英语人>词典>汉英 : 外侧的 的英文翻译,例句
外侧的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Each vessel ramified several twigs (from 2 to 3) into the lateral margin,superior and inferior aspects of the lateral part of the optic chiasma,and the lateral half of the optic nerve neighboring the OC. In summary,the perforating arteries with long free segments of the external brain took the form of chains or series of irregular loops,ran in the subarachnoid space and feed special areas.

结果 视交叉侧动脉自颈内动脉C2段内侧壁发出,在蛛网膜下腔迂曲走行,起始部位靠上,几乎与视交叉处于同一水平,直径(0.18±0.06)mm,在到达视交叉之前发出2~3条亚支,呈"分水岭"样分布于视交叉侧缘、视交叉侧部的上面和下面靠外侧的部分以及视神经近视交叉处外侧半。

The long and short corridors facing outside meet at the north end, with the best views facing the highest and best-preserved hill of the entire campus, like two streets leading up to a plaza, or the two wings of a boat meeting at the foredeck.


The outer edge of the B ring which forms the inner boundary of the Cassini division is maintained by a gravitational resonance with Mimas. Near the outer edge of the A ring are the Encke Gap (325 kilometers, or 202 miles wide) and the barely visible Keeler Gap (35 kilometers, or 22 miles wide).


Should there be enough ces, Thanatos is supposed to be blown up through the use of the inner ce wall, otherwhise fire and shotguns must be concentrated on it. All along, a marine is ready for the hellspawns moving in message. Once the message appears, the marine in question sprints outside and sets up the road flares. The first hellspawn must be blown at the outer wall, while the second at the inner.


There have been several supports for the lateral incision of whirbone in the TKA of valgus deformity, which is not accepted universally. And some scholars raise the scheme of articular capsule Z-shape discission or the shifting of fat pad before capsule.


We found that the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was crucial for the retrieval of the encoded pictorial information, whereas the left DLPFC was involved in encoding operations.


Rostral to the obex,which consisted of dorsomedial vagal-solitary complex and area postrema,ventrolateral medulla and nucleus ambiguous,intermediate reticular formation.

结果 该带在猫存在于从锥体交叉至闩以上2.9mm,吻尾长约7.0mm,脑干横切面上宽0.4~2.5mm的弧形带状区,由背内侧的迷走孤束复合体和最后区、腹外侧的疑核和延髓腹外侧区,以及位于二者之间的中间网状结构所构成。

From the brain stem at the lateral end of ponto medullary sulcas, the distance between the facial nerve, the vestibulocochlear nerve, the abducenst nerves, and the trigeminal nerve were 2.38±0.65mm, 6.62±0.41mm, 7.59±1.08mm.


The XTR rotor is a two-piece construction with a steel brake surface on an aluminium carrier. The rotor mounts on a splined hub and is held in place by a lockring that takes the same tool as Shimano\'s cassette lockring.


The manufacturing method comprises the following steps: a wire-coiling machine is used to vertically and evenly wind the metal narrowbands outside the metal capillary according to the actual need; then the regular welding method is adopted to weld the metal narrowbands wound outside the metal capillary on the outer surface of the metal capillary.


更多网络解释与外侧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


依脱臼的位置可分内侧(Medial)和外侧(Lateral)二种,内侧膝盖骨脱白于小品种的犬好发,外侧脱臼在大型犬的比例较高. 发生原因有先天性(Congenital)和创伤性(Traumatic)二种,以先天性的为主(7). 而在犬的品种中,


outbid 出高价 | outboard 外侧的 | outbound 出站


牙医建议刷牙时谨守以下COI准则:根据咀嚼面(Chewingside)、外侧(Outside)和内侧(Inside)的次序,每部分刷一分钟. 牙刷以前后移动的方式清洁咀嚼面,以绕小圈的方式清洁外侧和内侧. 接着,还要漱口和清洁牙刷. 其实,随着宝宝的身体发育,

Sesamoid cartilages:籽骨 在上方与下方外侧软骨之间靠外侧部分发现的小软骨

Scroll area 卷动区 下方外侧软骨外侧脚与上方外侧软骨之间联结处,可以反... | Sesamoid cartilages 籽骨 在上方与下方外侧软骨之间靠外侧部分发现的小软骨. | Supratip area 鼻尖上区域 刚好在鼻尖上方和鼻背下方之间...

lateral sulcus:外侧沟

BA44的上界为[[额下沟]],前界为[[外侧沟]](Lateral sulcus)的上升枝. BA44在深度上延伸到[[岛叶]]之...与[[Brodmann 46区]]之后. BA44的上界为[[额下沟]],后界为[[外侧沟]](Lateral sulcus)的上升枝. BA45在深度上延伸到[[岛叶]]之


anteriorly /前面地/居先地/ | anterolateral /前外侧的/ | anteromedian /前正中的/


dorsolateral surface; facies convexa cerebri 大腦凸面 | dorsolateral 背外側的 | dorso-ventral muscle 背腹肌


内侧(medialis)和外侧(lateralis):是描述各部位与正中面相对距离的位置关系名词. 近正中面者为内侧,远离正中面者为外侧. 前臂的内侧称尺侧(ulnaris),外侧称桡侧(radialis). 小腿的内侧称胫侧(tibialis),外侧称腓侧(fibularis).


tergite 背片 | tergolateral 背外侧的 | tergum 脊板

margo interosseus tibiae:胫骨骨间缘:胫骨体之突出外侧缘,为其后面与外侧面的分界线,骨间膜附于此

margo interosseus radii 桡骨骨间缘:桡骨的突出内侧缘,藉坚... | margo interosseus tibiae 胫骨骨间缘:胫骨体之突出外侧缘,为其后面与外侧面的分界线,骨间膜附于此 | margo inteosseus ulnae 尺骨骨间缘:尺骨之突出...