英语人>词典>汉英 : 外国佬 的英文翻译,例句
外国佬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gringo  ·  gringos

更多网络例句与外国佬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Listen, I'm clocking this foreigner, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


Used as a disparaging term for a Latin American, especially a Mexican .


But he met with considerable resistance from the Chilean government and media: the idea of a rich gringo going down to South America to protect nature, not exploit it, seemed so absurd to post-Pinochet Chileans that they suspected Tompkins was up to something.


And Gu Ge is different, it is gringo unexpectedly surely, see domain name weight and authority spend only, still be disinclined to manage to this bit of bagatelle.


Comrade Li's excellent presentation on the ambitious future development plans of the Bao An Foreign Trade Base were soon drowned out by the crescendo of great growling gringo stomachs.


Hey, fucking gringo.


Hey, fuck ing gringo.


Then I'd be Captain-Pilot and we'd have a Netherlander running the ship—not a foreigner—and the secrets would be safe for us.


Boycott Viet gooks in all over the World my brothers!!!!


"The gringos are never coming back," he concluded.


更多网络解释与外国佬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


推出两张专辑后,业当斯开始为"奇想( Kinks ) ,"外国佬"( Foreigner ) ,"可爱男孩(Loveboy)等乐队做暖场演出. 1983年,单曲"Cats like. Knife"(刀一样刺骨)帮布莱恩.亚当斯敲开了美国的大门.

Green thumb,green fingers:种植花草蔬菜技能高的人

Greaser,wet back,Mexican 湿背佬,墨西哥人 | Green thumb,green fingers 种植花草蔬菜技能高的人 | Gringo,American,Yankee 外国佬(西班牙和拉美人用于称来自英语国家的人)北方佬


作为美国少数民族,他们也同样身陷困境,罗多尔夫.贡萨雷斯在他的一首诗>(" I Am Joaquin" , 1972)中对此有着深刻的揭示:诗中所谓的"外国佬"(gringo)原来是西班牙裔、墨西哥裔、拉美裔美国人用来对来自讲英语国家的人的蔑称,


a clean slate 历史纪录清白 | gringo外国佬(在拉丁美洲或戏班呀的来自英语国家的人) | unruffled 平静镇定的


Green thumb,green fingers 种植花草蔬菜技能高的人 | Gringo,American,Yankee 外国佬(西班牙和拉美人用于称来自英语国家的人)北方佬 | Groupie 流行乐团迷,疯狂追随者

Gringos:外国佬! )

Nowhere to hide, malditos! ( 没地方可躲了 ) | Gringos! ( 外国佬! ) | Come out and play! ( 出来玩啊! )

Hey, gringos:喂 外国佬! )

The damn thing's not coming off! ( 我们没成功! ) | Hey, gringos! ( 喂 外国佬! ) | Come out and play. ( 出来玩啊 )

Gringos!But what about this:外国佬!这怎么办? )

We've got to go.They can't find us here. ( 我们必须走 在这他们找不到我们 ) | Gringos!But what about this? ( 外国佬!这怎么办? ) | Stash it! ( 藏起来! )

Us gringos ain't all butt buddies:(我们这些外国佬并不都是蠢蛋)

So none of you have called the embassy, huh? (你们没人打过电话给大使馆 是吧?... | Us gringos ain't all butt buddies. (我们这些外国佬并不都是蠢蛋) | You want it? Cause I'll keep it. (要么? 不然我就收下了...

Fucking foreigners:该死的外国佬

You are incredible.|你真不可思议 | Fucking foreigners.|该死的外国佬 | Okay.|好吧