英语人>词典>汉英 : 复苏剂 的英文翻译,例句
复苏剂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与复苏剂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this laboratorystudy we sought to characterize the effect of epinephrine andconcomitant calcium channel blockade on postresuscitation myocardialperformance after brief asphyxial cardiac arrest.


These results indicate that both the two methods of hypothermy resuscitation and octanol resuscitation can protect the lung on severe hemorrhagic shock with lung injury rabbits, and suggest that GJs play an important role in suspended animation to treat hemorrhagic shock with lung injury.


BACKGROUND: Conventional incremental bolus administration ofneuromuscular blocking drugs is associated with limitationsin intraoperative control, potential delays in recovery, andresidual blockade in the postanesthetic period.


The anesthetic propofol, four other sedatives, the pain killer Lidocaine and a resuscitative drug were found in Jackson's system.


--- Disclosed are a process and plant for the recovery of water from humid air, in which at night cool humid air is passed through an adsorbent medium layer which adsorbs water from the air and in which, by day, air heated by solar energy up to a temperature which is above the ambient temperature is passed first through this layer to absorb water from the layer and then is cooled down so that the water condenses.


更多网络解释与复苏剂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


台塑的内销报价也连续 2个月调涨售价, 5大泛用 塑化原料的需求,确实比以芳香烃产品为主的台化,乙 二醇(EG)、可塑剂 (DOP)为主的南亚,复苏更为快速. 不过,本周PE现货价开始持平,虽然近期PE现货毛 利率改善,但是在中东乙烯产能开出下,

revivifier:复活剂 叶片式松砂机 再生器 交流换热器

revivification 再生 复苏 | revivifier 复活剂 叶片式松砂机 再生器 交流换热器 | revivify 再活化 再生

Sparus macrocephalus:黑 鲷

文章摘要:对黑鲷精子的超低温保存技术进行了初步探讨,黑鲷(Sparus macrocephalus)精子经过超低温保存后复苏率,存活率最高可以达到61.37%和61.4%,保存黑鲷精子时发生冷冻伤害的温度范围是-21--60℃,适宜的降温速率为20度/min;使用抗冻剂DMSO的适宜浓度为20%,