英语人>词典>汉英 : 声势浩大 的英文翻译,例句
声势浩大 的英文翻译、例句


great in strength and impetus · gigantic and vigorous
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As the ashes weren't cool, a revolt broke out in Shandon amain


After Cold War, the status of Foreign Aid declined in the U.S national stratagem and its fund has been decreased to a level of less than a third of that in peak. After 9.11 Events, the global stratagem of the U.S changed in a large degree and transferred its core to Antiterrorism and anti-diffusion of weapons of mass destruction. At that time, the U.S drew its attention back to the Foreign Aid, such as Political Aid, Military Aid and Economic Aid, and took it as a powerful tool in global antiterrorist stratagem.


As the Vietnam war advanced further, a spectacular peace antiwar movement occurred in America.


On the heels of Apple's ballyhooed iPad launch, it was rival Hewlett-Packard's turn to try generating interest in a nontraditional portable computer.


To do away with; demolish:"A massive bipartisan majority voted ... to bulldoze the social programs of decades in the next 30 days" Peter Goldman


In addition, if you really want to quibble, the fisherman in the book use caddis flies and other dries on the Firehole on opening day -while there are some hatches this early, normally opening day is a time for nymphs and soft hackles as the water is normally high and a bit off color and not real conducive to hatches.


Until the Marxism propagated in China, the Communist Party of China wasnt possible to unite the whole social power and call on all the people to begin with the new time of social Modernization, an active, powerful time, to realize the Chinese nation independence , socialist system superiority and communize social ideal.


It starts with the national education demobilization conference and takes the restructure of educational resources and the transformation of the educational systems as the main line to discuss the achievements and mistakes during this movement.


Firefox 3.5 was released without all that fanfare, but still managed to hold its own.

Firefox 3.5在发布时没有那么声势浩大,但还是成功地坚持住了。

The proposed financing package was unveiled with fanfare last month because it would have allowed Fortescue to significantly expand its production base.


更多网络解释与声势浩大相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Futenma Air Station:普天间空军基地

中国日报网站消息:针对驻扎在日本冲绳岛的美军普天间空军基地(Futenma Air Station)的迁徙问题,冲绳岛居民3月5日举行了声势浩大的抗议活动. 约有3.5万名抗议者反对美军基地搬迁到岛上的另一处地点,他们要求美军基地彻底迁出日本.


"是热风沙(simoon)......" 辛尼曼低喃. 在这个时候,赤褐色的旋风仍持续在变大,并且扩展向视线所及的地平线范围上. 热风声势浩大地刮起,将沙壁卷至数百公尺的高度四处肆虐,仿佛像是一阵领头吞没世界洪水.

have enough money to burn:有花不完的钱

great in momentum and irresistible 声势浩大,不可阻挡--排山倒海之势 | 有花不完的钱 have enough money to burn | 话中有话 with the tongue in the cheek

