英语人>词典>汉英 : 外交使节 的英文翻译,例句
外交使节 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

diplomatic envoy
更多网络例句与外交使节相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I also want to thank members of the diplomatic corps who are here and several members of the Administration.


Staff in the diplomatic corps and in government intelligence agencies are targets for violence.


I want to say that I'm deeply honored to welcome so many members of the diplomatic corps, as well as several members of my administration and distinguished members of Congress, including the first two Muslims to serve in Congress -- Keith Ellison and Andre Carson.


I want to say that I'm deeply honored to welcome so many membersof the diplomatic corps, as well as several members of myadministration and distinguished members of Congress, including thefirst two Muslims to serve in Congress -- Keith Ellison and AndreCarson.


A Vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just beneath a nuncio.


Sir Harold Nicolson quoted the Oxford English Dictionary as saying: Diplomacy is the management of international relations by negotiation; the method by which these relations are adjusted by ambassadors and envoys; the business or art of the diplomatist.


The eastward routes of the Byzantine coins are three: the northern route, the midst route and the southern route. The diplomat contact between the West Turk Khanate and the Byzantine empire, added the northern route passing through the Black sea and the Capsian sea to the east-west trade.


He served as envoy to the French government.


Mr. Blair, who is a special envoy to the Middle East, is a devout Christian.


A courteous and scholarly former finance minister who launched reforms in 1991 that unshackled India's mixed economy, he has been an effective envoy for India.


更多网络解释与外交使节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diplomate:有执照之专科医生 (名)

diplomat 外交官, 有外交手腕的人 (名) | diplomate 有执照之专科医生 (名) | diplomatic corps 外交使节

diplomatic corps:外交使节团

派往某一个国家的所有外交官叫外交使节团(diplomatic corps)[注意corps的发音与core一样]. 其中一位往往成为primus inter pares(同辈者之首),也叫团长(dean of the diplomatic corps). 一般由在该国的最有资历的外交官出任.

diplomatic corps:使节团 外交 仪

381 dinner 晚宴 外交 仪 | 383 Diplomatic Corps 使节团 外交 仪 | 384 diplomatic immunities 外交豁免 外交 仪

diplomatic corps; diplomatic body:外交使团

外交使节 diplomatic envoy | 外交使团 diplomatic corps; diplomatic body | 文化参赞 cultural counsellor

dean of diplomatic corps:使节团团长 外交 仪

379 Dean of Consular Corps 事团团长 外交 仪 | 380 Dean of Diplomatic Corps 使节团团长 外交 仪 | 381 dinner 晚宴 外交 仪

diplomatic envoy:外交使节

外交辞令diplomatic parlance | 外交使节diplomatic envoy | 文化使节cultural ambassador

diplomatic immunities:外交豁免 外交 仪

383 Diplomatic Corps 使节团 外交 仪 | 384 diplomatic immunities 外交豁免 外交 仪 | 385 diplomatic list 外交官衔名 外交 仪

right of legation:使节权 一般外交辞汇

248 restoration of recognition 恢 承认 一般外交辞汇 | 249 right of legation 使节权 一般外交辞汇 | 250 safeguard 保护 一般外交辞汇

diplomatic truce:外交休兵

diplomatic envoy 外交使节 | diplomatic truce 外交休兵 | downright distrust 完全不信任

diplomatic privileges:外交特权 外交 仪

386 diplomatic mission 使 外交 仪 | 387 diplomatic privileges 外交特权 外交 仪 | 388 envoy 使节 外交 仪