英语人>词典>汉英 : 复制图形 的英文翻译,例句
复制图形 的英文翻译、例句


copy pattern
更多网络例句与复制图形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then, the electrochemistry theory on electroforming to replicate microoptical pattern is described.


In the graphic program window, select an area of the image to be copied.


In the graphics program window, select an area of the image to be copied.


A linestyle and color as used in plot,e.g.,' r-',or C can be the string name of a colormap.

例如, mmcont2(X,Y,Z,N,'hsv')复制上面的图形。mmcont2的在线帮助如下

However,republication or reproduction of any illustration by any other graphic service,whether it be in a book or in any other design resource,is strictly prohibited.


For the shadow - again, select your stripe, copy and paste to back (ctrl+ C and ctrl+ B), ungroup and Alt-click the Add button in the Pathfinder panel, and click the "Shadow" style in the Graphic style panel - the shadow is ready!

对于阴影-再次,选择你的条纹,复制并粘贴,取消组合和在路径查找工具里Alt -单击添加按钮,然后单击图形样式面板中的"阴影"风格-阴影准备好了!

"Electronic 1C Chip drawing system" provides many functions such as "modify the position of the component"s diagram""modify the color of the component"s diagram""magnify and minify the component"s diagram without distortion""change the type of drawing line""edit some physical properties of the component""copy and paste diagram of one component""delete one or more component diagrams""move more than one components" positions""change the z_order of the diagram,set it to back or bring it to front""save the drawing of the electronic components to one file and the file extension name is *.brd""print the drawing".

电路板元器件绘制系统主要完成了使用鼠标拖拽、鼠标点按的方式绘制电路板上各种常见的元器件图形;编辑电路板上元器件图形的位置;编辑元器件图形的颜色;不失真的对器件图形进行放大和缩小;编辑元器件图形的线型;编辑电路板上各个器件的物理属性(比如电阻的阻值大小、电容的容量大小、额定电压等);复制已经绘制出的电路板上的器件;粘贴剪贴板上的器件;删除单个或多个已经绘制出的器件图形;同时改变多个器件图形的位置;改变绘制区内各个元器件的z order顺序,也就是可以将层叠在一起的图形置前或置后;把绘制的电路板器件图保存到指定文件中;能打开、查看和修改保存的电路板器件图;打印电路板器件图。

Rect[2] is the destination rectangle where the source graphics will be copied to.


HighlightsMake a tall vertical rectangle and an elongate circle; then Blend it. Duplicate it by Alt-drag to the right.


However, such a combination does not mean the traditional graphics or simply just copy the misappropriation, but rather to knowledge and understanding of the traditional graphics, and on this basis, gradually digging, change and transformation of the traditional graphics, and allow traditional graphics into the design of a new creative point and inspiration point, thus mapping out Hwan viable model of modern Chinese symbol.


更多网络解释与复制图形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Deep yellow:深黃色

然后用它们的复制对象和它们进行修剪,制作出阴影部分图形,并在笔头上画一个白色的椭圆形表示它的高亮部分;最后用方格纸工具画一个8列1栏的网格,填充为浅黄色(Pale Yellow)和深黄色(Deep Yellow)轮廓线,这是笔头前


新的标识(logo)、图案(device)或图形商标(graphic trade mark)均可受到共同体外观设计的保护. 将商标当成外观设计注册将提供一种无需证明复制或混淆即可行使权利的专有权. 这种注册可在一件单一申请中对所有商品给予保护. 因此,

dup io.h:输入输出子程序 复制文件句柄

drawpoly graphics.h 图形子程序 绘制多边形 | dup io.h 输入输出子程序 复制文件句柄 | ecvt stdlib.h 转换子程序 把浮点数转换成字符串

edit command:基本编辑命令

EXTEND 将直线或弧线延伸到指定边界 Modify | ARRAY 将指定图形复制成矩形或环形阵列 Modify | Edit command 基本编辑命令


对象5.4 平移(MOVE)选到的图形对象5.5 复制(COPY)选到的图形对象5.6 镜像(MIRROR)选到的图形对象5.7 按比例缩放(SCALE)选到的图形对象5.8 旋转(ROTATE)选到的图形对象5.12 修剪(TRIM)图形对象5.13 延长(EXTEND)图形对象5.14


你可以通过修改图形中的字形并将大字体名称更改为该名称;或者,如果你的图形文件实在太多,那就将该字体复制后更改为你所需的字体名称(重命名). . 文件解压到AutoCAD2000或AutoCAD R14的字体目录(FONTS)中.


¡ 数据复制与放置: 将数据和分析结果以TSV(tab district switching off)的形式储存, 能将图形复制到剪贴簿上, 另存成图形中继档(metafile)形式的图片, 并可使用Excel...等软体, 所以, 能轻松制作原始的 操作报告; 此外,

navy blue:深蓝色

以及透视的角度,使它看起来完全是水平的;给它填充为土黄色(Sand)、棕色(Dark Brown)轮廓线;接着将它复制,将复制对象向下移动一步(按下方向键),然后将复制对象放置在原图形的后面并填充为深蓝色(Navy Blue),这样就有了厚度的感觉;


tee--复制标准输出 | tek--各种绘图仪的图形过滤器 | telnet--使用TELNET协议连到远程系统的用户界面

