞组成的特殊的壁所包围,子囊果成熟时,出现一个小孔,通过孔口放出子囊孢子. (3)子囊盘(apothecium) 仅在子囊基部有多层菌丝组成盘状. 子囊平行排列在盘上,上部展开,犹如果盘,故称子囊盘.
- '''星鲨属'''(Mustelus)是[[真鲨目]][[皱唇鲨科]]的1属,有20种,中国有3种. 体长约1米. 眼中等大小,椭圆形,瞬褶发达. 喷水孔小,位于眼后. 鼻孔宽大,前鼻瓣圆形突出,距口远. 口弧形,唇褶发达. 牙细小而多,平扁亚圆形,齿头退化或消失,
文章摘要:丝状线虫是指丝状科(Setariidae)丝状属(Setaria)的一些线虫,多寄生于有蹄类动物的腹腔内,故又称腹腔丝虫. 腹腔丝虫口孔呈圆形,口环的侧突起为三角形,背、腹突起上有凹迹. 雄虫长40~50mm,两根交合刺,长分别为130~140μm和250~270μm.
角鲨科(Squalidae)是角鲨目下的一个科. 体长1米以上. 鳃孔5个,吻短或中长,眼侧位. 鼻孔距口颇远. 背鳍2个,各具1硬棘;胸鳍位于最后一鳃孔后面. 牙单齿头或多齿头型. 化石见于白垩纪至近代.