英语人>词典>汉英 : 外国狂 的英文翻译,例句
外国狂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与外国狂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tsai said that on his breast, hanging jump Chinese dance,"Wei Ye" part of the roof due to perform, we need a lot of shouting, staff has been constantly reminded him not too hard G, so he followed aphonia affect performance, Tsai said:"When the great singer pressure, I understand the feelings Xueyou, in fact, I have a medicine to be a doctor to help me to come back from abroad, said foreign singers for the opening of Sound, 10000 10000 Ling test, so far, I have not tried, but who bring Pong, if Xueyou need can contact me, and I find his people to give it a try."


After that I took to reading foreign ghost stories and came to know that witches can turn into cats. When a witch is to attend a Satanic Bacchanal, she rubs some oil on her body, mutters some incantations and turns herself into a cat.


She was recently quoted by a British newspaper as saying that she had first learned about spanking and masochism after meeting foreign men in the Tashkent nightclub.


更多网络解释与外国狂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

scalar meson:标量介子

white paste 厚漆 铅漆 | scalar meson 标量介子 | xenomania 外国迷, 外国狂

transfer molding:传递模塑法 连续自动送进成型, 转移造型

xenomania 外国迷, 外国狂 | transfer molding 传递模塑法 连续自动送进成型, 转移造型 | overlap welding 搭接焊

Xenomania:外国迷, 外国狂

scalar meson 标量介子 | xenomania 外国迷, 外国狂 | transfer molding 传递模塑法 连续自动送进成型, 转移造型

Ricky Gervais:英国喜剧明星瑞奇.热维斯

金球奖(Golden Globe Awards)的举办方是好莱坞外国记者协会(Hollywood Foreign现场直播,英国喜剧明星瑞奇.热维斯(Ricky Gervais)将担任主持人. 本届金球奖提名中,一方面上届的获奖剧集<<广告狂人>>(Mad Men)和<<我为喜剧狂>>(30 Rock)仍然入围,