英语人>词典>汉英 : 夕照 的英文翻译,例句
夕照 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

evening glow · the glow of the setting sun
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Sunset the shadow pulling a long, long stretches of my Affectional.


If I see a nice sunset light that I want to paint, I don't have to take 10 or 15 minutes to get ready with my easel or - and everything.

如果我看到我想画的漂亮的夕照,我不必花 10 或 15 分钟事件准备我的画架等等。

The sun remains in high spirits, rising early and setting late , eating up most of the nights, which like a paper oiled, turn into transparent, owing to sun's indeclinable embracement, or to its enchantment that makes a rosy sky even when the sunglows retire.


He visited there often and produced considerable works covering various aspects of the Earth Buildings, such as the landscape series: the Sunset, the Dawn, Old Earth Building, Anticipation, the "Potala Palace", Square Earth Building,the Autumn, the Spring Morning, Elapse of Time,A Corner;the life scene series: Well, Turkey, Drying the Tobacco Leaves, Knitting, Harvest, Weighing the Tobacco Leaves; still life series: Tea-grinding Machine,, Inextinguishable Stars, Air-dried Bamboo Shoots, Red Cupboard, Kitchen Range, Slack Season etc..


One of the 10 Scenes of the West Lake is "Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow", but this is best viewed from a distance just after sunset.


Leifeng Pagoda opened a new picture, leifeng Sunset area, write a new chapter.


The outside may have to ask, Why the Leifeng Pagoda tower in fact it is also very simple, in the past here, called Sunset Hill, the hill has a man surnamed Lei, the people also said that the mountain of mine shan mountains tower is also called Leifeng Pagoda Of course, this leifeng good example and learn from Lei Feng Lei Feng, but two completely different concepts


Members tourists Good, the West Lake with its mountain is famous for two dikes Mishima Shi Jing, and in the West Lake, the leifeng afterglow is the only recovery of damaged another attraction, now we come to the way the external open near Leifeng Pagoda Scenic Spot


Once Qianlong emperor perambulate here, Ciming for golden Taiwan afterglow.


In deep autumn, the orange orchard around the lake bathe in sunset, or sunglow, making people feel they are living in poetries and paintings.


更多网络解释与夕照相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


After 转移部分文件 | Afterglow 余辉,夕照时分音响效果 | Against 以......为背景

l. afterlife:(宗)来生;晚年

k. afterglow 晚霞, 夕照 | l. afterlife(宗)来生;晚年 | m. aftertaste 回味,余韵

Valley at Sunset:山谷夕照

2 Night夜 | 3 Valley at Sunset山谷夕照 | 4 At the Dock码头边

Sunset Boulevard:日落大道(夕照林荫道;红楼金粉)

30. 8.5 1991 The Silence of the Lambs 沉默的羔羊 | 31. 8.5 1950 Sunset Boulevard. 日落大道(夕照林荫道;红楼金粉) | 32. 8.5 2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 无痛失恋(暖暖内含光、美丽心灵的永恒...

Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda:雷峰夕照

...雷峰夕照(Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda) 雷峰,位于净慈寺前,为南屏山向北伸展的余脉,濒湖勃然隆重起,林木葱郁. 其册虽小巧玲珑,名气在湖上却是数一数二,因为山巅曾有吴越时建造的雷峰塔,是西湖众多古塔中最为风光也最为风流的一塔,

Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow:雷峰夕照

autumn moon over the calm lake (平湖秋月) | leifeng pagoda in evening glow (雷峰夕照) | three pools mirroring the moon (三潭印月)

Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow:雷锋夕照

曲苑风荷 Lotus Swaying in Summer Breezes at Qu Yuan | 雷锋夕照 Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow | 六合塔 Six Harmonies Pagoda

Leifeng Pagoda in Sunset Glow:(雷峰夕照)

Evening Bell Ringing at the Southern Screen Hill(南屏晚钟) | Leifeng Pagoda in Sunset Glow(雷峰夕照) | New Top Ten Scenes of the West Lake(新西湖十景)

l Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow:(雷峰夕照)

l Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟) | l Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow (雷峰夕照) | "New Top Ten" (新西湖十景)

Snow under Setting Sun:冬雪夕照

46敦煌月牙泉Crescent Moon Lake in Dunhuang | 47冬雪夕照 Snow under Setting Sun | 48千里驰骋图 Gallop in Vast Expanse