英语人>词典>汉英 : 外交豁免权 的英文翻译,例句
外交豁免权 的英文翻译、例句


diplomatic immunity
更多网络例句与外交豁免权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"You know that I have diplomatic immunity!"


Perhaps one of his greatest inventions, though, is that of diplomatic immunity.


I do not have diplomatic immunity.


How about:"Who Doesn't Want to Have Diplomatic Immunity for a Day?"


And, despite not having diplomatic immunity, he gave shelter to some people in his own home.


That is, spies with diplomatic immunity.


He allowed freedom of religion, encouraged free trade, developed a paper currency, and observed diplomatic immunity.


She used her diplomatic immunity and her consular ship to gain access to restricted areas.


Diplomatic immunity enforces crap like this and it pisses me off.


The purpose of diplomatic immunity is not to benefit foreign officials but to ensure the efficient and effective performance of their duties on behalf of their governments.


更多网络解释与外交豁免权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diplomatic asylum:外交庇护

外汇管制 foreign exchange control | 外交庇护 diplomatic asylum | 外交豁免权 diplomatic immunity



diplomatic channel:外交途径

僵局deadlock | 外交途径diplomatic channel | 外交豁免权diplomatic immunity

diplomatic corps:外交使团

diplomatic agent 外交人员 | diplomatic corps 外交使团 | diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权

diplomatic immunity:外交豁免权(责任编辑:流水)

fundamental duties of citizens公民基本义务 | extra territoriality治外法权 | diplomatic immunity外交豁免权(责任编辑:流水)

He has diplomatic immunity:他有外交豁免权

7563. This vaccine will give you immunity for two years. 接种这种疫苗可有两年免疫... | 7564. He has diplomatic immunity. 他有外交豁免权. | 7565. His illness has impaired his efficiency. 生病降低了他的效...

violate their diplomatic immunity:侵犯外交豁免权

94.for a start首先(觉得bernard越来越好玩了) | 95.violate their diplomatic immunity侵犯外交豁免权 | 96.doggy bag餐馆打包袋

That is, spies with diplomatic immunity:也就是:拥有外交豁免权的特工

or embassies around the world as official cover operatives.|或者被派往世界各国的大使馆 作为有官员... | That is, spies with diplomatic immunity.|也就是:拥有外交豁免权的特工 | Now, every once in a while,...

They say what they like in this household, and then they claim diplomatic immunity:不管说什么话都有外交豁免权

-Oh, so beautiful and smart. -You see, this ... | They say what they like in this household, and then they claim diplomatic immunity.|不管说什么话都有外交豁免权 | -Think of the children you could have....

diplomatic privileges:外交豁免权

文化使节 cultural ambassador | 外交豁免权 diplomatic privileges | 条约 treaty