英语人>词典>汉英 : 复相的 的英文翻译,例句
复相的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与复相的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The educt is boricacid on the surface of the composite, it is believed that oxide reaction takes placeduring the sintering of 〓-BN composite, and part of oxide outgrowth -〓has been left in the sintering body.


The steel selected for this investigation is spring steel 50CrVA for automobile in this paper,the appropriate duplex microstructure of lower bainite and martensite was obtained through isothermal quenching and low temperature tempeing heating treatment,then the effect of duplex microstructure and tempered troostite on strength-toughness of spring steel 50CrVA is compared.

以汽车用弹簧钢50CrVA为研究对象,通过等温淬火+低温回火热处理工艺获得适当比例的回火马氏体和下贝氏体的复合组织,并在此基础上比较复相组织和回火屈氏体对弹簧钢50CrVA 强韧性的影响。试验结果表明:在弹簧要求的HRC硬度在50~54范围内,在910℃保温30 min+360℃等温20 min淬火+300℃保温60 m in回火工艺得到复相组织的强韧性最好

There were many researches on Al2O3-based diphase ceramics, but few of them focused on the methods of the fracture toughness measurement of alumina-based diphase ceramics.


Hot isostatically pressed nano-ceramics of monophasic SiC and Si3N4/SiC composite were studied,and the phase composition and ndcrostructure were characterized by XRD, TEM and HREM.


The effects of BN content on the thermal conductivity, hardness and microstructure of AlN-BN composite ceramics prepared by ceramic injection molding and pressureless sintering, as well as the rheological characteristics of the mixtures were discussed.


The ionic transport number of more than 0.9 indicates a pure protonic conductor at temperature range of interest.

对比单相材料BaZr_(0.9)Y_(0.1)O_(2.95),复相材料的直流电导率提高了一个数量级以上,接近10~(-2) S/cm,离子传导系数在0.9以上,是纯质子导体。

However, when the amount of Bi dopant is large enough, a new pyrochlore phase of appears in the thin film.


The results shows that the flow characteristics of SiC-AlN granulated powder is obviously promoted after spray drying and a suitable particles grade match. With the increasing of pressure, the density of green body increases by the style of ladder at the pressure range of 4080 MPa, 80160 MPa and 160220 MPa, the green body is uniform and densification without hard pelleted particles above 160 MPa. The pressureless sintering SiC-AlN multiphase ceramic possesses superior sintering properties and mechanical properties. It is due to the rampart formation of AlN to SiC grain growth and the reaction of SiC and AlN to form 2H solid solution. It results in the grain fining, crack expansion producing bypass and deflection, fracture section producing tearing-open and pulling-out effects, which cooperatively improves the strength and fracture toughness of the multiphase ceramics.

结果表明:喷雾造粒后,复合粉体的流动特性显著提高,粒度级配合理;随着压强增加,坯体密度在40~80、80~160和160~220 MPa范围内呈现阶梯式增长,160 MPa以上成形后素坯均匀致密,无硬球颗粒存在;无压烧结SiC-AlN复相陶瓷具有优越的烧结性能和力学性能,这是由于AlN对SiC晶粒形成生长势垒,并反应生成2H型固溶体,从而细化晶粒,导致裂纹扩展产生了绕道与偏转效应,呈现晶粒撕裂与拨出现象,协同改善了复相陶瓷的强度及断裂韧性。

Then, the chemical compatibilities of the possible composition systems of the composite ceramic tool materials are computed and analyzed by means of the computer programming.


Course Content: The Basic Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Properties of Mass, Phases Equilibrium of One Gas System, Phases Equilibrium and Chemical Equilibrium of Gases System, Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes, Description of Microstates, Boltzman Statistics, Bose-Einstein Statistics and Fermi-Dirac Statistics, Ensemble theory, The Statistical Theory and Fluctuation Theory for Nonequilibrium States


更多网络解释与复相的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

complex plane:复平面, 复变量平面, 高斯平面

complex phase | 复相 | complex plane | 复平面, 复变量平面, 高斯平面 | complex plant | 联合工厂 复杂工厂(在一地区内生产两种以上产品的化工厂)

isomorphic complex:同相复形

isomorphic 同构的 | isomorphic complex 同相复形 | isomorphic field 同构域

adjusted multiple correlation coefficient:调整的复相系数

adjusted mortality rate 调整后的死亡率 | adjusted multiple correlation coefficient 调整的复相系数 | adjusted net profit 调整后净利润


dipeptide 二肽 | dipetalous 有二花瓣的 | diphase 复相的


dipetalous 有二花瓣的 | diphase 复相的 | diphenyl 联苯


diphase 复相的 | diphaser 两相发电机 | diphasic 两相


不对称节奏 (asymmetric rhythm) 又称"复节奏"(polyrhythm). 在同一乐句或小节中,各声部的节奏不相一致;或在同一小节中,组成各节拍的时值不相一致. 广义言之,复调音乐都属于奇异节奏. 现代派作曲家所用的奇异节奏,是一种高度复杂化的节奏.

Heterogeneous System:复相系,非均匀系

heterogeneous light 多色光的,杂色光 | heterogeneous system 复相系,非均匀系 | heterogeneous X-ray 多色X射线


polyphasewinding 多相绕组 | polyphasic 多相的 | polyphasicorogeniccycle 复相造山旋回

polyphasic orogenic cycle:复相造山旋回

polyphasic ==> 多相的 | polyphasic orogenic cycle ==> 复相造山旋回 | polyphenol oxidase ==> 多酚氧化酶=>ポリフェノール?オキシダーゼ