英语人>词典>汉英 : 处于次要地位 的英文翻译,例句
处于次要地位 的英文翻译、例句


play second fiddle to · take a back seat
更多网络例句与处于次要地位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet, Acheson was not alone in his view that Korea was of secondary importance to American policy.


I, the undersigned, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, do hereby, after mature deliberation, declare the following to be my last Will and Testament with respect to such property as may be left by me at the time of my death: To my nephews, Hjalmar and Ludvig Nobel, the sons of my brother Robert Nobel, I


In the history of the development of advertising and advertising professionals in teaching, creativity and strategy are often dominant, thus resulting in the advertising media in a secondary position.


The main type was gaseity and subordinative type was liquid in hydrocarbon fluid system in this system.


The result shows:First, among the beliefs of the university students, social belief takes the priority position, then pragmatistic belief, and the last supernatural belief.


Because this culture is a subordinate, secondary and ramose culture, the youth who lies in subordinate position accept it easily.


Non-principal contradiction: the contradiction which functions subordinately during the development of things and which does not play a decisive role in the development of things.


RESULTS: Concept, acquire style and characters of memorizing, undermaster the memorizing-like knowledge depends mainly on simple memory,few related to understanding and experiencing, with strong inheriting and depends on the logic , and memorizing was relatively secondary , also with large scale depends on experience as well as the feeling based on experience.


None of the films was burdened with plot, dialogue or characterisation that could be called credible.


Perhaps most critically, institutions such as the Commission on Sustainable Development and the United Nations Environment Program, as well as the environmental secretariats, continue to take a back seat to economic powerhouses such as the World Trade Organization ,the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.


更多网络解释与处于次要地位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

take a back seat:[美]黯然引退, 处于次要地位

safe seat (某一政党)在选举中有把握稳操胜券的选区或议席 | take a back seat [美]黯然引退, 处于次要地位 | take one's seat 就座, 坐在自已的座位上 (当选为议员后)就职

In the hot seat:麻烦、难堪的局面; (处死刑的)电椅; 容易招致麻烦或遭人非议的职位;困境

18 back seat driver对司机指手画脚的乘客; | in the hot seat 麻烦、难堪的局面; (处死刑的)电椅; 容易招致麻烦或遭人非议的职位;困境 | take a back seat to黯然引退,处于次要地位; 处于默默无闻的地位; 不得...

catch off one's guard:把某人弄了个措手不及

take a back seat to 位于......之后,处于次要地位 | catch off one's guard 把某人弄了个措手不及 | tight-lipped 紧闭嘴巴,几乎不讲话 (e.g He keeping tight-lipped about honeymoon plans.)

play havoc with:搅乱,破坏

play for safety 不冒风险 | play havoc with 搅乱,破坏 | play second fiddle 处于次要地位

play second fiddle:处于次要地位

play havoc with 搅乱,破坏 | play second fiddle 处于次要地位 | Pleasant hours fly past. 好景不长

play the devil with:搞糟; 使失败

play second fiddle 处于次要地位 | play the devil with 搞糟; 使失败 | play the fool 干蠢事, 演滑稽角色

Priority list:优先表

而且人力资源模块在"执行优先表"(Priority List)中通常处于次要地位,因为生产和后勤模块在许多情况下仍在持续不断地更新和执行之中. 因此,许多ERP系统永远不会被较快地顾及到人力资源管理.

take a back seat to:位于......之后,处于次要地位

tip top 一流的,极佳的 | take a back seat to 位于......之后,处于次要地位 | catch off one's guard 把某人弄了个措手不及

take a back seat to:<美>黯然引退,处于次要地位; 处于默默无闻的地位; 不得意

in the hot seat 麻烦、难堪的局面; (处死刑的)电椅; 容易招致麻烦或遭人非议的职... | take a back seat to<美>黯然引退,处于次要地位; 处于默默无闻的地位; 不得意 | 19 a security blanket给人以更有安全感和自信心的...

take a back seat = AE:处于次要地位

mass transit n. 公共交通, 公共交通工具 | take a back seat = AE 处于次要地位 | gear vt. 调整, 使适合