英语人>词典>汉英 : 声嘶力竭 的英文翻译,例句
声嘶力竭 的英文翻译、例句


shout oneself hoarse · be exhausted from shouting · hoarse and exhausted · shout at the top of one's voice
更多网络例句与声嘶力竭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Waving placards and appetising images of ,they shouted themselves hoarse praising the transgenic vegetable.


Waving placards and appetising images of aubergines, known in India as brinjal, they shouted themselves hoarse praising the transgenic vegetable.


In the middle of the night, the villagers woke to the sound of bloodcurdling shrieks coming from the pasture.


When he was about to orgasm,he screamedYes Brittany!


When he was about to orgasm, he screamed Yes Brittany!


When he was about to orgasm, he screamed "Yes Brittany!" at the top of his lungs.


His darkened eyes were full of tears, and with a despairing effort, he burse out a cry: Come back, my early days!


The next thing I knew, his crotchety neighbor was laying out his ideas on Israeli foreign policy at the top of his lungs.


They flew on by the tomb of old Ilus, son of Dardanus, in the middle of the plain, and past the place of the wild fig-tree making always for the city- the son of Atreus still shouting, and with hands all bedrabbled in gore; but when they had reached the Scaean gates and the oak tree, there they halted and waited for the others to come up.


Suddenly the procurator became excited and began to gesticulate and shout.


更多网络解释与声嘶力竭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the top of one's lungs:(声嘶力竭)

10. at the helm (掌控全局 ) | 9. at the top of one's lungs (声嘶力竭) | 8. not enough room to swing a cat (没有足够的转身空间)

I'm singing at the top of my lungs.:我声嘶力竭地唱着

30 我迫切需要从一个全职的妈妈的角色中的解脱出来. I need a break from fulltime motherhood ... | 31 我声嘶力竭地唱着. I'm singing at the top of my lungs. | 32 她热泪盈眶. Tears welled up in her eyes...


阿曼达-欧弗麦尔(Amanda Overmyer):被冠以女版克里斯-多特瑞(Chris Daughtry)的摇滚护士,她刚经历了场车祸,绝处逢生后的她以一首声嘶力竭而又野性十足的经典老歌--"大门(Doors)",再次证明了自己的实力.

Fick dich:像Fuck You 骂人时有点绝交,声嘶力竭的感觉

www.schimpfw??rter.de 里也有很多,有些德国人都听不懂,还是我们做常见的吧. | 11. Fick dich!!! 像Fuck You 骂人时有点绝交,声嘶力竭的感觉 | 13. leck mich 去你妈的!!!

Head voice:头声

singing success提高音域的核心方法是开发你的头声(Head Voice)和混声(Mixed Voice). 对于大部分没有训练的人来说,只会用胸声(Chest Voice),也就是我们说话时的声音,所以他们很多歌都会唱不上去,或者声嘶力竭. 拿国内来说,

Kept shouting:声嘶力竭的无益忠告

Though the voices around you 纵使你被那 | Kept shouting 声嘶力竭的无益忠告 | Their bad advice---- 围住----

two years and a quarter of century ago:二十七年前

牵手 holding hand | 二十七年前 two years and a quarter of century ago | 伴随母亲充满期盼的声嘶力竭,with mother's expectation and screaming of happy pain

Fabio Grosso:法比奥.格罗索

当法比奥.格罗索(Fabio Grosso)进入禁区在最后一分钟点球射门成功后,中国最著名的足球解说员黄健翔无法控制自己的激动. 就在托蒂(Francesco Totti)准备发点球赢得这场比赛的时刻,黄声嘶力竭地喊到:利己民族主义(self-regarding nationalism)的危险或许我危言耸听了.

the shirt covered her face, but she screamed the clouts:尽管衣服盖着她的脸,但她还是声嘶力竭地喊着

screaming "Shut the fuck up" and "Stop moving ar... | the shirt covered her face, but she screamed the clouts 尽管衣服盖着她的脸,但她还是声嘶力竭地喊着 | so Billy stomped on the bitch, until he broken ...

Disdained in fiery weeps:消失在声嘶力竭的哭泣中

Of fortunes past my way 在我的路上飘过 | Disdained in fiery weeps 消失在声嘶力竭的哭泣中 | Throughout my every day 日复一日