英语人>词典>汉英 : 备马 的英文翻译,例句
备马 的英文翻译、例句


saddle up
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Three hope that they can be properly read in the Eastern Han graduated from college, but since the Eastern Han Dynasty College big tree attracts the wind, attracted Hedong gold universities and colleges and universities is to commit, so that the Eastern Han College frequently in crisis, or even still in the school gate Master set of Zuo Ci Design"s "eight golden array" block class students, while the three-course duty-bound to be Destroys the Formations, but the eight golden Array is not so easily broken, even with the small-brother Liu Bei Shuya Joe trapped in the array together at any time life is in danger, so Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Cao Cao, president accepted the recommendations of students, found a dozen bright extremely resistant Youth "Ma Chao", and Ma Chao"s good friend, a crack shot marksman " boys "to help Destroys the Formations, plus has been set, and they would not be a super beautiful boy," Zhao "Destroys the Formations with five rescue Liu Bei and Xiao Qiao Xiu-two.


After a while I turned and trotted back to the stable. There was the family, father, mother, sisters, all working for me, all happy. They had been putting in place the tools of my new business: currycomb, brush, pitchfork -- everything, and there was hay in the loft.


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In the gayest and happiest spirits she set forward with her father; not always listening, but always agreeing to what he said; and, whether in speech or silence, conniving at the comfortable persuasion of his being obliged to go to randalls every day, or poor mrs.


She thought he was joking, and laughingly agreed; their horses were ordered and they set out.


PIERRE, on returning to Gorky from seeing Prince Andrey, gave directions to his postillion to have horses ready and to call him early next morning, and promptly fell fast asleep in the corner behind a screen which Boris had put at his disposal.


It is no surprise that she could saddle the horse.


It seemed inconceivable that without him the ball could take place which the hussars were to give in honour of their favourite Polish belle, Madame Pshazdetsky, to outdo the Uhlans, who had given a ball to their favourite belle, Madame Borzhozovsky.


We are going, but only wolf-hunting; it will be dull for you.""


Among them one was entitled by the members of the society "Phoenix feather hair" and was recognized as the most beautiful women's pubic hair.


更多网络解释与备马相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Deel 韩遂 | Beene 马腾 | Dorado 刘备



Let someone else go:让别人去吧

Ready the horses.|备马 | Let someone else go.|让别人去吧 | Why? Last night, after I left you...|- 为什么? - 昨晚,我和你分手之后...

MYL:马援 布可

hqbl 霍去病 曹懿表璋瓒获腾备可 | myl 马援 布可 | lql 龙且 布卓曹懿表可






马渊川 Mabechi R. | 真备 Mabi | 马波特 Mabote

He's speedier than the gray:它比灰的快

牐"Well, saddle for me my coal black stud, "哦,给我那匹漆黑的种马备鞍 | 牐燞e's speedier than the gray. 它比灰的快 | 牐營 rode all day and I'll ride all night, 我不分白天黑夜快马加鞭

Kongming's Contraptions:木牛流马

9Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon"卧龙先生诸葛亮P3 | 10Kongming's Contraptions木牛流马P3 | 11Liu Bei, Lord of Shu蜀国君主刘备P3

Legaspi City:莱加斯皮市 黎加(牙)实备市

Albay Province 阿尔拜省(亚眉) 亚眉省 | Legaspi City 莱加斯皮市 黎加(牙)实备市 | Camarines Norte Province 北甘马磷尼斯省 北甘马仁省